Date Sunday, February 21, 2016
Time 10:30 AM-04:30 PM
Location VCS at Columbia College, Vancouver
Time control G/25 Minutes plus 5 seconds delay
Format Open to those who scored 2.5 points in any regional
Players Open to all K - 12 players
Entry Fee $30 before Feb 15. $40 Regular. Sibling discount: $5 off for 2nd member or higher in the family
Сancellation time 24 hours
Registration Cut-off time: Feb 20 by 8:00pm
Pre-registration Please register early. DO NOT wait till last minute!
On site registration NO onsite registration is allowed
Organizer Maxim Doroshenko


2016  B.C. Chess Challenge (Provincial) 卑詩国际象棋挑战赛-总决赛

What is Canadian Chess Challenge? Registration is now closed!

The Canadian Chess Challenge, organized by Chess’n Math Association, is a national chess tournament for players from grades 1 to 12. Each of the 10 provinces selects 12 representatives, one per grade, to participate in an intensive 9-round event over two days. Players not only compete to be the national champion, but also participate as team members to play for their provinces’ honor. The first championship was held in 1989, and this year will be the 28th tournament. It will be held in Regina, Saskatchewan during the Victoria long weekend (May 22-23, 2016). Team B.C. have put in strong performance over the years, we have come in second place 5 times and third 17 times. Please visit Chess’n Math Association’s website for more information about the organization: 

2015 Team B.C. in Canadian Chess Challenge, May 17-18 Quebec City


Who will be selected as Team B.C. members? 

The section champion (only Grade 1 to 12) of the provincial event will be invited to join Team B.C. to compete in the Canadian Chess Challenge 2016.


Provincial Organizers 

Vancouver Chess School (VCS) will be organizing the Provincial Chess Challenge. 


Team B.C. members 

Selected Team B.C. members will receive partial travel subsidies to Canadian Chess Challenge and a 1-day Team B.C. training sessions in April Active, *Apr 16 to prepare for their competition. Team BC members have the option of paying a discounted $20 entry fee to compete for the cash prize or simply join the April Active for free for the experience as they will have opportunities to play against adult players and have their games analyzed afterwards. (Please note that no cash prize will be granted for participants with free entrance). All Team B.C. members are also invited to do further practices by playing in our Monthly Active (*Mar 12 & May 14 only) at a discounted entry fee of $20 instead of $30. *Date changed



Any donation and sponsorship are welcome. This year, the goal of our donation funds is to financially support Team B.C. members and coaches to attend the Canadian Chess Challenge in Regina. (Roundtrip ticket to Regina is estimated at $500 and accommodation is about $50 (SGLB) per day at campus plus cost of food)


Location:  Vancouver Chess School  

Columbia College  438 Terminal Avenue, Vancouver

*For any enquiry, please contact VCS. DO NOT call Columbia College

*Door opens at 10:00 am only. Tournament hall is located on the 3rd floor, room 320-330

*Street parking and underground parking ($2 per hour). Parkade elevator is locked. Please enter College from front entrance.

*Note no "U-turn" is allowed on Terminal Avenue. 


Bye Request 轮空要求 :  

If you cannot attend all 5 rounds, maximum of 2 zero point byes is allowed. Request must be made at least ½ hour before the round starts.  




  • Playing up a section is not allowed  跳组是允许的

  • Please note that some groups may be combined if sections are small   注意如果每组人数太少,有些组别可能合并。

  • Chess notation is recommended. Please bring your own scorebook and pencils   建议作象棋记录。请自备象棋记录本

  • Chess sets and clocks are provided  提供象棋和棋钟。


    Check in Time  报到时间:  No Check in is required. We will post the pairing outside the tournament rooms. Please check the pairing sheet for your board number and your colour. Report to your section (organized by Grades) when doors open. Round 1 will start at 10:30am. Please be punctual.  We will start the clock at assigned round time. 

2016 B.C. Chess Challenge – Provincial (1-day event)

Qualification   资格

For all Grade K-12 who scored 2.5points in any of the regional

Time Control   时间限制

Game in 30 minutes

Format   赛制

5-round Swiss format

Ratings  计分系统

CMA rated

Round time


1st round – 10:30am

2nd round – 11:30am

3rd round – 12:30pm

Lunch after round 3

4th round – 2:00pm

5th round – 3:00pm

Awards – estimated at 4:15pm

Prizes  奖品

Grade K-12: Trophies to top 3

The section champion of Grade 1 to 12 will be invited to join Team B.C

All players will receive a participation award certificate.   所有参赛者将获得参与奖证书。

Individual Tie Breaker  个人决:

1. Direct Encounter (Head to Head)

2. Cumulative score 

3. Opposition cumulative score

*Round Robin sections: 1. Head to head 2. SonneBorne-Berger

*In the event of a tie for first place there will be a playoff game between the two players, or the top two by computer tiebreak (as listed above) if three or more players tie for first. Time control: 5 mins + 5 sec delay. Colour to be determined by lot.


Special Note: 

Parents must take full responsibility for the well-being of their children. All parents and players must stay inside a designated room (skittles room) before and after each round. No parents or children are allowed outside the skittles room. We would suggest you to bring your own chess set or other board games or playing cards, etc., to keep the children entertained. We will not be responsible and cannot be held liable to the safety of your children. Please make sensible arrangement according to your children's maturity level. Please note that there is no Wi-Fi service at the tournament site.


We made a decision that the following players in their grades can skip regional events and automatically join the provincial.  


Players (CFC/CMA)


Ryan Yang 637 / 1150


Daniel Wang 985 / 1381 


 Jason Qian 677 / 1108


 Aiden Zhou 1852 / 1546


 Kevin Low 1937 / 2001


Leo Qu 1843 / 1710 


Kai Richarson 2102 / 1729 


Joshua Doknjas 2198 / 2233 


Max Gedajlovic 2117 / 2113


 Jason Cao 2399 / 2399


John Doknjas 2274 / 2276 


Matthew Herdin 2201 / 2200 

Questions & Answers  问题解答: 

1. What if I am late? Can I request for a bye?

The clock will start counting down when the game begins at assigned round time. If you are late, you will lose on time. If you are more than 30 minutes past the game starting time, the TD may deem the game forfeit and you will receive 0 point for that round (this rule applies to all rounds). For bye request, please read above under "Bye request".


2. Are the parents allowed inside the tournament hall?

No parents are allowed inside the tournament hall during the game except 5-min picture time before each round starts. 


3. Can I bring food or eat inside the tournament hall?

No food and other beverages are allowed inside the tournament hall. You can bring your own water bottle but we are not responsible for your belongings. Please keep all areas clean should you wish to eat anywhere else inside the premises.


4. What is your cancellation policy? Any refund if my child withdraws during the tournament?

If you created a VCS account, you can cancel the registration online at least 24 hours prior to the tournament date and the system will automatically credit the fees to your balance. For those who log in as "guests", please email us to request a refund within the timeline. NO REFUND will be granted to any withdrawal during the tournament.


5. Do I need to fill in my email and phone number at the time of registration?

Please include your current email address and 2 different phone numbers at the time of registration. All players will receive their certificate through email only. We may also need to contact your regarding rating, school name, team or for emergency reason.


6. When will the tournament finish? When is the award ceremony? Can I claim my trophy before the award ceremony?

As soon as all the games are finish in all sections. We estimate the last round will be finished at around 4:00pm. We will not know the final results until all the players finish playing. Therefore we cannot give out the trophies before the award ceremony. You have an option to leave right after last round but we encourage all players to stay for the award ceremony. Your presence to support the players is greatly appreciated. 


7. Where can I find the results and event photos?

We will post the results and photos on our website after the tournament is completed.


8. How do I know if I am elected as Team B.C. members?

The section champion (Grade 1 to 12) of the provincial event will be invited to join Team B.C. to compete in the 2016 Canadian Chess Challenge. An invitation email will be sent to all the Champions before Feb 23 and your reply to accept the invitation must be received by Feb 28. In the event that the section champion declines the invitation, we will extend our invitation to the second place winner in the respective grade. *Date changed as required by Chess n Math.


To check your CMA rating:

For event photos:

Congratulations to all the winners!

SwissSys Standings. 2016 BC Chess Challenge Provincials: Kindergarten

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Tot Prize
1 Pompas, Codrin 781 W4 W2 W3 W4 L2 W3 5.0 1st
2 Guo, BiaoBiao Boyong 511 W3 L1 W4 W3 W1 L4 4.0 2nd
3 Zheng, Ethan 505 L2 W4 L1 L2 W4 L1 2.0 3rd
4 Chau, Princeton 298 L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 W2 1.0 4th-medal

SwissSys Standings. 2016 BC Chess Challenge Provincials: Grade 1

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot Prize
1 Yang, Ryan 1260 W3 W6 W4 W2 W5 5.0 1st
2 Song, Ethan 1042 W6 W4 W5 L1 W3 4.0 2nd
3 Ma, Hovey HoDak 564 L1 W5 W6 W4 L2 3.0 3rd
4 Shao, Brian 681 W5 L2 L1 L3 W6 2.0 4th-medal
5 Yen, Anson 482 L4 L3 L2 W6 L1 1.0 5th-medal
6 Qi, Thomas 310 L2 L1 L3 L5 L4 0.0 6th-medal

SwissSys Standings. 2016 BC Chess Challenge Provincials: Grade 2

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Wang, Daniel 1394 W7 W3 W8 W2 W5 5.0 15 50 1st
2 Su, Ethan 1146 W6 W9 W5 L1 W8 4.0 13 52 2nd
3 Jiang, Eric 1028 W11 L1 W6 D4 W9 3.5 10 46 3rd
4 Chen, Freddy 921 W10 L8 W11 D3 W13 3.5 10 31  
5 Hertz, Denman 890 W14 W7 L2 W12 L1 3.0 11 37  
6 Guo, Vincent 746 L2 W13 L3 W14 W10 3.0 7 29  
7 Wang, Patrick 872 L1 L5 W13 W11 W14 3.0 6 31  
8 Yu, Sophia 1032 W12 W4 L1 D9 L2 2.5 10 50  
9 Chen, Jason 963 W13 L2 W10 D8 L3 2.5 9 39  
10 Johnston-Voon, Owen 389 L4 W12 L9 W13 L6 2.0 6 29  
11 Mok, Gillian 580 L3 W14 L4 L7 W12 2.0 5 29  
12 Liu, Zoe 645 L8 L10 W14 L5 L11 1.0 3 32  
13 Kodali, Venkata Vikhyath 400 L9 L6 L7 L10 L4 0.0 0 38  
14 Kodali, Visisht 362 L5 L11 L12 L6 L7 0.0 0 32  

SwissSys Standings. 2016 BC Chess Challenge Provincials: Grade 3

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[C] Prize
1 Xu, Andrew 1094 W5 W2 W4 L3 W10 4.0 13 1st
2 Guo, Veronica 982 W7 L1 W9 W4 D3 3.5 10.5 2nd
3 Wu, Stanley 930 L6 W8 W11 W1 D2 3.5 9.5 3rd
4 Qian, Jason 1079 W10 W6 L1 L2 W5 3.0 10  
5 Cooknagy, Benjamin 845 L1 W10 W6 W9 L4 3.0 9  
6 Zhou, David 694 W3 L4 L5 B--- W11 3.0 7  
7 Labade, Pavni Santosh 747 L2 B--- L8 W11 D9 2.5 5.5  
8 Luo, Michael 585 D9 L3 W7 L10 B--- 2.5 5.5  
9 Zhang, Bruce 889 D8 W11 L2 L5 D7 2.0 7  
10 Li, Alvin 783 L4 L5 B--- W8 L1 2.0 4  
11 Chadha, Rohan 534 B--- L9 L3 L7 L6 1.0 4  

SwissSys Standings. 2016 BC Chess Challenge Provincials: Grade 4

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot Prize
1 Wu, Lucian 1355 W8 W5 W2 D3 W4 4.5 1st
2 Zhou, Aiden 1568 W7 W6 L1 W9 W3 4.0 2nd
3 Sun, Elvin 1192 W10 W9 W5 D1 L2 3.5 3rd
4 Imoo, Joshua 1272 L9 W13 W11 W6 L1 3.0  
5 Fan, Elaine 1102 W11 L1 L3 W13 W8 3.0  
6 Li, William 1034 W12 L2 W10 L4 W11 3.0  
7 Amjadi, Borna 1028 L2 L10 W13 W12 W9 3.0  
8 Xiao, Binary 810 L1 L11 B--- W10 L5 2.0  
9 Wang, KevinZhengYi 799 W4 L3 W12 L2 L7 2.0  
10 Liu, George 696 L3 W7 L6 L8 B--- 2.0  
11 Xu, Anthony 658 L5 W8 L4 B--- L6 2.0  
12 Lo, Aaron 602 L6 B--- L9 L7 W13 2.0  
13 Liu, Justin 565 B--- L4 L7 L5 L12 1.0  

SwissSys Standings. 2016 BC Chess Challenge Provincials: Grade 5

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] Prize
1 Doknjas, Neil 1619 W16 W15 W2 D4 W5 4.5 100 1st
2 Huang, Patrick 1799 W9 W12 L1 W3 W4 4.0 100 2nd
3 Zhang, Andy 1356 W13 W19 W6 L2 W7 4.0 99 3rd
4 Low, Kevin 2047 W11 W6 W5 D1 L2 3.5 100  
5 Butchart, Kevin 1356 W10 W14 L4 W12 L1 3.0 100  
6 Chung, Leo 1304 W18 L4 L3 W13 W9 3.0 100  
7 Wang, Jerry 1236 L14 W10 W17 W8 L3 3.0 100  
8 Taplin, Samuel 1252 L15 W16 W14 L7 W12 3.0 99  
9 Kyriakides, Loukas 912 L2 W13 W19 W15 L6 3.0 99  
10 Zhu, Benjamin 826 L5 L7 W11 W14 W16 3.0 98  
11 Li, David 918 L4 D18 L10 W19 W17 2.5 100  
12 Yang, Henry 1177 W17 L2 W15 L5 L8 2.0 100  
13 Jiang, Stanley 783 L3 L9 B--- L6 W18 2.0 100  
14 Zhang, Max 676 W7 L5 L8 L10 B--- 2.0 100  
15 Liang, Jeremy 768 W8 L1 L12 L9 W19 2.0 99  
16 Wang, Edward 861 L1 L8 W18 D17 L10 1.5 100  
17 Hong, Neil 634 L12 B--- L7 D16 L11 1.5 100  
18 Reyes, Jocelyn 773 L6 D11 L16 B--- L13 1.5 99  
19 Fok, Sebastian 465 B--- L3 L9 L11 L15 1.0 100  

SwissSys Standings. 2016 BC Chess Challenge Provincials: Grade 6

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Qu, Leo 1710 W7 W4 L2 W6 W3 4.0 12 53 1st
2 Hemstapat, Andrew 1658 W10 W5 W1 D3 L4 3.5 13 51 2nd
3 Zheng, Victor 1650 W11 W6 W9 D2 L1 3.5 13 47.5 3rd
4 Du, Daniel 1557 W8 L1 W10 D5 W2 3.5 10 47  
5 Guo, Jim 1517 W13 L2 W12 D4 W9 3.5 10 38.5  
6 Wan, Justin 1386 W12 L3 W8 L1 W10 3.0 9 41  
7 Sun, HaiBo 1219 L1 W14 W15 L9 W11 3.0 8 33  
8 Wen, Eric 1038 L4 W11 L6 W15 B--- 3.0 6 28  
9 Chen, Jerry 1267 D14 W15 L3 W7 L5 2.5 8.5 38.5  
10 Wang, Bill 1210 L2 W13 L4 W12 L6 2.0 6 39  
11 Reyes, Jemelyn 1093 L3 L8 W14 W13 L7 2.0 5 33.5  
12 Zhang, Ciro 991 L6 B--- L5 L10 W15 2.0 4 29  
13 Arora, Praneet Sigh 1008 L5 L10 B--- L11 W14 2.0 3 24.5  
14 Wang, YiWang 977 D9 L7 L11 B--- L13 1.5 3.5 24.5  
15 Xu, Terry ZhiRen 731 B--- L9 L7 L8 L12 1.0 4 26.5  

SwissSys Standings. 2016 BC Chess Challenge Provincials: Grade 7

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot Prize
1 Low, Ethan 1639 W6 W4 W5 W3 W2 5.0 1st
2 Chung, Alec 1709 W4 W3 W6 W5 L1 4.0 2nd
3 Chai, Connor 1417 W5 L2 W4 L1 W6 3.0 3rd
4 Seyfi, Agata 1310 L2 L1 L3 W6 W5 2.0  
5 Zhang, William 809 L3 W6 L1 L2 L4 1.0  
6 Datcu-Romano, Irena 701 L1 L5 L2 L4 L3 0.0  

SwissSys Standings. 2016 BC Chess Challenge Provincials: Grade 8

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot Prize
1 Doknjas, Joshua 2233 W2 W5 W4 D3 W6 4.5 1st
2 Butchart, Brian 1436 L1 W8 W7 W9 W4 4.0 2nd
3 Leong, Ryan 1867 W6 L4 W8 D1 W7 3.5 3rd
4 Fox, Dylan 1552 W9 W3 L1 W5 L2 3.0  
5 Hao, Robert 1552 W7 L1 W6 L4 B--- 3.0  
6 Zhou, Annika 1434 L3 W9 L5 B--- L1 2.0  
7 Lee, BrandonKaiYan 950 L5 B--- L2 W8 L3 2.0  
8 Marich, Boshko 920 B--- L2 L3 L7 W9 2.0  
9 Zhu, Ryne 1316 L4 L6 B--- L2 L8 1.0  

SwissSys Standings. 2016 BC Chess Challenge Provincials: Grade 9

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot Prize
1 Geng, Matthew 1591 D2 W3 W5 W4 U--- 3.5 1st after playoff
2 Li, Kevin 1555 D1 U--- W3 W5 W4 3.5 2nd after playoff
3 Zheng, Maven 1737 W4 L1 L2 U--- W5 2.0 3rd
4 Zeng, Ben 805 L3 W5 U--- L1 L2 1.0  
5 Datcu-Romano, Andrew 934 U--- L4 L1 L2 L3 0.0  

SwissSys Standings. 2016 BC Chess Challenge Provincials: Grade 10

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot Prize
1 Cao, Jason 2386 W4 W3 W5 W6 W2 5.0 1st
2 Shao, Nathan 1761 W6 W4 W3 W5 L1 4.0 2nd
3 Li, James 1815 W5 L1 L2 W4 W6 3.0 3rd
4 Zhu, Brandon 1828 L1 L2 W6 L3 W5 2.0  
5 Chen, Daniel 1634 L3 W6 L1 L2 L4 1.0  
6 Song, Chunting 1250 L2 L5 L4 L1 L3 0.0  

SwissSys Standings. 2016 BC Chess Challenge Provincials: Grade 11

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot Prize
1 Awatramani, Janak 2254 W4 W5 W2 W3 U--- 4.0 1st
2 Doknjas, John 2288 U--- W3 L1 W4 W5 3.0 2nd
3 Nyamdorj, Uranchimeg 1939 W5 L2 U--- L1 W4 2.0 3rd
4 Shao, Jason 1317 L1 U--- W5 L2 L3 1.0  
5 Cheng, Tony RuoTong 1411 L3 L1 L4 U--- L2 0.0  

SwissSys Standings. 2016 BC Chess Challenge Provincials: Grade 12

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Tot Prize
1 Hui, Jeremy 2027 L2 W2 W2 W2 3.0 1st
2 Zhang, James 1336 W1 L1 L1 L1 1.0 2nd
# Player Grade School Section Rating CMA
1 Andrew Hemstapat Grade 6 R.C.Palmer S.S. Grade 6 2563
2 Joshua Doknjas Grade 8 Traditional Learning Ac. Grade 8 2492
3 Janak Awatramani Grade 11 King George S.S. Grade 11 2466
4 Jason Cao Grade 10 Arbutus J.S. Grade 10 2423
5 FM Ethan Song Grade 1 Lord Byng S.S. Grade 1 2396
6 FM Ryan Yang Grade 1 Lord Byng Secondary School Grade 1 2357
7 John Doknjas Grade 11 Traditional Learning Ac. Grade 11 2337
8 Aiden Zhou Grade 4 St. George's Jr. Grade 4 2273
9 Patrick Huang Grade 5 Frank Hobbs E.S. Grade 5 2262
10 Neil Doknjas Grade 5 Traditional Learning Ac. Grade 5 2243
11 Brandon Zhu Grade 10 Simon Fraser University Grade 10 2205
12 Jeremy Hui Grade 12 Moscrop S.S. Grade 12 2151
13 LeoM Qu Grade 6 Pinetree Secondary School Grade 6 2138
14 Kevin Low Grade 5 Dr. George M. Weir E.S. Grade 5 2095
15 James Li Grade 10 Port Moody S.S. 4.2.0 Grade 10 2079
16 Ryan Leong Grade 8 Grade 8 2055
17 Uranchimeg Nyamdorj Grade 11 Vancouver Technical S.S. Grade 11 1896
18 Nathan Shao Grade 10 Port Moody S.S. Grade 10 1841
19 Ethan Su Grade 2 University Hill E.S. Grade 2 1830
20 Veronica Guo Grade 3 York House Grade 3 1796
21 Daniel Wang Grade 2 Manoah Steves Elementary Grade 2 1780
22 Victor Zheng Grade 6 Vancouver Technical S.S. Grade 6 1776
23 Kevin Li Grade 9 Prince of Wales S.S. Grade 9 1763
24 Maven Zheng Grade 9 Eric Hamber S.S. Grade 9 1751
25 Andrew Xu Grade 3 Mulgrave Grade 3 1728
26 Ethan Low Grade 7 Moscrop S.S. Grade 7 1714
27 Alec Chung Grade 7 St. George's Jr. Grade 7 1712
28 Gillian Mok Grade 2 Crofton House Grade 2 1710
29 Daniel Du Grade 6 Vancouver College Grade 6 1708
30 Matthew Geng Grade 9 Glenlyon-Norfolk-Jr. Boys Grade 9 1694
31 Henry Yang Grade 5 Marlborough E.S. Grade 5 1654
32 Dylan Fox Grade 8 Mulgrave Grade 8 1654
33 Daniel Chen Grade 10 Point Grey S.S. Grade 10 1619
34 Robert Hao Grade 8 Elgin Grade 8 1555
35 Lucian Wu Grade 4 Sir Matthew Begbie E.S. Grade 4 1543
36 Eric Jiang Grade 2 St. George's Jr. Grade 2 1542
37 Jim Guo Grade 6 West Bay E.S. Grade 6 1528
38 Joshua Imoo Grade 4 Heritage Christian Online School Grade 4 1492
39 BiaobiaoBoyong Guo Grade K Mitchell E.S. Grade K 1488
40 Tony Cheng Grade 11 Sentinel S.S. Grade 11 1440
41 Annika Zhou Grade 8 York House Grade 8 1438
42 Connor Chai Grade 7 Home schooled Grade 7 1431
43 Brian Butchart Grade 8 Prince of Wales S.S. Grade 8 1410
44 Justin Wan Grade 6 Norma Rose Point E.S. Grade 6 1401
45 Kevin Butchart Grade 5 Tecumseh E.S. Grade 5 1375
46 Leo Chung Grade 5 St. John's Grade 5 1374
47 Andy Zhang Grade 5 Norma Rose Point S. Grade 5 1371
48 James Zhang Grade 12 Port Moody S.S. Grade 12 1368
49 Elvin Sun Grade 4 . Grade 4 1353
50 Jerry Wang Grade 5 Fraser River Middle School Grade 5 1305
51 Jason Shao Grade 11 Vancouver Coll. Grade 11 1275
52 Haibo Sun Grade 6 Gordon Head E.S. Grade 6 1270
53 Agata Seyfi Grade 7 West Vancouver Secondary Grade 7 1270
54 Sophia Yu Grade 2 John T. Errington E.S. Grade 2 1263
55 Jerry Chen Grade 6 Berkshire Park E.S. Grade 6 1251
56 Chunting SONG Grade 10 Semiahmoo S.S. Grade 10 1250
57 Ryne Zhu Grade 8 General Gordon E.S. Grade 8 1240
58 Samuel Taplin Grade 5 St John's School Grade 5 1209
59 Bill Wang Grade 6 West Point Grey Ac. Grade 6 1198
60 Borna Amjadi Grade 4 West Vancouver Secondary School Grade 4 1174
61 Jemelyn Reyes Grade 6 Gladstone secondary school Grade 6 1137
62 Ben Zeng Grade 9 St. John's Grade 9 1119
63 William Li Grade 4 Grade 4 1099
64 Elaine Fan Grade 4 H.T. Thrift E.S. Grade 4 1089
65 Patrick Wang Grade 2 Richmond C.S./E.S. Grade 2 1079
66 John Smith Grade 3 St. John's Grade 3 1078
67 Praneet Arora Grade 6 Tamanawis S.S. Grade 6 1069
68 DavidGuanXuan Zhou Grade 3 Lord Kitchener E.S. Grade 3 1063
69 Eric Wen Grade 6 Tomekichi Homma E.S. Grade 6 1063
70 Vincent Guo Grade 2 St. George's Jr. Grade 2 1053
71 Benjamin CookNagy Grade 3 Vancouver Coll. Grade 3 1046
72 Wasif Somji Grade 7 Southridge Grade 7 1009
73 Villiam Zhang Grade 7 Pinetree S.S. Grade 7 1003
74 Ciro Zhang Grade 6 Spul'U'Kwuks E.S. Grade 6 993
75 Binary Xiao Grade 4 Heritage Mountain E.S Grade 4 989
76 Freddy Chen Grade 2 Fraser Wood E.S. Grade 2 986
77 Stanley Wu Grade 3 St. George's Jr. Grade 3 984
78 Denman Hertz Grade 2 Peace Arch Elem Grade 2 980
79 Alvin Li Grade 3 Lord Kitchener E.S. Grade 3 962
80 YiWang Wang Grade 6 West Point Grey Ac. Grade 6 956
81 Donot Use Grade 4 Chantrell Creek E.S. Grade 4 950
82 Loukas Kyriakides Grade 5 Bayridge E.S. Grade 5 941
83 BrandonKaiYan Lee Grade 8 St. Georges Grade 8 939
84 Boshko Maric Grade 8 Oaklands E.S. Grade 8 938
85 Edward Wang Grade 5 West Point Grey Ac. Grade 5 937
86 Max Zhang Grade 5 Erma Stephenson E.S. Grade 5 932
87 David Li Grade 5 Citadel M.S. Grade 5 931
88 Andrew DatcuRomano Grade 9 Fraser Heights S.S. Grade 9 906
89 Jason Chen Grade 2 St. George's Jr. Grade 2 903
90 Pavni Labade Grade 3 Moscrop S.S. Grade 3 903
91 Bruce Zhang Grade 3 Lord Kitchener E.S. Grade 3 884
92 Aaron Lo Grade 4 St. John's Grade 4 865
93 Anthony Xu Grade 4 Campus View E.S. Grade 4 846
94 Benjamin Zhu Grade 5 John Knox C.S. Grade 5 834
95 KevinZhengYi Wang Grade 4 Meadowridge Grade 4 811
96 Jeremy Liang Grade 5 Marlborough E.S. Grade 5 798
97 StanleyN Jiang Grade 5 Norma Rose Point E.S. Grade 5 792
98 Jocelyn Reyes Grade 5 Gladstone secondary school Grade 5 770
99 VenkataVikhyath Kodali Grade 2 Sail Academy Grade 2 768
100 Princeton Chau Grade K St. Georges's School Grade K 751
101 TerryZhiRen Xu Grade 6 West Point Grey Ac. Grade 6 748
102 Visisht Kodali Grade 2 Sail Academy Grade 2 712
103 Irena DatcuRomano Grade 7 Southridge Grade 7 675
104 Brian Shao Grade 1 Vancouver Coll. Grade 1 671
105 Michael Luo Grade 3 Pacific E.S. Grade 3 668
106 Neil Hong Grade 5 St. George's Jr. Grade 5 642
107 Rohan Chadha Grade 3 St. John's Grade 3 609
108 HoveyHoDak Ma Grade 1 Capitol Hill E.S. Grade 1 593
109 Zoe Liu Grade 2 Cougar Canyon E.S. Grade 2 590
110 Sebastian Fok Grade 5 St. John's Grade 5 580
111 Justin Liu Grade 4 St. John's Grade 4 561
112 Ethan Zheng Grade K unknown Grade K 531
113 Owen JohnstonVoon Grade 2 St. Patrick's Grade 2 476
114 Anson Yen Grade 1 Stratford Hall Grade 1 437
115 Thomas Qi Grade 1 Quilchena E.S. Grade 1 300
116 VCS VCS Grade K - Grade K 0