Date Sunday, November 15, 2015
Time 10:30 AM-03:30 PM
Location VCS at Arbutus Shopping Mall, Vancouver
Format For Juniors with rating CMA 0-799
Сancellation time 24 hours
Organizer Maxim Doroshenko


Vancouver Junior Open #8  温哥华青少年国际象棋公开赛 

This event is for all juniors with rating up to CMA 799 only. If you have participated in Friday Quads for a while and would like some new challenges, it might be time for you to try out this next level. Instead of 3 rounds, we play 5 rounds in one day. This event will be CMA rated but not CFC. It is a stepping stone to gain experience and rating increment to qualify for the 2-day event in the Vancouver West Open (Junior) which runs with a long time control G/60 rated CFC, a national rating for all chess members in Canada.  


*What is CFC


Location: Vancouver Chess School   温哥华国际象棋学校

Arbutus Shopping Mall   #252-4255 Arbutus Street, Vancouver (Ample free parking) 

*Use the entrance next to A&W restaurant; take the escalator up to 2nd floor 


              Please show up at least 5 minutes before round starts. We will start the clock according to the schedule shown below.         



Vancouver Junior Open 1-day event


For all Grade P-12, CMA rating 0-799

Time Control时间限制

Game in 30 minutes


5-round Swiss format

Ratings  计分系统

CMA rated

Round time


1st round – 10:30am

2nd round – 11:30am

3rd round – 12:30pm

Lunch after round 3

4th round – 1:30pm

5th round – 2:30pm

Awards – estimated at 3:30pm


Trophies to top 3

Medals if scored 2 points or more


Time Control: Game/25minutes with 5 seconds increment 

Chess  notationis optional.  Chess sets and clocks are provided.      

象棋记录-。请自备象棋记录本。 提供象棋和棋钟


Individual Tie Breaker  个人决胜局: 

1. Direct Encounter (Head to Head) 

2. Cumulative score 

3. Opposition cumulative score 


Bye request: If you cannot attend all rounds, maximum of 2 half point byes (except last round) is allowed. Please email us with your request or inform TD at least ½ hour before round starts 

轮空要求 : 如果你不能参加所有回合,请电邮轮空要求或在赛前半小时请求不超过2次半分轮空(除最后一轮)


Registration fees:  $30 

Sibling discount $5 off for 2nd member or higher in the family

No onsite registration is allowed. All participants must register and pay online in advance for pairing purposes.  



To check your CMA rating:

For event photos:


Contact: Voice mail: (604)568-3283 


SwissSys Standings. Vancouver Junior Open #8 1-day

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot Prize
1 Liang, Jeremy 676 W8 W7 D3 W5 W6 4.5 1st-Trophy
2 Xu, Terry Zhiren 794 W9 W6 L5 W3 W7 4.0 2nd-Trophy
3 Liu, Zoe 477 W4 W9 D1 L2 W5 3.5 3rd-Trophy
4 Shao, Brian 664 L3 W11 W10 L6 W12 3.0 Medal
5 Bonnis, Antonia 626 W13 W10 W2 L1 L3 3.0 Medal
6 Tang, Jacky 618 W11 L2 W8 W4 L1 3.0 Medal
7 Chen, Michael 599 W14 L1 W12 W9 L2 3.0 Medal
8 Ruan, Benjamin 541 L1 W14 L6 W13 W10 3.0 Medal
9 Huang, Owen 578 L2 L3 W14 L7 W13 2.0 Medal
10 Pompas, Codrin 566 W12 L5 L4 W11 L8 2.0 Medal
11 Veeraghanta, Sreeja 453 L6 L4 W13 L10 W14 2.0 Medal
12 Bonnis, Anais 300 L10 W13 L7 W14 L4 2.0 Medal
13 Kodali, Venkata Vikhyath 463 L5 L12 L11 L8 L9 0.0  
14 Kodali, Visisht 390 L7 L8 L9 L12 L11 0.0  


# Player Grade School Section Rating CMA
1 Eric Jiang Grade 1 St. George's Jr. VJO 1-day CMA rated event 1542
2 Jeremy Liang Grade 5 Marlborough E.S. VJO 1-day CMA rated event 798
3 VenkataVikhyath Kodali Grade 2 Sail Academy VJO 1-day CMA rated event 768
4 Antonia Bonnis Grade 6 Crofton House VJO 1-day CMA rated event 762
5 TerryZhiRen Xu Grade 6 West Point Grey Ac. VJO 1-day CMA rated event 748
6 Jacky Tang Grade 1 Shaughnessy E.S. VJO 1-day CMA rated event 735
7 Visisht Kodali Grade 2 Sail Academy VJO 1-day CMA rated event 712
8 Brian Shao Grade 1 St. George's Jr. VJO 1-day CMA rated event 671
9 Benjamin Ruan Grade 3 Kerrisdale E.S. VJO 1-day CMA rated event 604
10 Zoe Liu Grade 2 Cougar Canyon E.S. VJO 1-day CMA rated event 590
11 MichaelK Chen Grade 5 West Point Grey Ac. VJO 1-day CMA rated event 582
12 Owen Huang Grade 4 Trafalgar E.S. VJO 1-day CMA rated event 563
13 Anais Bonnis Grade 2 Crofton House VJO 1-day CMA rated event 563
14 Sreeja Veeraghanta Grade 7 Montecito E.S. VJO 1-day CMA rated event 472
15 VCS VCS Grade K - VJO 1-day CMA rated event 0