Date Sunday, March 1, 2015
Time 10:00 AM-04:30 PM
Location Vancouver Chess School
Rounds 5
Time control G/25 Minutes plus 5 seconds delay
Format Open to those who scored 2.5points in any of the regional
Players See flyer below
Сancellation time 48 hours
Rating CMA rated
Registration Online registration only
Pre-registration Required
On site registration Not allowed - see notes below
Organizer Maxim Doroshenko, BCCF Junior Coordinator


2015 B.C. Chess Challenge (Provincial)




Congratulations to all the winners!

We will contact all the Champions by email or by phone before Mar 6. If you are away before Mar 6, please contact us by email or by phone (604)438-7381

To check your CMA ratings:

Event photos:

2015 BC Chess Challenge: Kindergarten

# Name Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot Prize
1 Fan, Samuel 495 99 W5 W6 W4 W3 W2 5.0 1st
2 Tang, Jacky 487 99 W3 W5 W6 W4 L1 4.0 2nd
3 Ma, Hovey Hodak 449 99 L2 W4 W5 L1 W6 3.0 3rd
4 Nie, Kevin 346 99 D6 L3 L1 L2 W5 1.5  
5 Shao, Brian 423 99 L1 L2 L3 W6 L4 1.0  
6 Baker, Oscar 293 99 D4 L1 L2 L5 L3 0.5  

2015 BC Chess Challenge: Grade 1

# Name Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Su, Ethan 839 1 W2 W6 W10 W3 L4 4.0 100 14 38 1st (after playoff)
2 Hertz, Denman 655 1 L1 W4 W6 W5 W3 4.0 99 10 49 2nd (after playoff)
3 Wang, Daniel 1313 1 W8 W9 W5 L1 L2 3.0 100 12 41 3rd
4 Yu, Sophia 671 1 L6 L2 W8 W7 W1 3.0 100 6 38  
5 Guo, Vincent 742 1 W10 W8 L3 L2 W6 3.0 99 10 35  
6 Chen, Freddy 959 1 W4 L1 L2 W9 L5 2.0 100 7 44  
7 Chen, Jason 789 1 U--- U--- W9 L4 W10 2.0 100 4 13  
8 Hajihosseinlou, Artin 731 1 L3 L5 L4 W10 W9 2.0 100 3 35  
9 Zhang, Ray 305 1 B--- L3 L7 L6 L8 1.0 100 4 26  
10 Kodali, Visisht 372 1 L5 B--- L1 L8 L7 1.0 100 3 31  

2015 BC Chess Challenge: Grade 2

# Name Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Qian, Jason 1055 2 W9 W10 W2 W3 W4 5.0 100 15 48 1st
2 Xu, Andrew 1122 2 W8 W4 L1 W5 W3 4.0 100 12 49 2nd
3 Wu, Stanley 766 2 W7 W13 W11 L1 L2 3.0 100 12 41 3rd
4 Guo, Veronica 645 2 W12 L2 W6 W9 L1 3.0 100 10 45  
5 Meredith, Dagan 653 2 L6 W8 W7 L2 W10 3.0 99 8 36  
6 Robles, Carlo 524 2 W5 L9 L4 B--- W8 3.0 99 7 29  
7 Jeremic, Uros 589 2 L3 B--- L5 W11 W13 3.0 98 6 28  
8 Luo, Michael 600 2 L2 L5 B--- W13 L6 2.0 100 4 31  
9 Labade, Pavni Santosh 589 2 L1 W6 W10 L4 L12 2.0 99 7 43  
10 Cooknagy, Benjamin 556 2 W11 L1 L9 W12 L5 2.0 99 7 38  
11 Li, Yong Jian 717 2 L10 W12 L3 L7 B--- 2.0 99 4 29  
12 Vozian, Emilia unr. 2 L4 L11 W13 L10 W9 2.0 98 4 32  
13 Xu, Ray 503 2 B--- L3 L12 L8 L7 1.0 100 4 26  

2015 BC Chess Challenge: Grade 3

# Name Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Wu, Lucian 1321 3 W10 W6 W7 W2 L3 4.0 99 14 45 1st (after playoff)
2 Gu, Chuyang 1388 3 W5 W8 W3 L1 W4 4.0 99 13 49 2nd (after playoff)
3 Zhou, Aiden 1556 3 W4 W7 L2 W5 W1 4.0 99 12 51 3rd
4 Kachchakaduge, Nethru 839 3 L3 W11 W8 W10 L2 3.0 100 9 38  
5 Eirew, David 731 3 L2 W9 W6 L3 W10 3.0 100 8 42  
6 Fan, Elaine 1031 3 W12 L1 L5 W8 W7 3.0 99 8 37  
7 Imoo, Joshua 1174 3 W11 L3 L1 W9 L6 2.0 100 7 40  
8 Sun, Elvin 1173 3 W9 L2 L4 L6 W12 2.0 100 6 36  
9 Xu, Anthony 635 3 L8 L5 W12 L7 W11 2.0 98 4 25  
10 Deng, George 712 3 L1 D12 W11 L4 L5 1.5 100 5 35  
11 Nie, Severn 636 3 L7 L4 L10 W12 L9 1.0 100 2 27  
12 Abraham, Maya 572 3 L6 D10 L9 L11 L8 0.5 100 2 25  

2015 BC Chess Challenge: Grade 4

# Name Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Huang, Patrick 1704 4 W20 W7 W6 W2 W4 5.0 100 15 45 1st
2 Low, Kevin 1805 4 W19 W8 W4 L1 W5 4.0 100 13 48 2nd
3 Butchart, Kevin 1313 4 U--- W12 W17 W14 W11 4.0 100 10 28 3rd
4 Doknjas, Neil 1618 4 W17 W9 L2 W6 L1 3.0 100 11 51  
5 Zhang, Andy 1317 4 W11 L14 W7 W8 L2 3.0 100 10 45.5  
6 Chung, Leo 1295 4 W15 W16 L1 L4 W10 3.0 99 10 46.5  
7 Jiang, Jim 1044 4 W18 L1 L5 W17 W16 3.0 99 8 41  
8 Van, Anna 1071 4 B--- L2 W14 L5 W15 3.0 99 8 39  
9 Taplin, Samuel 1054 4 W21 L4 L15 W12 W14 3.0 99 8 34.5  
10 Tian, Sherry 1295 4 L14 W13 D11 W15 L6 2.5 100 7.5 40  
11 Le, Paul 809 4 L5 W18 D10 W13 L3 2.5 100 7.5 39  
12 Wang, Edward 987 4 D13 L3 W16 L9 W19 2.5 100 6.5 34.5  
13 Ren, Zixuan unr. 4 D12 L10 W19 L11 W18 2.5 98 6.5 30.5  
14 Liu, Lehang 728 4 W10 W5 L8 L3 L9 2.0 100 9 43.5  
15 Kyriakides, Loukas 759 4 L6 W20 W9 L10 L8 2.0 100 7 36.5  
16 Yeh, Frank 463 4 B--- L6 L12 W20 L7 2.0 100 6 27.5  
17 Yao, Raymond 838 4 L4 W21 L3 L7 W20 2.0 100 5 33  
18 Chen, Michael 673 4 L7 L11 W21 W22 L13 2.0 100 5 25  
19 Liu, Colby 866 4 L2 D22 L13 W21 L12 1.5 100 4 29  
20 Yang, Ethan 846 4 L1 L15 W22 L16 L17 1.0 100 3 35  
21 Xu, Vivian 676 4 L9 L17 L18 L19 W22 1.0 100 1 24  
22 Liang, Jeremy 706 4 U--- D19 L20 L18 L21 0.5 100 2 13  

2015 BC Chess Challenge: Grade 5

# Name Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Qu, Leo 1633 5 W9 W12 W5 W2 W4 5.0 100 15 51.5 1st
2 Wan, Justin 1350 5 W8 W20 W19 L1 W6 4.0 100 13 43.5 2nd
3 Zheng, Victor 1478 5 W21 W23 D4 D5 W7 4.0 100 12.5 40 3rd
4 Du, Daniel 1429 5 W22 W10 D3 W12 L1 3.5 100 12.5 46  
5 Guo, Jim 1387 5 W17 W14 L1 D3 D12 3.0 100 10.5 47  
6 Wen, Eric 801 5 D19 D15 W11 W16 L2 3.0 100 9.5 39  
7 Wang, Bill 1080 5 L13 W22 W20 W10 L3 3.0 100 9 36  
8 Liu, David 874 5 L2 W21 L12 W14 W16 3.0 100 7 37.5  
9 Pan, Nicholas 1013 5 L1 W24 L13 W23 W15 3.0 100 7 34.5  
10 Chan, Brandon 1045 5 W24 L4 W14 L7 W13 3.0 99 9 36.5  
11 Yang, Angelinabowen 1172 5 L23 W18 L6 W13 W17 3.0 99 7 31.5  
12 Chen, Jerry 1271 5 W18 L1 W8 L4 D5 2.5 100 8.5 49  
13 Zhang, Ciro 634 5 W7 L19 W9 L11 L10 2.0 100 8 38.5  
14 Chang, Aland 650 5 W16 L5 L10 L8 W23 2.0 100 6 38.5  
15 Tam, Jesse 1128 5 L20 D6 D21 W18 L9 2.0 100 5.5 29  
16 Chan, Oscar 1124 5 L14 W17 W23 L6 L8 2.0 99 7 32.5  
17 Wang, Yiwang 932 5 L5 L16 W24 W20 L11 2.0 99 5 31  
18 Hemstapat, Andrew 814 5 L12 L11 W22 L15 W24 2.0 99 4 23  
19 Zhao, Cindy Ziyi 1174 5 D6 W13 L2 U--- U--- 1.5 100 6.5 30.5  
20 Fang, Jovan 747 5 W15 L2 L7 L17 D21 1.5 100 5.5 35.5  
21 Tian, Raymond 990 5 L3 L8 D15 D22 D20 1.5 100 3 31.5  
22 Zang, Anthony 945 5 L4 L7 L18 D21 B--- 1.5 100 1 28.5  
23 Xu, Terry Zhiren 765 5 W11 L3 L16 L9 L14 1.0 100 5 39.5  
24 Mundra, Prav 594 5 L10 L9 L17 B--- L18 1.0 100 1 25  

2015 BC Chess Challenge: Grade 6

# Name Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Low, Ethan 1501 6 W9 W2 W6 W5 W7 5.0 100 15 46 1st
2 Zhang, Clark 1239 6 W12 L1 W11 W6 W5 4.0 100 11 42 2nd
3 Lehingrat, Callum 1501 6 W13 D4 W8 L7 W10 3.5 100 11 31 3rd
4 Tang, Qi Wen Kevin 1173 6 W11 D3 L5 W9 W8 3.5 100 10 36  
5 Zhang, Brian 1499 6 W10 W7 W4 L1 L2 3.0 100 12 50  
6 Qian, Victor 884 6 W8 W13 L1 L2 W12 3.0 100 10 35  
7 Huijbregts, Arun 670 6 B--- L5 W9 W3 L1 3.0 99 9 42  
8 Wu, Neo Sineng 1369 6 L6 W10 L3 W12 L4 2.0 100 6 38  
9 Seyfi, Agata 1143 6 L1 W12 L7 L4 B--- 2.0 100 4 36  
10 Chai, Connor 1091 6 L5 L8 W13 W11 L3 2.0 99 5 33  
11 Chen, Franklin 702 6 L4 B--- L2 L10 X13 2.0 99 3 26  
12 Baker, Graydon 833 6 L2 L9 B--- L8 L6 1.0 100 2 31  
13 Jiang, Jerry 1162 6 L3 L6 L10 B--- F11 1.0 100 1 26  

2015 BC Chess Challenge: Grade 7

# Name Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Doknjas, Joshua 2203 7 W3 W6 W4 W2 W5 5.0 100 15 42.5 1st
2 Leong, Ryan 1636 7 W9 L4 W3 L1 W10 3.0 100 9 37 2nd
3 Hao, Robert 1408 7 L1 W5 L2 W6 W4 3.0 99 7 50.5 3rd
4 Su, Michael 1874 7 W7 W2 L1 D5 L3 2.5 100 10 47.5  
5 Fox, Dylan 1411 7 W10 L3 W8 D4 L1 2.5 100 9 39  
6 Zhou, Annika 1417 7 W8 L1 D7 L3 W9 2.5 100 7.5 37.5  
7 Butchart, Brian 1256 7 L4 W10 D6 W9 L8 2.5 99 7.5 27.5  
8 Jiang, Jenny 1136 7 L6 W9 L5 L10 W7 2.0 100 5 29  
9 Yang, Matthew 1197 7 L2 L8 W10 L7 L6 1.0 100 3 31  
10 Eirew, Milo 967 7 L5 L7 L9 W8 L2 1.0 99 2 33.5  

2015 BC Chess Challenge: Grade 8-9

# Name Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot Prize
1 Geng, Matthew 1491 8 L5 W6 W3 W9 W2 4.0 1st grade 8
2 Chen, Daniel 1517 9 W6 W7 W5 W4 L1 4.0 1st grade 9
3 Li, James 1560 9 W8 D4 L1 W5 W7 3.5 2nd grade 9
4 Yu, Robin 1632 9 W7 D3 W8 L2 D6 3.0 3rd grade 9
5 Zheng, Maven 1651 8 W1 W9 L2 L3 B--- 3.0 2nd grade 8
6 Li, Kevin 1412 8 L2 L1 B--- W8 D4 2.5 3rd grade 8
7 Brewster, Paula 1452 8 L4 L2 W9 B--- L3 2.0  
8 Song, Chunting 1231 9 L3 B--- L4 L6 W9 2.0  
9 Eirew, Pepi 1198 8 B--- L5 L7 L1 L8 1.0  

2015 BC Chess Challenge: Grade 10

# Name Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot Prize
1 Doknjas, John 2270 10 W5 W4 W6 W3 D2 4.5 1st
2 Nyamdorj, Uranchimeg 1864 10 D3 W6 W5 W4 D1 4.0 2nd
3 Cheng, Tony 1336 10 D2 W5 D4 L1 W6 3.0 3rd
4 Zhang, Yutong 1477 10 W6 L1 D3 L2 W5 2.5  
5 Wang, Dennis 1271 10 L1 L3 L2 W6 L4 1.0  
6 Shao, Jason 1298 10 L4 L2 L1 L5 L3 0.0  

2015 BC Chess Challenge: Grade 11-12

# Name Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot Prize
1 Nyamdorj, Davaa-Ochir 2041 12 W4 W2 L3 W5 W6 4.0 1st grade 12
2 Hui, Jeremy 1968 11 W5 L1 D6 W3 W4 3.5 1st grade 11 (after playoff)
3 Zhang, James 1056 11 B--- D4 W1 L2 W5 3.5 2nd grade 11 (after playoff)
4 Cui, Karl Li Zhe 1714 11 L1 D3 W5 D6 L2 2.0 3rd grade 11
5 Kaplan, Yannay 1272 11 L2 B--- L4 L1 L3 1.0  
6 Toi, Andrew 1444 12 U--- U--- D2 D4 L1 1.0 2nd grade 12

What is Canadian Chess Challenge? 

The Canadian Chess Challenge, organized by Chess’n Math Association, is a national chess tournament for players from grades 1 to 12. Each of the 10 provinces selects 12 representatives, one per grade, to participate in an intensive 9-round event over two days. Players not only compete to be the national champion, but also participate as team members to play for their provinces’ honor. The first championship was held in 1989, and this year will be the 27th tournament. It will be held in Quebec City, Quebec during the Victoria long weekend (May 17-18, 2015). Team B.C. have put in strong performance over the years, we have come in second place 5 times and third 16 times. Please visit Chess’n Math Association’s website for more information about the organization:


Who will be selected as Team B.C. members?  

The section champion (Grade 1 to 12) of this provincial event will be invited to join Team B.C. to compete in the Canadian Chess Challenge 2015.


British Columbia vs. Washington International Match 

This is the 24th year of the international match between B.C. and Washington. Two players from grade K to 12 will be selected to participate in this event. The Champions of grades K -12 of B.C. Provincial Chess Challenge will be representing B.C. to play against Washington on Board 1. Board 2 players will be the player with the highest CFC or CMA ratings as of Feb 1, 2015. This year, Chess4Life will be hosting the INTERMAT in Washington. Date & location will be advised.



Vancouver Chess School (VCS) is the organizer for the Provincial Chess Challenge. Revenue of this event will be used to cover expenses, and support chess champions in terms of travel subsidies and training sessions. Team B.C. members will receive 3 full-days training to prepare for their national competition. 

Any donation and sponsorship are welcome. This year, the goal of our donation funds is to financially support Team B.C. members and coaches to attend both the Canadian Chess Challenge in Quebec City as well as INTERMAT in Washington.



All students Grades K – 12 who scored 2.5 points or higher in the Vancouver regional 1 & 2, Burnaby Regional, Fraser Valley regional & Victoria Regional are invited to participate. Please find the list of qualified players here highlighted in red:[0]=9 (Please enteràstart date: November 2014 / event type: Regional)


Date 日期:  Mar 1, 2015 (Sunday)   

Location 地点Vancouver Chess School 温哥华国际象棋学校 

Arbutus Shopping Centre # 252-4255 Arbutus Street, Vancouver, BC (All day free parking) 

*Use the entrance next to A & W Restaurant; take the escalator up to 2nd floor - Unit 252


Format 赛制 

K-12th Grades, 13 Sections. K-12年级, 三组别。 

5 rounds Regular Swiss; CMA rated.5局瑞士赛制; CMA计分   

Please note that some groups may be combined if sections are small.  请注意如果每组人数太少,有些组别可能合并。 

Chess sets and clocks are provided. 提供象棋和棋钟。


Prizes 奖品 

Trophies are awarded to the top 3 finishers in each section. 每组别的前3名将奖杯。 


Check inTime 报到时间:   

No Check in is required. Pairing will be ready at 9:45am.  

Please check your board number and your colour next to your name on the pairing sheet. Report to your section (example: Grade 1) when doors open. Round 1 will starts at 10:00am sharp. We will start the clock at assigned round time. 

Round Time

1st round – 10:00am

2nd round – 11:15am

Lunch after round 2

3rd round – 1:00pm

4th round – 2:00pm

5th round – 3:00pm

Awards – estimated at 4:30pm

 Bye Request  轮空要求:   

If you cannot attend all 5 rounds, maximum of 2 zero point byes is allowed. Request must be made at least ½ hour before the round starts. 如果你不能参加所有5个回合,你必须在赛前半小时请求不超过2次零分轮空


Time control 时间限制 

Game in 25 Minutes with 5 increments. 每场25分钟加5秒。


Tie Breaks 个人决:
1. Direct Encounter (Head to Head)
2. Cumulative score
3. Opposition cumulative score
In the event of a tie for first place there will be a playoff game between the two players, or the top two by computer tiebreak (as listed above) if three or more players tie for first.


Special Note: 

VCS organizes the chess tournament, but we do not have resources to provide child care services, and cannot be held liable to the safety of the children. Parents must take full responsibilities for the well-being of their children. From our experience, all children would require some forms of support from their parents between rounds, such as some encouraging words, arranging snack and lunch, supervising games play, making sure they attend the next round on time etc.  Please make sensible arrangement according to your children’s maturity level. 


Registration Fees & payment  网上注册及付费:     

$30 by Feb 21 (early bird discount); $35 regular.  

No onsite registration is allowed. Cut-off time: 8:00pm/Feb 28  

Sibling discount: $5 off for 2nd member or higher in the family  


View tournament flyer here 


Organizer: Maxim Doroshenko 

For immediate assistance, please contact us by email: 

We read both English & Chinese. Or leave messages only at voicemail: (604)568-3283

# Player Grade School Section Rating CMA
1 Andrew Hemstapat Grade 5 General Currie E.S. Grade 5 2563
2 Joshua Doknjas Grade 7 Traditional Learning Ac. Grade 7 2492
3 NM DavaaOchir Nyamdorj Grade 12 Grade 12 2368
4 John Doknjas Grade 10 Traditional Learning Ac. Grade 10 2337
5 Aiden Zhou Grade 3 St. George's Jr. Grade 3 2273
6 Patrick Huang Grade 4 Frank Hobbs E.S. Grade 4 2262
7 Neil Doknjas Grade 4 Traditional Learning Ac. Grade 4 2243
8 Jeremy Hui Grade 11 Moscrop S.S. Grade 11 2151
9 Leo Qu Grade 5 Bramblewood E.S. Grade 5 2138
10 Sherry Tian Grade 4 Mc Robert SS Grade 4 2112
11 Kevin Low Grade 4 Dr. George M. Weir E.S. Grade 4 2095
12 James Li Grade 9 Port Moody S.S. 4.2.0 Grade 9 2079
13 Ryan Leong Grade 7 Grade 7 2055
14 Callum Lehingrat Grade 6 Cariboo Hill Grade 6 1985
15 Uranchimeg Nyamdorj Grade 10 Vancouver Technical S.S. Grade 10 1896
16 Ethan Su Grade 1 Sir William Osler Elementary School Grade 1 1830
17 Michael Su Grade 7 Eric Hamber S. S. Grade 7 1828
18 Veronica Guo Grade 2 York House Grade 2 1796
19 Daniel Wang Grade 1 Manoah Steves Elementary Grade 1 1780
20 Victor Zheng Grade 5 Vancouver Technical S.S. Grade 5 1776
21 Kevin Li Grade 8 Prince of Wales S.S. Grade 8 1763
22 Maven Zheng Grade 8 Eric Hamber S.S. Grade 8 1751
23 Andrew Xu Grade 2 Mulgrave Grade 2 1728
24 Ethan Low Grade 6 Moscrop S.S. Grade 6 1714
25 Daniel Du Grade 5 Vancouver College Grade 5 1708
26 Chuyang Gu Grade 3 Herbert Spencer E.S. Grade 3 1708
27 Matthew Geng Grade 8 Glenlyon-Norfolk-Jr. Boys Grade 8 1694
28 KarlLizhe Cui Grade 11 Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Grade 11 1692
29 Dylan Fox Grade 7 Mulgrave Grade 7 1654
30 Robin Yu Grade 9 Fraser Heights S.S. Grade 9 1631
31 Daniel Chen Grade 9 Point Grey S.S. Grade 9 1619
32 Robert Hao Grade 7 Elgin Grade 7 1555
33 Lucian Wu Grade 3 Sir Matthew Begbie E.S. Grade 3 1543
34 Jim Guo Grade 5 West Bay E.S. Grade 5 1528
35 Joshua Imoo Grade 3 Heritage Christian Online School Grade 3 1492
36 AndrewM Toi Grade 12 Archbishop Carney S.S. Grade 12 1474
37 Yutong Zhang Grade 10 St. George's Sr. Grade 10 1466
38 Paula Brewster Grade 8 Prince of Wales S.S. Grade 8 1458
39 Tony Cheng Grade 10 Sentinel S.S. Grade 10 1440
40 Annika Zhou Grade 7 York House Grade 7 1438
41 Clark Zhang Grade 6 General Gordon E.S. Grade 6 1431
42 Connor Chai Grade 6 Home schooled Grade 6 1431
43 Brian Butchart Grade 7 Prince of Wales S.S. Grade 7 1410
44 Brian Zhang Grade 6 Capitol Hill E.S. Grade 6 1410
45 Justin Wan Grade 5 Frost Rd. E.S. Grade 5 1401
46 Kevin Butchart Grade 4 Tecumseh E.S. Grade 4 1375
47 Leo Chung Grade 4 St. John's Grade 4 1374
48 Andy Zhang Grade 4 Norma Rose Point S. Grade 4 1371
49 James Zhang Grade 11 Port Moody S.S. Grade 11 1368
50 NeoSiNeng Wu Grade 6 Riverdale E.S. Grade 6 1354
51 Elvin Sun Grade 3 . Grade 3 1353
52 Paul Le Grade 4 Dr. H.N. MacCorkindale Grade 4 1314
53 Anna Van Grade 4 St. Joseph the Worker Grade 4 1291
54 Jason Shao Grade 10 Vancouver Coll. Grade 10 1275
55 KevinQiwen Tang Grade 6 University Hill S.S. Grade 6 1272
56 Dennis Wang Grade 10 Steveston S.S. Grade 10 1271
57 Agata Seyfi Grade 6 West Vancouver Secondary Grade 6 1270
58 Sophia Yu Grade 1 John T. Errington E.S. Grade 1 1263
59 Yannay Kaplan Grade 11 King David HS Grade 11 1262
60 Jerry Chen Grade 5 Berkshire Park E.S. Grade 5 1251
61 ChunTing Song Grade 9 Semiahmoo S.S. Grade 9 1250
62 MatthewN Yang Grade 7 Summit M.S. Grade 7 1227
63 Samuel Taplin Grade 4 St John's School Grade 4 1209
64 AngelinaBoWen Yang Grade 5 Mulgrave Grade 5 1202
65 Bill Wang Grade 5 West Point Grey Ac. Grade 5 1198
66 Cindy Zhao Grade 5 Bayridge E.S. Grade 5 1159
67 Elaine Fan Grade 3 H.T. Thrift E.S. Grade 3 1089
68 Jason Qian Grade 2 St. John's Grade 2 1078
69 Raymond Yao Grade 4 Southlands E.S. Grade 4 1069
70 Jesse Tam Grade 5 John G. Diefenbaker E.S. Grade 5 1063
71 Eric Wen Grade 5 Tomekichi Homma E.S. Grade 5 1063
72 Jenny Jiang Grade 7 spul'u'kwuks Grade 7 1062
73 Jerry Jiang Grade 6 St. George's Jr. Grade 6 1062
74 Vincent Guo Grade 1 St. George's Jr. Grade 1 1053
75 Benjamin CookNagy Grade 2 Vancouver Coll. Grade 2 1046
76 Oscar Chan Grade 5 Mulgrave (Vancouver BC) Grade 5 1045
77 Brandon Chan Grade 5 Marlborough E.S. Grade 5 1044
78 Nicholas Pan Grade 5 St. John's Grade 5 1010
79 Victor Qian Grade 6 Hollyburn E.S. Grade 6 1002
80 Jim Jiang Grade 4 spul'u'kwuks Grade 4 1001
81 Ciro Zhang Grade 5 Spul'U'Kwuks E.S. Grade 5 993
82 David Eirew Grade 3 St. John's Grade 3 988
83 Freddy Chen Grade 1 Fraser Wood E.S. Grade 1 986
84 Stanley Wu Grade 2 St. George's Jr. Grade 2 984
85 Raymond Tian Grade 5 General Currie E.S. Grade 5 980
86 Denman Hertz Grade 1 Peace Arch Elem Grade 1 980
87 YiWang Wang Grade 5 West Point Grey Ac. Grade 5 956
88 Loukas Kyriakides Grade 4 Bayridge E.S. Grade 4 941
89 Edward Wang Grade 4 West Point Grey Ac. Grade 4 937
90 Anthony Zang Grade 5 Burnaby ELS Grade 5 933
91 David Liu Grade 5 Walnut Road E.S. Grade 5 933
92 Jason Chen Grade 1 St. George's Jr. Grade 1 903
93 Pavni Labade Grade 2 Moscrop S.S. Grade 2 903
94 Nethru Kachchakaduge Grade 3 Mountain Meadows E.S. Grade 3 891
95 Colby Liu Grade 4 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Grade 4 848
96 Anthony Xu Grade 3 Campus View E.S. Grade 3 846
97 Lehang Liu Grade 4 Pacific Ac. Grade 4 818
98 Graydon Baker Grade 6 Home School Grade 6 816
99 Ethan Yang Grade 4 Pinetree Way E.S. Grade 4 812
100 Jeremy Liang Grade 4 Marlborough E.S. Grade 4 798
101 Jovan Fang Grade 5 Topham E.S. Grade 5 783
102 Severn Nie Grade 3 Point Grey Secondary Grade 3 777
103 Arun Huijbregts Grade 6 Victoria Inter. Grade 6 766
104 TerryZhiRen Xu Grade 5 West Point Grey Ac. Grade 5 748
105 Jacky Tang Grade K Shaughnessy E.S. Grade K 735
106 YongJian Li Grade 2 University Hill S.S. Grade 2 731
107 Uros Jeremic Grade 2 Maywood C.E.S. Grade 2 724
108 Aland Chang Grade 5 Torquay E.S. Grade 5 714
109 Visisht Kodali Grade 1 Sail Academy Grade 1 712
110 Franklin Chen Grade 6 North Saanich M.S. Grade 6 702
111 Artin Hajihosseinlou Grade 1 Irwin Park E.S. Grade 1 684
112 Brian Shao Grade K St. George's Jr. Grade K 671
113 Michael Luo Grade 2 Pacific E.S. Grade 2 668
114 Vivian Xu Grade 4 Shaughnessy E.S. Grade 4 652
115 Emilia Vozian Grade 2 Willows E.S. Grade 2 650
116 Ray Zhang Grade 1 St. George's Jr. Grade 1 645
117 Zixuan Ren Grade 4 Kerrisdale E.S. Grade 4 638
118 George Deng Grade 3 St. John's Grade 3 626
119 Dagan Meredith Grade 2 Home schooled Grade 2 622
120 Samuel Fan Grade K Surrey C.S. Grade K 607
121 HoveyHoDak Ma Grade K Capitol Hill E.S. Grade K 593
122 Prav Mundra Grade 5 St. John's Grade 5 589
123 MichaelK Chen Grade 4 West Point Grey Ac. Grade 4 582
124 Maya Abraham Grade 3 General Gordon E.S. Grade 3 527
125 Carlo Robles Grade 2 General Gordon E.S. Grade 2 519
126 Frank Yeh Grade 4 St. John's Grade 4 483
127 Ray Xu Grade 2 Shaughnessy E.S. Grade 2 477
128 Kevin Nie Grade K Quilchena E.S. Grade K 432
129 Oscar Baker Grade K Home School Grade K 334
130 Lilyliya Shi Grade 7 Grade 7 0
131 Wendy Zheng Grade 8 Grade 8 0