Date Sunday, October 3, 2021
Time 04:00 PM-07:30 PM
Location Online
Rounds 7
Time control 10|5
Format Grade K-12
Сancellation time 24 hours
Registration Online
Organizer Maxim Doroshenko


VCS Promotion Qualifier Series

A special series of tournaments designed to promote students to the next level

VCS is glad to announce the introduction of a new tournament series, specifically geared towards helping students earn the rating points needed for promotion to the next level. Participants will play seven 20 minute games, with trophies awarded to the champion in each group. This is an excellent opportunity to gain the rating points needed for promotion to the next level of group class. The rating requirements are shown below.

U600, U800, U1000, U1200, U1400

Location: Online




VCS Promotion Qualifier Series


For all Grade P-12 

Time Control时间限制



7-round Swiss format

Ratings  计分系统

CMA rated

Round time


1st round – 4:00pm

2nd round – 4:30pm

3rd round – 5:00pm

4th round – 5:30pm

5th round – 6:00pm

6th round – 6:30pm 

7th round – 7:00pm 


Trophy for each Class Champion

Medals for the 2nd and 3rd place 


Time Control: Game/10 minutes with 5 seconds delay 


Mandatory prerequisites 

VCS students only. Regular login. No guest registration

Webcam (mandatory) needs to be on during the entire tournament

Computers only (no iPads, or tablets)

Chrome browser is highly preferable 

Registration Rules

No registration 24 hours before the event

Waiting lounge on zoom will be open 30 minutes prior to the start of the tournament.

Zoom meeting and the online tournament arena will be locked once the tournament starts. No late arrivals.

Online Tournament Rules

Please do not "X" out your game. Checkmate, Resign or Draw only.

No draw offers prior to move #30

Anti cheating software in place. No computer support. Any foul play will result in a permanent ban from VCS tournaments.

The player should be alone in the room. Please be mindful of the background noise

No talking during the game.

Please make sure you take washroom breaks in between rounds. Washroom breaks or any reason to leave, during the tournament will result in a forfeit. 


Arbiters decision final


Individual Tie Breaker  个人决胜局: 

1. Direct Encounter (Head to Head) 

2. Cumulative score 

3. Opposition cumulative score 


Bye request: If you cannot attend all rounds, maximum of 2 half point byes (except last round) is allowed. Please email us with your request or inform TD at least 24 hours before round starts 

轮空要求 : 如果你不能参加所有回合,请电邮轮空要求或在赛前半小时请求不超过2次半分轮空(除最后一轮)


Registration fees:  $35 

Sibling discount $10 off for 2nd member or higher in the family


To check your CMA rating:

Contact: Voice mail: (604)568-3283




Swiss Group 1


#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5Rd 6Rd 7TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]Prize
1Christian Grecu14045951221Grade 6 W4 Game W2 Game W3 Game W5 Game W6 Game W7 Game W8 Game71002884
2Jamie Watt14677641226Grade 6 W5 Game L1 Game L4 Game W7 Game W8 Game W6 Game W3 Game51001795
3Owen Zheng13162261050Grade 6 D8 Game W6 Game L1 Game W4 Game W7 Game W5 Game L2 Game4.510018.593.5
4Patrick Steel14626231183Grade 7 L1 Game W7 Game W2 Game L3 Game L5 Game W8 Game W6 Game41001498
5Linden Leung1489983888Grade 3 L2 Game W8 Game W6 Game L1 Game W4 Game L3 Game L7 Game31001498
6Jasper Zhang14912191103Grade 3 W7 Game L3 Game L5 Game W8 Game L1 Game L2 Game L4 Game210011101
7Avyayi Saran1488925928Grade 5 L6 Game L4 Game W8 Game L2 Game L3 Game L1 Game W5 Game2996106
8Theo Brownlee-Ortner1494549854Grade 3 D3 Game L5 Game L7 Game L6 Game L2 Game L4 Game L1 Game0.51003.5108.5

Swiss Group 2


#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5Rd 6Rd 7TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]Prize
1Ken Yao1505103858Grade 8BYE (1.0) Game W2 Game W6 Game W4 Game D3 Game W7 Game W5 Game6.510026.585.5
2Ethan Wang1469259700Grade 5 W5 Game L1 Game L3 Game W7 Game W4 Game W6 GameBYE (1.0) Game51001795
3Samuel Zhang1414181835Grade 4 L7 Game L4 Game W2 GameBYE (1.0) Game D1 Game W5 Game W6 Game4.510013.598.5
4Tiger Wang1491197615Grade 3 L6 Game W3 Game W5 Game L1 Game L2 GameBYE (1.0) Game D7 Game3.510013.598.5
5Jason Lan1502144482Grade 6 L2 GameBYE (1.0) Game L4 Game W6 Game W7 Game L3 Game L1 Game31001399
6Evan Wong1422011534Grade 6 W4 Game W7 Game L1 Game L5 GameBYE (1.0) Game L2 Game L3 Game3991696
7Ryan Huang1492356668Grade 3 W3 Game L6 GameBYE (1.0) Game L2 Game L5 Game L1 Game D4 Game2.510012.599.5
# Player Grade School Section Rating CMA
1 Jamie Watt Grade 6 St. John's U1200 1226
2 Christian Grecu Grade 6 École Kwayhquitlum U1200+ 1221
3 Patrick Steel Grade 7 University Hill Secondary U600 1183
4 Jasper Zhang Grade 3 Dr. Annie B. Jamieson U1000 1103
5 Owen Zheng Grade 6 Kwayhquitlum middle school U1000 1050
6 Avyayi Saran Grade 5 Urban Academy U800 928
7 Linden Leung Grade 3 Brentwood Park E.S. U1000 888
8 Ken Yao Grade 8 J.N. Burnett S.S. U1000 858
9 Theo Brownlee-Ortner Grade 3 Norma Rose Point E.S. U800 854
10 Samuel Zhang Grade 4 Kerrisdale E.S. U600 835
11 Ethan Wang Grade 5 Norma Rose Point U800 700
12 Ryan Huang Grade 3 Choice School for Gifted Children U600 668
13 Tiger Wang Grade 3 Henry Anderson E.S. U600 615
14 Evan Wong Grade 6 Archibald Blair E.S. U600 534
15 Jason Lan Grade 6 Moscrop U600 482