Date Saturday, July 6, 2019
Time 10:00 AM-01:00 PM
Location 312-2083, Alma st., Vancouver (Jericho Shopping Centre)
Format Open to all levels
Сancellation time 24 hours
Organizer Maxim Doroshenko

2019 VCS Summer School


Presented by VCS Principal Maxim Doroshenko (2462 CFC): FIDE Master & 2011 BC Champion


VCS is proud to present our first ever Summer School courses. An intensive yet fun course, this is the perfect opportunity to learn from a master and prepare for the upcoming season of tournaments. Students of all ages and abilities are encouraged to keep their skills honed, sharpen their tactics, and broaden their strategic knowledge in this course this summer. 




Rating CMA/CFC

Program dates

(8 sessions)


Fees (Regular)

Fees (sibling discount)


Group #1


July 6, 13, 20, 27; Aug 3, 10, 17, 24

10 am – 1 pm




Group #2


10 am – 1 pm




Group #3


10 am – 1 pm




Students will be offered a transfer to higher rated groups if their rating increases over their group’s rating limit during the course of the program. This program is open to all levels, from beginner to advanced players, and is not restricted to VCS students. Students will be grouped based on their rating in order to receive specific training to enhance their tournament performance. This program is intended as an opportunity for all students to maintain their skills over the summer and prepare for upcoming tournaments in the fall season. 



This intensive program provides additional training on top of regular group and private classes. The topics will include but are not limited to:


·       Explanation of general chess rules & specific rules applied in tournaments

·       Time management in chess tournaments (how to use your time wisely for different time control games)

·       Practice games using tournament time controls



Training will be provided in:


·       Opening preparation

·       Tactics exercises

·       Learning different strategic concepts

·       Endgame practice

·       Improving calculation skills


Students will also have the opportunity to play rated games with post-game analysis, a key training method for any tournament preparation. 


Online homework after each session is a key component in this program to ensure that students have opportunities to review what they have learnt. We request the students to complete the homework as mandatory exercises in this program.  Students can work at their own pace and work throughout the week until the next class.  Coaches are available to help if any questions arise. Please remember all the activities are designed to be building blocks to assist students to sharpen their skills and reach their peak performance at the major chess championships.  


Program dates: July 6, 13, 20, 27; Aug 3, 10, 17, 24


Location: Jericho Village Shopping Centre (312-2083, Alma St, Vancouver, BC, V6R4N6)


Sibling discount 20% off for 2nd member or higher in the family. For preparation purposes, no onsite registration is allowed. 


For event photos: 

Contact: Voicemail: (604)568-3283

# Player Grade School Section Rating CMA
1 Jaydon Yuan Grade 1 Kerrisdale Elementary Intermediate group 1401
2 YouJia Ye Grade K St.George’s Jr. Beginner group 1308
3 Bryson Kwong Grade 3 Lord Byng Intermediate group 973
4 Ewan Zong Grade 2 St. George's Junior School Beginner group 958
5 Jeffrey Deng Grade K Collingwood School Beginner group 900
6 Jayden Li Grade 4 Collingwood School Beginner group 850
7 Max Bu Grade 3 Elgin Park Intermediate group 785
8 Michael Bai Grade K WPGA Intermediate group 706
9 Benson Yuan Grade 5 Kerrisdale Elementary Beginner group 664
10 NOAH MULLER Grade 2 ST JOHNS SCHOOL Intermediate group 662
11 JamesT Guo Grade 1 n/a Beginner group 647
12 Cleavon Wang Grade 3 St. George’s School Intermediate group 645
13 Felix Bian Grade 3 OLPH Intermediate group 642
14 Caelan Szeto Grade 3 Vancouver Christian School Beginner group 502
15 Edwin Lui Grade 8 David Thompson S.S. Intermediate group 487
16 FIONAXIANXUAN LI Grade 5 John G. Diefenbaker E.S. Beginner group 471
17 Anthony Wong Grade 5 MAPLE GROVE ELEMANTARY Intermediate group 470
18 Declan Carvalho Grade 2 Vancouver College Beginner group 401
19 Fedor Ibrisim Grade 1 Beginner group 400
20 Andrew Wong Grade 3 Dr.Annie Jamieson ELEMANTARY Intermediate group 384
21 Jesse Guo Grade 1 OLPH Beginner group 358
22 Tiffany Deng Grade 2 Collingwood Intermediate group 350
23 Alan Hu Grade 2 Lord Kitchener E.S. Beginner group 346
24 Ayden Chen Grade 2 Trafalgar Elementary school Beginner group 247