Start Date Saturday, January 24, 2015, 10:00 AM
End Date Sunday, January 25, 2015, 04:30 PM
Location Vancouver Chess School
Format Open to all Grade P - 12
Сancellation time 24 hours
Organizer Maxim Doroshenko

Vancouver Junior Open  温哥华青少年国际象棋公开赛 # 3


Location 地点Vancouver Chess School 温哥华国际象棋学校

Arbutus Shopping Centre # 252-4255 Arbutus Street, Vancouver, BC (Ample free parking)



Vancouver Junior Open (1-day event)

Vancouver Junior Open (2-day event)

Qualification 资格

All grades P-12 from unrated up to CMA 799

All grades P-12 from CMA 800-1500

Date 日期

Jan 25 (Sunday)

Jan 24-25 (Saturday & Sunday)

Check in 报到

Sunday between 9:30-9:45am

5 minutes before assigned round time

Time Control 时间限制

Game in 30 minutes (G/25+5)

Game in 60 minutes (G/50+10)

Format 赛制

5-round Swiss format

6-round Swiss format

Ratings  计分系统

CMA rated

CFC & CMA rated

Round time


Round 1 – 10:00am

Saturday, Jan 24

Round 1 – 10:30am

Round 2 – 11:00am


Round 2 – 12:30pm

Lunch after Rd. 2


Round 3 – 2:30pm

Round 3 – 12:30pm

Sunday, Jan 25

Round 4 – 10:30am

Round 4 – 1:30pm


Round 5 – 12:30pm

Round 5 – 2:30pm


Round 6 – 2:30pm

Awards – estimated at 3:30pm

Awards – estimated at 4:30pm


*Based on either CMA or CFC ratings. To check your updated ratings:

CMA (Chess ‘n Math):      CFC (Chess Federation of Canada):     


Prizes  奖品: 

1-day event (for players with CMA 799 or below)


CMA ratings



unrated & below 500

Trophies to top 3; Medals to 4th & 5th place



Trophy to champion; Medals to 2nd & 3rd place



Trophy to champion; Medals to 2nd & 3rd place



Trophy to champion; Medals to 2nd & 3rd place

2-day event (for players with CMA over 800 or CFC less than 1100)


CMA ratings




Trophies to top 3



Trophies to top 3



Trophies to top 3


1100 and above

Trophies to top 3; Medals to 4th & 5th place

     *Please sign up for the 2-day event if your CMA rating is 800 or higher.

     No additional class prize will be given beyond U800 in the 1-day event.


Bye Request  轮空要求:  

If you cannot attend all 5 rounds, maximum of 2 half point byes (except last round) is allowed. Please email us with your request or inform TD at least ½ hour before round starts 如果你不能参加所有5个回合,请电邮轮空要求在赛前半小时请求不超过2次半分轮空(除最后一轮)


Chess sets and clocks are provided. 提供象棋和棋钟。


ü  Chess notation is required for 2-day event and optional for 1-day event. Please bring your own scorebook. 

CFC规则: 参加两天比赛的,必需作象棋记录。请自备象棋记录本。

ü  Please note that some groups may be combined if sections are small.  请注意如果每组人数太少,有些组别可能合并。

ü  Ties will be broken using tie-break systems: Direct encounter, Individual cumulative score, followed if necessary by cumulative score of opponents


Registration Fees & payment  网上注册及付费:     

1-day event:  $25 by Jan 16 (early bird discount); $35 regular.

Sibling discount: $5 off for 2nd member or higher in the family.


2-day event:  $40 by Jan 16 (early bird discount); $50 regular.

Sibling discount: $10 off for 2nd member or higher in the family.

No onsite registration is allowed. Cut-off time: 8:00pm / Jan 23


All participants must register and pay online in advance for pairing purposes. 为作好赛前配对,所有参赛选手需在网上提前注册及付费。 

Organizer: Maxim Doroshenko    Email: or  Voicemail: (604)568-3283


To check your ratings: 



Event photos:

(you can download the photos for free)


SwissSys Standings. Vancouver Junior Open #3 1-day U500

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Hemstapat, Andrew unr. W5 W2 W3 W7 W4 5.0 100 15 42 1st Trophy
2 Labade, Pavni Santosh 495 W8 L1 W9 W5 W3 4.0 100 11 40.5 2nd Trophy
3 Xu, Ray 443 W6 W4 L1 W9 L2 3.0 100 11 43.5 3rd Trophy
4 Wei, Kitty 486 B--- L3 W7 W6 L1 3.0 99 9 35.5 4th Medal
5 Kodali, Venkata Vikhyath 365 L1 W7 D8 L2 D6 2.0 100 6 40 5th Medal
6 Bonnis, Anais 298 L3 D8 B--- L4 D5 2.0 100 4.5 30.5  
7 Robles, Carlo 415 W9 L5 L4 L1 B--- 2.0 99 5 34  
8 Nie, Kevin 351 L2 D6 D5 B--- L9 2.0 99 4.5 25.5  
9 Kodali, Visisht 277 L7 B--- L2 L3 W8 2.0 99 4 31.5  

SwissSys Standings. Vancouver Junior Open #3 1-day U600/U700/U800

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Su, Ethan 667 W6 W4 W3 W2 W7 5.0 100 15 47.5 U700 1st Trophy
2 Chen, Richard 715 W13 W10 W5 L1 W4 4.0 100 13 46 U800 1st Trophy
3 Guo, Vincent 709 W12 W9 L1 D7 D8 3.0 100 10.5 39.5 U800 2nd Medal
4 Hajihosseinlou, Artin 766 W8 L1 W13 W5 L2 3.0 100 10 48.5 U800 3rd Medal
5 Guo, Veronica 620 W14 W6 L2 L4 W9 3.0 99 10 38 U700 2nd Medal
6 Wang, Yiwang 793 L1 L5 W12 W9 W10 3.0 99 6 42  
7 Chen, Jason 670 L9 W12 W10 D3 L1 2.5 100 8 42.5 U700 3rd Medal
8 Xu, Vivian 648 L4 W14 L9 W11 D3 2.5 100 6.5 33.5  
9 Bonnis, Antonia 524 W7 L3 W8 L6 L5 2.0 100 8 41 U600-1st-Trophy
10 Shadgan, Atrina 546 W11 L2 L7 W13 L6 2.0 100 7 35 U600-2nd-Medal
11 Chen, Michael 706 L10 L13 W14 L8 W12 2.0 99 4 20.5  
12 Zhang, Jerry 580 L3 L7 L6 W14 L11 1.0 100 2 29.5 U600-3rd-Medal
13 Nie, Severn 599 L2 W11 L4 L10 L14 1.0 99 4 35  
14 Wang, Ethan Yubo 502 L5 L8 L11 L12 W13 1.0 99 1 26.5  

SwissSys Standings. Vancouver Junior Open #3 2-day

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Zhang, Brian 1357 W17 W11 W4 W6 W2 W3 6.0 100 21 76 1st-Trophy
2 Min, Leslie 1398 D7 W13 W8 W4 L1 W6 4.5 100 16 81 2nd-Trophy
3 Butchart, Kevin 1290 W14 H--- D6 W10 W5 L1 4.0 100 15 66 3rd-Trophy
4 Fox, Dylan 1350 W12 W5 L1 L2 W9 W10 4.0 100 14 76.5 4th-Medal
5 Zhu, Ryne 1264 W18 L4 W13 W9 L3 W8 4.0 98 14 60.5 5th-Medal
6 Zhang, Andy 1293 W9 W8 D3 L1 W7 L2 3.5 100 15 84  
7 Yang, Bo Wen [Angelina] 1180 D2 L15 W16 W17 L6 W13 3.5 99 11 59  
8 Shao, Jason 1396 W10 L6 L2 W16 W13 L5 3.0 100 11 71  
9 Taplin, Samuel 1027 L6 W18 W11 L5 L4 W15 3.0 100 10 61.5 U1100-1st-Trophy
10 Imoo, Joshua 1122 L8 W14 W15 L3 W11 L4 3.0 99 11 62  
11 Tian, Sherry 1269 W16 L1 L9 W15 L10 W14 3.0 98 10 60  
12 Van, Anna 1085 L4 L16 H--- L13 W18 W17 2.5 100 4.5 36.5 U1100-2nd-Trophy
13 Sun, Elvin 1028 W15 L2 L5 W12 L8 L7 2.0 100 9 63.5 U1100-3rd-Trophy
14 Tio, Kaitlyn 961 L3 L10 L17 W18 W16 L11 2.0 100 5 49.5 U1000-1st-Trophy
15 Wang, Daniel 1303 L13 W7 L10 L11 W17 L9 2.0 99 7 57  
16 Qian, Jason 927 L11 W12 L7 L8 L14 W18 2.0 99 6 43 U1000-2nd-Trophy
17 Xu, Andrew 1105 L1 H--- W14 L7 L15 L12 1.5 100 6 48.5  
18 Zhang, Bruce 802 L5 L9 H--- L14 L12 L16 0.5 100 1.5 39.5 U900-1st-Trophy
# Player Grade School Section Rating CMA
1 Andrew Hemstapat Grade 5 General Currie E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 2563
2 Sherry Tian Grade 4 Mc Robert SS 2-days CFC rated event 2112
3 Ethan Su Grade 1 University Hill S.S. 1-day CMA rated event 1830
4 Veronica Guo Grade 2 York House 1-day CMA rated event 1796
5 Daniel Wang Grade 1 Manoah Steves Elementary 2-days CFC rated event 1780
6 Andrew Xu Grade 2 Mulgrave 2-days CFC rated event 1728
7 Dylan Fox Grade 7 Mulgrave 2-days CFC rated event 1654
8 Joshua Imoo Grade 3 Heritage Christian Online School 2-days CFC rated event 1492
9 Brian Zhang Grade 6 Capitol Hill E.S. 2-days CFC rated event 1410
10 Kevin Butchart Grade 4 Tecumseh E.S. 2-days CFC rated event 1375
11 Andy Zhang Grade 4 Norma Rose Point S. 2-days CFC rated event 1371
12 Elvin Sun Grade 3 . 2-days CFC rated event 1353
13 Anna Van Grade 4 St. Joseph the Worker 2-days CFC rated event 1291
14 Jason Shao Grade 10 Vancouver Coll. 2-days CFC rated event 1275
15 Leslie Min Grade 7 David Lloyd George E.S. 2-days CFC rated event 1260
16 Ryne Zhu Grade 7 General Gordon E.S. 2-days CFC rated event 1240
17 Samuel Taplin Grade 4 St John's School 2-days CFC rated event 1209
18 AngelinaBoWen Yang Grade 5 Mulgrave 2-days CFC rated event 1202
19 John Smith Grade 2 St. John's 2-days CFC rated event 1078
20 Vincent Guo Grade 1 St. George's Jr. 1-day CMA rated event 1053
21 Kaitlyn Tio Grade 4 Lord Beaconsfield E.S. 2-days CFC rated event 999
22 Stanley Wu Grade 2 St. George's Jr. 1-day CMA rated event 984
23 YiWang Wang Grade 5 West Point Grey Ac. 1-day CMA rated event 956
24 Pavni Labade Grade 2 Moscrop S.S. 1-day CMA rated event 903
25 Jason Chen Grade 1 St. George's Jr. 1-day CMA rated event 903
26 Bruce Zhang Grade 2 Lord Kitchener E.S. 2-days CFC rated event 884
27 Richard Chen Grade 5 Immaculate Conception E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 834
28 Severn Nie Grade 3 Point Grey Secondary 1-day CMA rated event 777
29 VenkataVikhyath Kodali Grade 2 Sail Academy 1-day CMA rated event 768
30 Antonia Bonnis Grade 5 Crofton House 1-day CMA rated event 762
31 Atrina Shadgan Grade 6 Eagle Mountain M.S. 1-day CMA rated event 740
32 Visisht Kodali Grade 2 Sail Academy 1-day CMA rated event 712
33 Artin Hajihosseinlou Grade 1 Irwin Park E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 684
34 Vivian Xu Grade 4 Shaughnessy E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 652
35 Katrina Wei Grade 4 Trafalgar E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 609
36 Owen Tan Grade 2 Trafalgar E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 607
37 MichaelK Chen Grade 4 West Point Grey Ac. 1-day CMA rated event 582
38 Anais Bonnis Grade 1 Crofton House 1-day CMA rated event 563
39 Jerry Zhang Grade 4 Trafalgar E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 562
40 Carlo Robles Grade 2 General Gordon E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 519
41 EthanYubo Wang Grade 2 Trafalgar E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 492
42 Ray Xu Grade 2 Shaughnessy E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 477
43 Kevin Nie Grade K Quilchena E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 432