Start Date Saturday, December 6, 2014, 10:00 AM
End Date Sunday, December 7, 2014, 04:30 PM
Location Vancouver Chess School
Format Open to all Grade P - 12
Сancellation time 24 hours
Organizer Maxim Doroshenko



To check your CMA ratings:

To check your CFC ratings:

Event photos:

SwissSys Standings. Vancouver Junior Open #2: Two-day

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Ryan Leong 1557 W7 W2 W9 X3 W11 W3 6 100 20 66.5 1st Trophy
2 Daniel Wang 1223 W13 L1 W5 W10 W7 W9 5 100 16 74.5 2nd Trophy
3 Jason Shao 1257 W4 W6 W17 F1 W9 L1 4 100 17 65 3rd Trophy
4 Anna Van 982 L3 W16 L6 W15 W12 W5 4 99 11 63 U1000 1st Trophy
5 Kevin Liu 1231 W14 D17 L2 W12 W10 L4 3.5 100 13.5 61.5 4th Medal
6 Angelina Bo Wen Yang 1196 W8 L3 W4 L9 H--- W11 3.5 100 11.5 60.5 5th Medal
7 Andrew Xu 1134 L1 H--- W8 X17 L2 W12 3.5 100 9 54  
8 Bill Wang 866 L6 H--- L7 W18 W13 W14 3.5 98 8 34.5 U900 1st Trophy
9 Kevin Butchart 1292 W18 W12 L1 W6 L3 L2 3 100 14 74.5  
10 Jenny Jiang 1080 L17 W11 W15 L2 L5 W13 3 100 10 63.5 U1100 1st Trophy
11 Colby Liu 866 W16 L10 H--- W14 L1 L6 2.5 100 10.5 51.5 U900 2nd Trophy
12 Samuel Taplin 1137 W15 L9 W13 L5 L4 L7 2 100 10 62.5  
13 Jason Qian 892 L2 W18 L12 W16 L8 L10 2 99 8 48 U900 3rd Trophy
14 Elvin Sun 937 L5 L15 W18 L11 W16 L8 2 99 6 43 U1000 2nd Trophy
15 Yiwang Wang 843 L12 W14 L10 L4 W18 L16 2 98 7 41  
16 Justin Zhao 825 L11 L4 B--- L13 L14 W15 2 98 4 42.5  
17 Dylan Fox 1363 W10 D5 L3 F7 U--- U--- 1.5 100 8.5 40.5  
18 Jim Jiang 1034 L9 L13 L14 L8 L15 B--- 1 100 0 43 U1100 2nd Trophy


SwissSys Standings. Vancouver Junior Open #2: One-day


# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Daniel Zhang 736 H--- W4 W8 W2 W3 4.5 100 12 42.5 1st Trophy
2 Bruce Zhang 786 W5 W9 W3 L1 W6 4 100 13 47.5 2nd Medal
3 Richard Chen 677 W15 W6 L2 W11 L1 3 100 11 44 3rd Medal
4 Severn Nie 550 W7 L1 D9 W12 D8 3 100 9 43 U600 1st Trophy
5 Colin Wang 577 L2 L16 W10 W14 W11 3 100 6 30.5 U600 2nd Medal
6 Vincent Guo 583 W14 L3 W12 W8 L2 3 99 10 42 U600 3rd Medal
7 Jason Chen 695 L4 W10 L13 W16 W9 3 99 7 32.5 U700 1st Trophy
8 Artin Hajihosseinlou 673 W11 W12 L1 L6 D4 2.5 100 9.5 44 U700 2nd Medal
9 Terry Zhiren Xu 654 W16 L2 D4 W13 L7 2.5 100 8.5 40 U700 3rd Medal
10 Veronica Guo 532 H--- L7 L5 B--- W13 2.5 100 4 20  
11 Michael Chen 626 L8 W15 W16 L3 L5 2 100 7 32.5  
12 Kevin Wang 699 W13 L8 L6 L4 W16 2 100 6 39.5  
13 Jacky Tang 569 L12 W14 W7 L9 L10 2 99 7 28  
14 Tudor Jinga 525 L6 L13 B--- L5 D15 1.5 100 2.5 25  
15 Max He 536 L3 L11 H--- H--- D14 1.5 100 2 20.5  
16 Orlando Li 529 L9 W5 L11 L7 L12 1 100 4 34.5  


SwissSys Standings. Vancouver Junior Open #2: One-day U500


# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Antonia Bonnis 453 W9 L4 W3 W5 W2 4 100 11 45 1st Trophy
2 Eric Shi 428 D3 W9 W10 W4 L1 3.5 100 11.5 38 2nd Trophy
3 Denman Hertz 486 D2 W7 L1 W6 W4 3.5 100 9.5 47 3rd Trophy
4 Ethan YuBo Wang unr. W7 W1 W5 L2 L3 3 100 12 47 4th Medal
5 Jerry Zhang 452 W10 W8 L4 L1 D7 2.5 100 9.5 36.5 5th Medal
6 Kenneth Lee 409 H--- H--- W8 L3 D9 2.5 100 7 17  
7 Kitty Wei 437 L4 L3 W9 W10 D5 2.5 100 5.5 36.5  
8 Kevin Nie 209 B--- L5 L6 L9 W10 2 100 5 22  
9 Jackson Croom 371 L1 L2 L7 W8 D6 1.5 100 2.5 40  
10 Tucker Croom 370 L5 B--- L2 L7 L8 1 100 3 31.5  

Swiss Group 1

1-day CMA rated event, 2-days CFC rated event

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5Rd 6TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]
1Veronica Guo11609541796Grade 2 W33 W13 W163100915
2Jerry Zhang1209677562Grade 4 W35 W36 W28310098
3Tucker Croom1151796309Grade 1 W44 W43 W12310097
4Samuel Taplin11517411209Grade 4 D5 W37 W302.599.5712
5Jim Jiang11965261001Grade 4 D4 W26 W142.599.5718
6Colin Wang1165566600Grade 2 D7 W40 W352.599.5712
7Max He1209666741Grade 4 D6 W21 W322.599.5714
8Jacky Tang1146813735Grade K D9 W38 W242.599.5714
9Denman Hertz1210533516Grade 1 D8 W15 W272.599.5716
10Jason Shao11465541275Grade 10 L25 W22 W232100513
11Dylan Fox10415461654Grade 7 L26 W44 W182100511
12Daniel Wang11640691780Grade 1 W27 W20 L32100718
13AngelinaBoWen Yang11466661202Grade 5 W28 L1 W252100616
14Jenny Jiang11965041062Grade 7 W41 W34 L5210079
15Richard Chen1094567834Grade 5 W30 L9 W392100612
16Vincent Guo12049861053Grade 1 W31 W25 L12100715
17Artin Hajihosseinlou1206178684Grade 1 W43 L30 W37210065
18Jason Chen1146767903Grade 1 W32 W31 L11299710
19Tudor Jinga1165691494Grade 3 W34 L24 W38210069
20Kenneth Lee1210882556Grade 5 W36 L12 W4329969
21Bill Wang12039061198Grade 5 D22 L7 W421.599.5411
22Elvin Sun11973031353Grade 3 D21 L10 W411.599.549
23Colby Liu1146868848Grade 4 D37 W41 L101.510057
24Bruce Zhang1165601884Grade 2 D38 W19 L81.5100515
25Ryan Leong10209032055Grade 7 W10 L16 L131100418
26Kevin Butchart10206991375Grade 4 W11 L5 L34199414
27KevinM Liu11479941224Grade 3 L12 W39 L91100316
28Andrew Xu11466881728Grade 2 L13 W29 L21100319
29Justin Zhao1146846648Grade 3 W42 L28 L3619845
30TerryZhiRen Xu1146879748Grade 5 L15 W17 L41100319
31MichaelK Chen1152999582Grade 4 L16 L18 W441100214
32Severn Nie1148668777Grade 3 L18 W42 L71100314
33Antonia Bonnis1207394762Grade 5 L1 L35 W40199214
34Eric Shi1207438718Grade 3 L19 L14 W261100217
35Katrina Wei1209688609Grade 4 L2 W33 L61100318
36Jackson Croom1151785358Grade 2 L20 L2 W291100219
37John Smith11479261078Grade 2 D23 L4 L170.5100218
38DanielD Zhang12038621098Grade 4 D24 L8 L190.5100218
39Orlando Li1210577576Grade 3 D40 L27 L150.599.5211
40EthanYubo Wang1212941492Grade 2 D39 L6 L330.599.5211
41Anna Van11477351291Grade 4 L14 L23 L220100016
42YiWang Wang1203928956Grade 5 L29 L32 L210100011
43KevinJiaDong Wang1148051660Grade 4 L17 L3 L200100021
44Kevin Nie1204997432Grade K L3 L11 L310100016
# Player Grade School Section Rating CMA
1 Ryan Leong Grade 7 2-days CFC rated event 2055
2 Veronica Guo Grade 2 York House 1-day CMA rated event 1796
3 Daniel Wang Grade 1 Manoah Steves Elementary 2-days CFC rated event 1780
4 Andrew Xu Grade 2 Mulgrave 2-days CFC rated event 1728
5 Dylan Fox Grade 7 Mulgrave 2-days CFC rated event 1654
6 Kevin Butchart Grade 4 Tecumseh E.S. 2-days CFC rated event 1375
7 Elvin Sun Grade 3 . 2-days CFC rated event 1353
8 Anna Van Grade 4 St. Joseph the Worker 2-days CFC rated event 1291
9 Jason Shao Grade 10 Vancouver Coll. 2-days CFC rated event 1275
10 KevinM Liu Grade 3 University Hill E.S. 2-days CFC rated event 1224
11 Samuel Taplin Grade 4 St John's School 2-days CFC rated event 1209
12 AngelinaBoWen Yang Grade 5 Mulgrave 2-days CFC rated event 1202
13 Bill Wang Grade 5 West Point Grey Ac. 2-days CFC rated event 1198
14 DanielD Zhang Grade 4 Suncrest E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 1098
15 John Smith Grade 2 St. John's 2-days CFC rated event 1078
16 Jenny Jiang Grade 7 spul'u'kwuks 2-days CFC rated event 1062
17 Vincent Guo Grade 1 St. George's Jr. 1-day CMA rated event 1053
18 Jim Jiang Grade 4 spul'u'kwuks 2-days CFC rated event 1001
19 YiWang Wang Grade 5 West Point Grey Ac. 2-days CFC rated event 956
20 Jason Chen Grade 1 St. George's Jr. 1-day CMA rated event 903
21 Bruce Zhang Grade 2 Lord Kitchener E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 884
22 Colby Liu Grade 4 Our Lady of Perpetual Help 2-days CFC rated event 848
23 Richard Chen Grade 5 Immaculate Conception E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 834
24 Severn Nie Grade 3 Point Grey Secondary 1-day CMA rated event 777
25 Antonia Bonnis Grade 5 Crofton House 1-day CMA rated event 762
26 TerryZhiRen Xu Grade 5 West Point Grey Ac. 1-day CMA rated event 748
27 Max He Grade 4 Trafalgar E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 741
28 Jacky Tang Grade K Shaughnessy E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 735
29 Eric Shi Grade 3 W.D. Ferris E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 718
30 Artin Hajihosseinlou Grade 1 Irwin Park E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 684
31 KevinJiaDong Wang Grade 4 Sir Wilfrid Laurier E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 660
32 Justin Zhao Grade 3 Hollyburn E.S. 2-days CFC rated event 648
33 Katrina Wei Grade 4 Trafalgar E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 609
34 Colin Wang Grade 2 Sir Wilfrid Laurier E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 600
35 MichaelK Chen Grade 4 West Point Grey Ac. 1-day CMA rated event 582
36 Orlando Li Grade 3 Archibald Blair Elementary School 1-day CMA rated event 576
37 Jerry Zhang Grade 4 Trafalgar E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 562
38 Kenneth Lee Grade 5 St. George's Jr. 1-day CMA rated event 556
39 Denman Hertz Grade 1 Ecole Riverdale Elementary 1-day CMA rated event 516
40 Tudor Jinga Grade 3 Lord Tennyson E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 494
41 EthanYubo Wang Grade 2 Trafalgar E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 492
42 Kevin Nie Grade K Quilchena E.S. 1-day CMA rated event 432
43 Jackson Croom Grade 2 Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Vancouver BC) 1-day CMA rated event 358
44 Tucker Croom Grade 1 Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Vancouver BC) 1-day CMA rated event 309