Date Sunday, February 24, 2019
Time 05:00 PM-09:00 PM
Location 312-2083, Alma st., Vancouver (Jericho Shopping Centre)
Rounds 5
Format Grade 4-12
Entry Fee $40. Sibling discount: $10 off for 2nd member or higher in the family
Сancellation time 24 hours
Registration No registration after 8pm night before tournament
Organizer Maxim Doroshenko


2018-2019 Regional Qualifier to B.C. Chess Challenge 

All B.C. students from Grade 4 to Grade 12 are invited to participate in this annual marquee event, marking the beginning of the annual Chess Challenge series which culminates in the Canadian Chess Challenge. Players can qualify to the B.C. Chess Challenge, itself a qualifier to the national event, by scoring 2.5 points or higher in a regional event.  

Players of all skill levels are highly encouraged to participate in this event. Not only is it a chance to compete against the top players in their grade, it is a chance for all players to continue to improve their general tournament skills. Players are encouraged to enter more than one qualifier to accumulate even more tournament experience but can only claim one trophy or medal in all their participated qualifier events.


For a full report, please see the article in our 2016 Team B.C. at the Canadian Chess Challenge Regina

Click here to find out more about all the Regional, Provincial, National or the World Chess Tournament. 


Provincial Organizers  

Vancouver Chess School (VCS) will be organizing the Regional qualifiers and the Provincial Chess Challenge. Victoria Junior Chess Society will be hosting the Victoria Regional. 



Regional Qualifier - Vancouver

Qualification  参赛条件

B.C. students only Grade 4 - 12

Time Control  赛时限制


Format  赛制

5-round Swiss format

Ratings  等级分

CMA rated

Schedule  时间表

1st round – 5:00pm

2nd round – 5:45pm

3rd round –6:30pm

4th round – 7:15pm

5th round – 8:00pm

Awards – estimated at 8:45pm

Prizes  奖品

Grade 4-12Trophies to top 3 players if section has 6 or more participants; for sections with less than 6 players 1 trophie and 2 medals will be awarded 

Award certificates to all participants 所有参赛者均获得奖证书

Notice to parents


We do not provide child care services and cannot be held liable to the safety of your children. You must take full responsibilities for the well-being of your child. They would require some forms of support from you between rounds, such as some encouraging words; supervising games play; making sure they attend the next round on time; using the public washroom etc. Q & A  问题解答


In order to perform well and stay focus for the entire tournament, please reframe your child from using the computer for other games except chess. Playing or running around will result in burning their energy faster especially for the last 2 rounds.

Notice to players 


o   Playing up is not allowed  不容跳组

o   May combine if sections are small   如人数太少,有些组别可能合并

o   Chess notation is optional. Please bring your own scorebook 请自备象棋记录本

o   No food or drinks inside tournament room

What to bring

Scorebook; Drinking water and healthy snacks. 




Individual Tie Breaker  个人决胜局

Swiss format

1)      Direct Encounter (Head to Head)

2)      Cumulative score

3)      Opposition cumulative score

Round Robin format

1)      Direct Encounter (Head to Head)

2)      SonneBorne-Berger

For School Team only

Where two or more school teams are tied, the team with the highest number of won games will be declared the winner. If scores are still tied, the team with the highest number of first place finishers will be declared the winner. If neither team has a first place finisher, then the highest number of second place finishers, and so on. 



The following players in their grades can skip regional events and automatically join the provincial.    




2018 Team BC members

Top Rated Players as of Jan 1, 2019



Grade 5-12

Grade 1-4



Nicholas Wu




Jayden Qu

Jayden Qu




BiaoBiao Boyong Guo

AryaCyrus Boroomand




Ethan Song

Ryan Yang




Eric Jiang

Daniel Wang




Eugene Liang

Kate Jiang




Luka Spasojevic

Aiden Zhou




Neil Doknjas

Neil Doknjas




Victor Zheng

Andrew Hemstapat 




Brian Yang

Brian Yang




Joshua Doknjas

Joshua Doknjas 




William Bremner

Max Gedaljovic 



Location: 312-2083, Alma st. (Jericho Shopping Centre)

*Door opens at 4:45 pm only. Tournament hall is located on the 2nd floor, room 312 

*Free Street parking and underground parking is available 


        Please show up at least 5 minutes before round starts. We will start the clock according to the schedule shown below.   


Chess sets and clocks are provided  提供象棋和棋

Bye request  轮空要求 

If you cannot attend some of the rounds, maximum of 2 zero point byes is allowed (except last round). Please email with your request or inform TD at least ½ hour before round starts  

如果你不能参加某几赛前半小时请或电邮 通知。最多只能申2轮空(除最后一)轮空得0分 


If a player forfeits a game (i.e., does not show up within 25 minutes of the start of a round), it will be assumed the player has withdrawn from the tournament. That player will not be paired in subsequent rounds unless the tournament director is notified. If a player cannot be present for all the games, please notify us so the player may receive a bye and not be penalized.


Registration fees:  $40      

Sibling discount $10 off for 2nd member or higher in the family   

No registration after 8:00pm night before tournament. Drop in or onsite registration is not allowed. Must pay online for advanced preparation. 



Refund policy  退款条件 

No refund within 24hours. If you have 24 hours or more: Log into student's account and click cancel under "My tournament"

24退款24办理退款: 前往学生我的比取消即可



Chess Federation Canada (CFC)

Chess n' Math (CMA) 


Vancouver Chess School Photo album 影集

Email: Phone: (604)568-3283

Swiss Group 1

Grade 4

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]Prize
1Alex Zou13085651776Grade 4 W7 W5 W2 W6 L34991447
2Jiaqi Liu14123241087Grade 4 W8 W3 L1 W4 W74991246
3Tim Yang1308857939Grade 4 W12 L2 W7 W5 W14991141
4Jialin Liu14123351004Grade 4 W9 W6 L5 L2 W103991041
5James Zhang1322122984Grade 4 W10 L1 W4 L3 W93100946
6Tom Chen1382084987Grade 4 W11 L4 W8 L1 W12399932
7Ryan WU14220221008Grade 4 L1 W10 L3 W11 L22100645
8Glyn Zhu1367493467Grade 4 L2 W12 L6 L9 W11299530
9Andy Huang1329759700Grade 4 L4 W11 L10 W8 L5299632
10Nate Roessler1382152404Grade 4 L5 L7 W9 W12 L4299531
11Ronin Kung1434352400Grade 4 L6 L9 W12 L7 L81100326
12Keiji Martinez1434341400Grade 4 L3 L8 L11 L10 L60100033

Swiss Group 2

Grade 5

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]Prize
1Julian Marchfelder1320985776Grade 5 W7 D2 W9 W3 W64.51001345.5
2Willard Mou1376436824Grade 5 W11 D1 W6 D7 D33.599.511.544
3Steven Wang13243591005Grade 5 W5 W4 W8 L1 D23.599.512.548
4Brandon Chen1363239687Grade 5 D6 L3 W11 W8 W73.5998.540
5Austin Chen1298711919Grade 5 L3 L6BYE (1.0) W9 W83100635
6Simon Wang1321075961Grade 5 D4 W5 L2 W10 L12.51008.545
7Lang Dai1329952643Grade 5 L1BYE (1.0) W10 D2 L42.5100839
8Bowen Wong13294781401Grade 5 W9 W10 L3 L4 L52100938
9Andrew Chen1287191811Grade 5 L8 W11 L1 L5BYE (1.0)299530
10Noah Betteridge1434363400Grade 5BYE (1.0) L8 L7 L6 W11299627.5
11Athan Irinakis1434374400Grade 5 L2 L9 L4BYE (1.0) L101100231

Swiss Group 3

Grade 6

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]Prize
1Benjamin CookNagy11655551046Grade 6 W7 D3 W5 W4 W64.51001346
2Veronica Guo11609541796Grade 6 W8 D6 L3 W5 W73.5991042
3Raymond Zhang1306618718Grade 6 W10 D1 W2 W7 L43.51001238
4Evan Peng1310545796Grade 6 L5 W8 W6 L1 W3399848
5Daniel Ward1329827539Grade 6 W4 W9 L1 L2 W1031001033
6DavidGuanXuan Zhou12526421063Grade 6 W9 D2 L4 W8 L12.5100937
7Harry Deng1386663618Grade 6 L1 W10 W9 L3 L22100737
8Rohan Chadha1272148592Grade 6 L2 L4 W10 L6 W92100429
9Marcus Lummack1382229606Grade 6 L6 L5 L7 W10 L81100230
10Harrison Yeh1434385400Grade 6 L3 L7 L8 L9 L50100035

Round Group 1

Grade 7

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[SB]Prize
1Lucian Wu11364411543Grade 7 W3 W4 W2 W4 D34.51005.5
2Garrison Wu1237432972Grade 7 W4 W3 L1 L3 W431005
3Andy Zhao13750751227Grade 7 L1 L2 W4 W2 D12.51006
4Aaron Lo1165667706Grade 7 L2 L1 L3 L1 L201000

Swiss Group 4

Grade 8

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]Prize
1Sherry Tian11972922112Grade 8 W7 W3 W2 W4 W551001540
2Sam Taplin11517411170Grade 8 W6 W5 L1 W7 D33.599.511.540.5
3Nathan Boersma1431382792Grade 8 W4 L1 W5BYE (1.0) D23.599.510.541.5
4Jeremy Chan13199051201Grade 8 L3 W7 W6 L1BYE (1.0)3100833.5
5Zixuan Yang1314066847Grade 8BYE (1.0) L2 L3 W6 L12100742
6Max Kimel1434339698Grade 8 L2BYE (1.0) L4 L5 W7299529.5
7Rick Ren1432113460Grade 8 L1 L4BYE (1.0) L2 L61100339.5

Round Group 2

Grade 9, Grade 11, Grade 12

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[SB]Prize
1Maven Zheng10210041751Grade 12BYE (1.0) W3 W2 D4 W54.51009.25
1st grade 12
2Rohan Wessels12664231259Grade 9 W4 W5 L1 W3BYE (1.0)41006.5
3Ashton Taylor8802111410Grade 11 W5 L1BYE (1.0) L2 W431003.5
1st grade 11
4Bill Wang12039061198Grade 9 L2BYE (1.0) W5 D1 L32.51003.25
1st grade 9
5Mark Sanda1378337857Grade 9 L3 L2 L4BYE (1.0) L111000
# Player Grade School Section Rating CMA
1 Sherry Tian Grade 8 Mc Robert SS Grade 8 2112
2 Veronica Guo Grade 6 York House Grade 6 1796
3 Alex Zou Grade 4 Graham D. Bruce E.S. Grade 4 1776
4 Maven Zheng Grade 12 Eric Hamber S.S. Grade 12 1751
5 Lucian Wu Grade 7 Sir Matthew Begbie E.S. Grade 7 1543
6 Ashton Taylor Grade 11 Queen Mary E.S. Grade 11 1410
7 Bowen Wong Grade 5 University Hill S.S. Grade 5 1401
8 Rohan Wessels Grade 9 Southpointe Academy Grade 9 1259
9 Andy Zhao Grade 7 R.C. Palmer Grade 7 1227
10 Jeremy Chan Grade 8 vancouver college Grade 8 1201
11 Bill Wang Grade 9 West Point Grey Ac. Grade 9 1198
12 Sam Taplin Grade 8 Trafalgar E.S. Grade 8 1170
13 Benjamin Zeng Grade 12 St. John's Grade 12 1119
14 Jiaqi Liu Grade 4 Lord Kitchener E.S. Grade 4 1087
15 DavidGuanXuan Zhou Grade 6 Lord Kitchener E.S. Grade 6 1063
16 Benjamin CookNagy Grade 6 Vancouver Coll. Grade 6 1046
17 Ryan WU Grade 4 Saint George's Grade 4 1008
18 Steven Wang Grade 5 James McKinney E.S. Grade 5 1005
19 Jialin Liu Grade 4 Lord Kitchener E.S. Grade 4 1004
20 Tom Chen Grade 4 St. John's Grade 4 987
21 James Zhang Grade 4 Heritage Mountain E.S. Grade 4 984
22 Garrison Wu Grade 7 James Whiteside E.S. Grade 7 972
23 Simon Wang Grade 5 St. George's Jr. Grade 5 961
24 Tim Yang Grade 4 Immaculate Conception Grade 4 939
25 Austin Chen Grade 5 Bramblewood E.S. Coquitlam Grade 5 919
26 Mark Sanda Grade 9 PMSS Grade 9 857
27 Zixuan Yang Grade 8 Norma Rose Point E.S. Grade 8 847
28 Willard Mou Grade 5 Henry Anderson E.S. Grade 5 824
29 Andrew Chen Grade 5 St.Georges jr Grade 5 811
30 Evan Peng Grade 6 Our Lady of Mercy Grade 6 796
31 Nathan Boersma Grade 8 Vancouver Christian School Grade 8 792
32 Julian Marchfelder Grade 5 OLPH Grade 5 776
33 Raymond Zhang Grade 6 Chaffey-Burke E.S. Grade 6 718
34 Aaron Lo Grade 7 St. John's Grade 7 706
35 Andy Huang Grade 4 St. John's Grade 4 700
36 Max Kimel Grade 8 King David High School Grade 8 698
37 Brandon Chen Grade 5 Maple Lane Elementary Grade 5 687
38 Lang Dai Grade 5 University Hill E.S. Grade 5 643
39 Harry Deng Grade 6 David Lloyd George E.S. Grade 6 618
40 Marcus Lummack Grade 6 St. John's Grade 6 606
41 Rohan Chadha Grade 6 St. John's Grade 6 592
42 Daniel Ward Grade 6 St. John's Grade 6 539
43 Glyn Zhu Grade 4 John Knox C.S. Grade 4 467
44 Rick Ren Grade 8 Hugh McRoberts S.S. Grade 8 460
45 Nate Roessler Grade 4 St. John's Grade 4 404
46 Harrison Yeh Grade 6 St. John's Grade 6 400
47 Keiji Martinez Grade 4 St. John's Grade 4 400
48 Athan Irinakis Grade 5 St. John's Grade 5 400
49 Noah Betteridge Grade 5 St. John's Grade 5 400
50 Ronin Kung Grade 4 St. John's Grade 4 400
51 Oliver Sun Grade 8 St. John's Grade 8 400