Date Sunday, January 27, 2019
Time 12:30 PM-04:30 PM
Location 312-2083, Alma st., Vancouver (Jericho Shopping Centre)
Rounds 5
Format Grade K-3
Entry Fee $40. Sibling discount: $10 off for 2nd member or higher in the family
Сancellation time 24 hours
Registration No registration after 8pm night before tournament
Organizer Maxim Doroshenko


2018-2019 Regional Qualifier to B.C. Chess Challenge

All B.C. students from Kindergarten to Grade 3 are invited to participate in this annual marquee event, marking the beginning of the annual Chess Challenge series which culminates in the Canadian Chess Challenge. Players can qualify to the B.C. Chess Challenge, itself a qualifier to the national event, by scoring 2.5 points or higher in a regional event.  

Players of all skill levels are highly encouraged to participate in this event. Not only is it a chance to compete against the top players in their grade, it is a chance for all players to continue to improve their general tournament skills. Players are encouraged to enter more than one qualifier to accumulate even more tournament experience but can only claim one trophy or medal in all their participated qualifier events.


For a full report, please see the article in our 2016 Team B.C. at the Canadian Chess Challenge Regina

Click here to find out more about all the Regional, Provincial, National or the World Chess Tournament. 


Provincial Organizers  

Vancouver Chess School (VCS) will be organizing the Regional qualifiers and the Provincial Chess Challenge. Victoria Junior Chess Society will be hosting the Victoria Regional. 



Regional Qualifier - Vancouver

Qualification  参赛条件

B.C. students only Grade P - 3

Time Control  赛时限制


Format  赛制

5-round Swiss format

Ratings  等级分

CMA rated

Schedule  时间表

1st round – 12:30pm

2nd round – 1:15pm

3rd round –2:00pm

4th round – 2:45pm

5th round – 3:30pm

Awards – estimated at 4:15pm

Prizes  奖品

Grade K-3: Trophies to top 3 players if section has 6 or more participants; for sections with less than 6 players 1 trophie and 2 medals will be awarded 

Award certificates to all participants 所有参赛者均获得奖证书

Notice to parents


We do not provide child care services and cannot be held liable to the safety of your children. You must take full responsibilities for the well-being of your child. They would require some forms of support from you between rounds, such as some encouraging words; supervising games play; making sure they attend the next round on time; using the public washroom etc. Q & A  问题解答


In order to perform well and stay focus for the entire tournament, please reframe your child from using the computer for other games except chess. Playing or running around will result in burning their energy faster especially for the last 2 rounds.

Notice to players 


o   Playing up is not allowed  不容跳组

o   May combine if sections are small   如人数太少,有些组别可能合并

o   Chess notation is optional. Please bring your own scorebook 请自备象棋记录本

o   No food or drinks inside tournament room

What to bring

Scorebook; Drinking water and healthy snacks. 






Individual Tie Breaker  个人决胜局

Swiss format

1)      Direct Encounter (Head to Head)

2)      Cumulative score

3)      Opposition cumulative score

Round Robin format

1)      Direct Encounter (Head to Head)

2)      SonneBorne-Berger

For School Team only

Where two or more school teams are tied, the team with the highest number of won games will be declared the winner. If scores are still tied, the team with the highest number of first place finishers will be declared the winner. If neither team has a first place finisher, then the highest number of second place finishers, and so on. 



The following players in their grades can skip regional events and automatically join the provincial.    




2018 Team BC members

Top Rated Players as of Jan 1, 2019



Grade 5-12

Grade 1-4



Nicholas Wu




Jayden Qu

Jayden Qu




BiaoBiao Boyong Guo

AryaCyrus Boroomand




Ethan Song

Ryan Yang




Eric Jiang

Daniel Wang




Eugene Liang

Kate Jiang




Luka Spasojevic

Aiden Zhou




Neil Doknjas

Neil Doknjas




Victor Zheng

Andrew Hemstapat 




Brian Yang

Brian Yang




Joshua Doknjas

Joshua Doknjas 




William Bremner

Max Gedaljovic 





Location: 312-2083, Alma st. (Jericho Shopping Centre)

*Door opens at 12:15 pm only. Tournament hall is located on the 2nd floor, room 312 

*Free Street parking and underground parking is available 


        Please show up at least 5 minutes before round starts. We will start the clock according to the schedule shown below.   


Chess sets and clocks are provided  提供象棋和棋

Bye request  轮空要求 

If you cannot attend some of the rounds, maximum of 2 zero point byes is allowed (except last round). Please email with your request or inform TD at least ½ hour before round starts  

如果你不能参加某几赛前半小时请或电邮 通知。最多只能申2轮空(除最后一)轮空得0分 


If a player forfeits a game (i.e., does not show up within 25 minutes of the start of a round), it will be assumed the player has withdrawn from the tournament. That player will not be paired in subsequent rounds unless the tournament director is notified. If a player cannot be present for all the games, please notify us so the player may receive a bye and not be penalized.


Registration fees:  $40      

Sibling discount $10 off for 2nd member or higher in the family   

No registration after 8:00pm night before tournament. Drop in or onsite registration is not allowed. Must pay online for advanced preparation. 



Refund policy  退款条件 

No refund within 24hours. If you have 24 hours or more: Log into student's account and click cancel under "My tournament"

24退款24办理退款: 前往学生我的比取消即可



Chess Federation Canada (CFC)

Chess n' Math (CMA) 


Vancouver Chess School Photo album 影集

Email: Phone: (604)568-3283

Swiss Group 1

Grade 1

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]Prize
1James Hong1409196284Grade 1 W4 W2 W6 W3 W551001530
2Henry Fan14046061249Grade 1 W3 L1 W4 W5 W641001134
3Oles Delegan1409229548Grade 1 L2 W6 W5 L1 W43100837
4Neil Pradhan1431268388Grade 1 L1 W5 L2 W6 L32100639
5Jaden Wu1431292400Grade 1 D6 L4 L3 L2 L10.599.52.542.5
6Daniel Fang1409163335Grade 1 D5 L3 L1 L4 L20.599.52.542.5

Swiss Group 2

Grade 2

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]Prize
1Eliza Tian13608111020Grade 2 W4 W8 W2 W5 W651001542
2Oliver Ye13628681006Grade 2 W7 W3 L1 W9 W441001242
3Walter Zhang13297041086Grade 2 W9 L2 W6 L4 W7399936
4Franklin Xu1377437453Grade 2 L1 W5 W8 W3 L23100951
5Andrew Zhong1416115446Grade 2 W6 L4 W9 L1BYE (1.0)399934
6Marcus Luo1416104488Grade 2 L5 W7 L3BYE (1.0) L12100638
7Esther Zhou1413077801Grade 2 L2 L6BYE (1.0) W8 L3299533
8Hayato Mizumoto1373523563Grade 2BYE (1.0) L1 L4 L7 W9299633
9Dean Atkinson1431279971Grade 2 L3BYE (1.0) L5 L2 L81100436

Swiss Group 3

Grade 3

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]Prize
1Anthony Li14127411022Grade 3 W17 W2 W4 W8 W551001543
2Matthew Kofmansky1329873982Grade 3 W13 L1 W10 W3 W641001150.5
3AryaCyrus Boroomand13296711255Grade 3 W16 D8 W6 L2 W93.51001146
4Wesley Russell13299281924Grade 3 W10 W5 L1 L6 W83991052.5
5Princeton Chau1266726751Grade 3 W11 L4 W7 W13 L13991044.5
6Norman Lee1388643939Grade 3 W14 W12 L3 W4 L231001143
7Micah Trotter1329906661Grade 3 L12 W18 L5 W14 W13399728
8Owen Zheng13162261050Grade 3BYE (1.0) D3 W9 L1 L42.51001045
9Howard Wang14070031139Grade 3 W15 D16 L8 W12 L32.599936
10Bryson Kwong1375031973Grade 3 L4 W15 L2 W16 D112.599.56.535.5
11Eliot Matisz1329669515Grade 3 L5 L13 W17 W15 D102.599.55.529.5
12Henry Li1360923810Grade 3 W7 L6 L13 L9 W16299639
13Tristan Patterson1409253820Grade 3 L2 W11 W12 L5 L72100739.5
14Micah Chow1427264347Grade 3 L6 W17 L16 L7 W182100525
15Paul Yu1411514432Grade 3 L9 L10 W18 L11 W172100423
16Jacky Luan14198381168Grade 3 L3 D9 W14 L10 L121.5100537.5
17Dylan Duan1431281400Grade 3 L1 L14 L11 W18 L151100229.5
18Eddy Cheng1431257345Grade 3BYE (0.0) L7 L15 L17 L140100028

Round Group 1

Grade K

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5Rd 6TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[SB]Prize
1Ethan Low14298061274Grade K W2BYE (1.0) W3BYE (1.0) D2 W35.51008.5
2Steven Chang1416982326Grade K L1 W3BYE (1.0) W3 D1BYE (1.0)4.51004
3Marcus Nguyen1421965230Grade KBYE (1.0) L2 L1 L2BYE (1.0) L121000
# Player Grade School Section Rating CMA
1 Wesley Russell Grade 3 St. John's Grade 3 1924
2 Ethan Low Grade K . Grade K 1274
3 AryaCyrus Boroomand Grade 3 University Hill Secondary Grade 3 1255
4 Henry Fan Grade 1 West Point Grey Ac. Grade 1 1249
5 Jacky Luan Grade 3 Collingwood School Grade 3 1168
6 Howard Wang Grade 3 Vancouver Christian School Grade 3 1139
7 Walter Zhang Grade 2 Lord Byng Secondary School Grade 2 1086
8 Owen Zheng Grade 3 Kwayhquitlum middle school Grade 3 1050
9 Anthony Li Grade 3 St John's School Grade 3 1022
10 Eliza Tian Grade 2 William bridge E.S Grade 2 1020
11 Oliver Ye Grade 2 Choice School Grade 2 1006
12 Matthew Kofmansky Grade 3 Urban Academy Grade 3 982
13 Bryson Kwong Grade 3 Lord Byng Grade 3 973
14 Dean Atkinson Grade 2 PIE Grade 2 971
15 Norman Lee Grade 3 Vancouver Technical Secondary School Grade 3 939
16 Tristan Patterson Grade 3 Windsor Secondary Grade 3 820
17 Henry Li Grade 3 James McKinney E.S. Grade 3 810
18 Esther Zhou Grade 2 Quilchena E.S. Grade 2 801
19 Princeton Chau Grade 3 St. Georges's School Grade 3 751
20 Micah Trotter Grade 3 Heritage Christian Online School Grade 3 661
21 Hayato Mizumoto Grade 2 Norma Rose Point E.S. Grade 2 563
22 Oles Delegan Grade 1 Southlands E.S. Grade 1 548
23 Eliot Matisz Grade 3 Trafalgar Grade 3 515
24 Marcus Luo Grade 2 St. John’s Grade 2 488
25 Franklin Xu Grade 2 Unknown school Grade 2 453
26 Andrew Zhong Grade 2 West Point Grey Ac. Grade 2 446
27 Paul Yu Grade 3 Chartwell E.S. Grade 3 432
28 Jaden Wu Grade 1 Grade 1 400
29 Dylan Duan Grade 3 Unknown school Grade 3 400
30 Neil Pradhan Grade 1 Waverley Elementary School (Vancouver) Grade 1 388
31 Micah Chow Grade 3 Unknown school Grade 3 347
32 Eddy Cheng Grade 3 Southlands Elementary School Grade 3 345
33 Daniel Fang Grade 1 Saint john ‘schools Grade 1 335
34 Steven Chang Grade K Unknown school Grade K 326
35 James Hong Grade 1 Kerrisdale E.S. Grade 1 284
36 Marcus Nguyen Grade K St Pauls School Grade K 230