Start Date Monday, June 29, 2015, 09:30 AM
End Date Thursday, July 2, 2015, 03:00 PM
Location Vancouver Chess School
Format All CYCC participants & players with CFC 1100 & above
Сancellation time 168 hours
Organizer Maxim Doroshenko


4-day Advanced Chess Camp象棋训练营-高级班 (June 29 to July 02)(Confirmed!) 


This advanced camp is intended to prepare the participants for the 2015 Canadian Youth Chess Championship at Windsor, Ontario. However, all other students/players who are rated 1100 CFC and above are also welcome. 


This camp’s intensive program will include lectures, tactics training, opening preparation, and tournaments of different formats. All the camp’s activities will be directed towards training our students/players to reach their peak performance at CYCC. 


This year we are planning to go to the CYCC as one team. All the students who join the camp will receive a VCS T-shirt and are encouraged to wear it during the national event. 


Maxim will be our Team Captain leading the VCS team, providing guidance and support during the upcoming CYCC. Join this camp and welcome to the VCS team! Enjoy the team spirit and experience chess at the national level.








Camp outline训练营情况介绍


Our School 

Vancouver Chess School provides professional chess educational program to students from beginners to advanced tournament players. We believe that in the process of learning, playing and competing in chess, children learn valuable skills of concentration, abstract reasoning, and rational problem-solving, while tapping into their creativity and originality. The best part is that the children have fun while learning these lessons.


Who can join? 

This program is for all CYCC participants and players who have CFC 1100 & above.  

To those who are interested to join this camp but do not meet the requirement, please email or speak to Maxim for approval. 


Camp Schedule: 

Jun 29 – Jul 2 (Monday to Thursday) at 9:30 am - 3:00pm. Full day chess learning and games only. Please email us if you cannot all 4 days but at least 2 days or more.


What to bring  

Please bring lunch, snacks, and water. No lunch re-heating service available.    

Please note that our school is a nut-free zone.  

Please leave your electronic gadgets at home.  


Drop off/Pick up 

We ask campers to arrive between 9:00-9:30am to check in. Please print and summit the consent form on the first day of camp. You will find this form in our email. Campers must be signed in at drop off and signed out at pick up by authorized individuals. We are not responsible for campers before 9:30am and after 3pm. There is no before and after hour care for this camp.  A $20 late pick up fee may be charged.  



$320 on or before Jun 22. $370 on or before Jun 22

Sibling discount $100 off for 2ndor higher member of the family

Half day camp, before and after camp care is not available for this camp 

A late pick up fees of $20 may be charged after the camp hour    


Camp space is reserved with full payment online.  

We also accept Cash or cheque (payable to Max Chess Academy Ltd)



VCS reserves the right to refuse admission or dismiss any participants from camp in order to ensure the safety and enjoyment of fellow participants. English communication skills are essential. 



Minimum enrollment of 6 students is required before we confirm the camp will take place. When the camp is confirmed, we willmark Confirmed on our “Events” page on the website and on the flyer, then we notify you by email 5 days prior to the start date. A full refund will be given if minimum enrollment requirement is not met to run the camp.  


Withdrawal policy:   

Withdrawal with refund may be requested in writing more than one week prior to programs start date. Any withdrawals or changes will be subject to a $30 administrative fee. There are NO REFUNDS given for withdrawals requested less than one week prior to the first day of the camp or at any time during the camp. Pro-rated refunds are NOT available for days absent from a registered camp. 



VCS reserves the right to use any photos taken during the summer camp for promotional purposes, unless parents request in writing that their child’s image not appear in any promotional literature.


For immediate assistance, please contact us by email: We read both English & Chinese. Or leave messages only at voicemail: (604)568-3283 

Round Group 1

Round Group

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[SB]
1Kevin Low10206552095Grade 4 W4 W2 W331003
2Callum Lehingrat11480951985Grade 6 W3 L1 D41.51001.25
3James Li10211162079Grade 9 L2 W4 L111000.5
4Kevin Li11468921763Grade 8 L1 L3 D20.51000.75

Round Group 2

Round Group

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[SB]
1Ethan Low10207911714Grade 6 W4 W2 W331003
2Ryan Leong10209032055Grade 7 W3 L1 W421001
3Kevin Butchart10206991375Grade 4 L2 D4 L10.599.50.25
4Leo Chung10945561374Grade 4 L1 D3 L20.599.50.25

Round Group 3

Round Group

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[SB]
1Dylan Fox10415461654Grade 7 W3 L2 W42992
2Brian Butchart10209471410Grade 7 L4 W1 W321003
3Daniel Wang11640691780Grade 1 L1 W4 L211001
4Louie Tang10948041111Grade 6 W2 L3 L11992

Round Group 4

Round Group

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[SB]
1Anna Van11477351291Grade 4 W2 W4 W331003
2Samuel Taplin11517411209Grade 4 L1 W3 W421001
3Jenny Jiang11965041062Grade 7 W4 L2 L111000
4AngelinaBoWen Yang11466661202Grade 5 L3 L1 L201000

Swiss Group 1

Swiss Group

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]
1Elvin Sun11973031353Grade 3 W7 W2 W33100611
2Andrew Xu11466881728Grade 2 W6 L1 W52100410.5
3Sepehr PourGhasem1253283831Grade 7 W8 W4 L1210058.5
4Johnny Li1148117984Grade 6 D5 L3 W71.599.52.510.5
5Alexander Lu1252912752Grade 4 D4 W8 L21.599.53.56.5
6Jiayi Shi1051762762Grade 3 L2 L7 W819916
7XuanYingShirley Yu1233955759Grade 4 L1 W6 L4110029.5
8Veronica Guo11609541796Grade 2 L3 L5 L6010009.5
# Player Rating CFC Rating CMA CFC Expiry
1 Ryan Leong 2151 2055 Jul 1, 2123
2 Veronica Guo 1998 1796 Jan 30, 2026
3 Callum Lehingrat 1992 1985 Jun 11, 2024
4 Daniel Wang 1990 1780 Feb 22, 2025
5 Kevin Li 1980 1763 Jun 1, 2019
6 James Li 1966 2079 Apr 1, 2019
7 Kevin Low 1965 2095 Oct 27, 2024
8 Andrew Xu 1953 1728 May 30, 2025
9 Ethan Low 1765 1714 Jan 1, 2021
10 Leo Chung 1743 1374 Jul 1, 2018
11 Anna Van 1685 1291 Nov 1, 2018
12 Dylan Fox 1662 1654 Jan 1, 2021
13 Elvin Sun 1547 1353 Jun 1, 2019
14 AngelinaBoWen Yang 1398 1202 Sep 1, 2018
15 Kevin Butchart 1393 1375 Aug 1, 2018
16 Brian Butchart 1267 1410 Jul 1, 2018
17 Samuel Taplin 1130 1209 Sep 16, 2023
18 Jenny Jiang 926 1062 Aug 1, 2016
19 XuanYingShirley Yu 619 759 May 1, 2016
20 Jiayi Shi 277 762 Jul 1, 2016
21 Louie Tang 0 1111
22 Johnny Li 0 984
23 Sepehr PourGhasem 0 831
24 Alexander Lu 0 752