Date Sunday, April 15, 2018
Time 10:30 AM-04:30 PM
Location VCS at Columbia College, Vancouver
Format Provincial 省级赛 - Those who qualified in any Regional
Entry Fee $45. Sibling discount: $10 off for 2nd member or higher in the family
Сancellation time 24 hours
Registration No registration after 8pm night before tournament
Organizer Maxim Doroshenko


2018 B.C. Chess Challenge   

All players who scored 2.5 points or more in any regional event the same year are invited to participate in the annual B.C. Chess Challenge for a chance to win the title of B.C. Champion and a chance to represent B.C. on the national stage. Not only is this an opportunity to play at the Canadian Chess Challenge, it is yet another opportunity for all players to sharpen their tournament skills against other strong players.


To find out if you are qualified, please check your name on our previous regional tournaments. If your name is highlighted in red, you are qualified!


For a full report, please see the article in our 2016 Team B.C. at the Canadian Chess Challenge Regina

Click here to find out more about all the Regional, Provincial, National or the World Chess Tournament. 


Provincial Organizers  

Vancouver Chess School (VCS) will be organizing the Regional qualifiers and the Provincial Chess Challenge. Victoria Junior Chess Society will be hosting the Victoria Regional. 



Any donation and sponsorship are welcome. This year, the goal of our donation funds is to financially support Team B.C. members and coaches to attend the Canadian Chess Challenge in Toronto.


Location: Vancouver Chess School  温哥华国际象棋学 

Columbia College 438 Terminal Avenue, Vancouver  

*Door opens at 10:00 am only. Tournament hall is located on the 3rd floor, room 320-330 

*Street parking and underground parking ($2 per hour) 

*Note no "U-turn" is allowed on Terminal Avenue 


        Please show up at least 5 minutes before round starts. We will start the clock according to the schedule shown below.    

2018 B.C. Chess Challenge

Qualification  条件

B.C. students only Grade P - 12

Time Control  赛时限

Game in 25 minutes with 5 seconds delay


5-round Swiss format


CMA rated

Schedule  时间

1st round – 10:30am

2nd round – 11:40am

Lunch after round 2

3rd round – 12:50pm

4th round – 2:00pm

5th round – 3:10pm

Awards – estimated at 4:30pm

There will be a delay if there is a playoff


Grade K-12: Trophies to top 3 

Champions of Grade 1-12 will be invited to join Team B.C.

Award certificates to all participants 所有参赛者获得奖证书

Notice to parents


We do not provide child care services and cannot be held liable to the safety of your children. You must take full responsibilities for the well-being of your child. They would require some forms of support from you between rounds, such as some encouraging words; supervising games play; making sure they attend the next round on time; using the public washroom etc. Both parents and players must stay inside the waiting room/lounge before and after rounds.

Wi-Fi service (limit for 45 mins only): CC guest. No password is required. May reconnect after 2 hours.

Q & A  问题解 


In order to perform well and stay focus for the entire tournament, please reframe your child from using the computer for other games except chess. Playing or running around will result in burning their energy faster especially for the last 2 rounds. Bring a chess set for post game analysis. Have their mind set for the tournament at least 5 minutes before the game. Avoid having a full meal or junk food or anything high in sugar.

Notice to players


o   Playing up is not allowed  不容

o   May combine if sections are small   人数太少,有些组别可能合并

o   Chess notation is optional. Please bring your own scorebook 请自备象棋记录本

o   No food or drinks inside tournament room

What to bring

Scorebook; Drinking water and healthy snacks. 



Individual Tie Breaker  个人决

Swiss format

1)      Direct Encounter (Head to Head)

2)      Cumulative score

3)      Opposition cumulative score

Round Robin format

1)      Direct Encounter (Head to Head)

2)      SonneBorne-Berger

In the event of a tie for first place there will be a playoff game between the two players or the top two by computer tiebreak (as listed above)

if three or more players tie for first. Time control: 5 mins + 5 sec delay. Colour to be determined by lot.


The following players in their grades can skip regional events and automatically join the provincial.    



2017 Team BC members

Top Rated Players as of Dec 1, 2017


Grade 5-12


Grade 1-4



Nicholas Wu




Codrin Pompas

 AryaCyrus Boroomand




Ethan Song

 Ryan Yang 




Eric Jiang

 Nathan Wu 




Andrew Xu

 Andrew Xu 




Lucian Wu

 Aiden Zhou




Neil Doknjas

 Patrick Huang 




Leo Qu

 Andrew Hemstapat 




Brian Yang

 Kai Richardson




Joshua Doknjas

 Joshua Doknjas 




Matthew Geng

 Max Gedaljovic 




Brandon Zhu

 Jason Cao 




Chess sets and clocks are provided  提供象棋和棋   


Bye request  轮空要求 

If you cannot attend some of the rounds, maximum of 2 zero point byes is allowed (except last round). Please email with your request or inform TD at least ½ hour before round starts  

如果你不能参加某几赛前半小时请或电邮 通知。最多只能申请2轮空(除最后一)轮空得0分 


Registration fees:  $45      

Sibling discount $10 off for 2nd member or higher in the family   

No registration after 8:00pm night before tournament. Drop in or onsite registration is not allowed. Must pay online for advanced preparation. 



Refund policy  退款条件 

No refund within 24hours. If you have 24 hours or more: Log into student's account and click cancel under "My tournament"

24退款24办理退款: 前往学生我的比取消即可



Chess Federation Canada (CFC)

Chess n' Math (CMA)


Vancouver Chess School Photo album 影集

Contact: Voice mail: (604)568-3283


SwissSys Standings. 2018 Chess Challenge: Kindergarten

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Tot Prize
1 Wu, Nicholas 838 W2 W2 W2 W2 4.0 1st
2 Yang, Nathan 545 L1 L1 L1 L1 0.0 2nd

SwissSys Standings. 2018 Chess Challenge: Grade 1

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot Prize
1 Qu, Jayden 861 W10 W2 W8 W5 L3 4.0 1st (after playoff)
2 Tian, Eliza 727 W7 L1 W3 W8 W5 4.0 2nd
3 Jiang, Zi Hao [William] 738 W4 D5 L2 W7 W1 3.5 3rd
4 Mok, Erwin 472 L3 L6 W7 W9 W10 3.0  
5 Gao, Justin 849 W9 D3 W6 L1 L2 2.5  
6 Golchin, Ryan 678 L8 W4 L5 D10 W9 2.5  
7 Martin, Kirill 460 L2 W10 L4 L3 W8 2.0  
8 Liu, Charles 372 W6 W9 L1 L2 L7 2.0  
9 Zhang, Walter 503 L5 L8 W10 L4 L6 1.0  
10 Lu, Aiden 592 L1 L7 L9 D6 L4 0.5  

SwissSys Standings. 2018 Chess Challenge: Grade 2

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[C] Prize
1 Guo, BiaoBiao Boyong 770 W12 W7 W4 W5 W6 5.0 15 1st
2 Boroomand, AryaCyrus 992 W14 L6 W13 W9 W5 4.0 11 2nd
3 Zheng, Owen 505 D4 W9 W7 L6 W11 3.5 10.5 3rd
4 Kofmansky, Matthew 829 D3 W8 L1 W10 W9 3.5 9.5  
5 Pompas, Codrin 813 W15 W11 W6 L1 L2 3.0 12  
6 Li, Tony 812 W10 W2 L5 W3 L1 3.0 11  
7 Eisenberg, Colette 1025 W8 L1 L3 W12 W10 3.0 8  
8 Li, Henry 582 L7 L4 D14 W13 W15 2.5 4.5  
9 Wang, Dennis 652 W13 L3 W12 L2 L4 2.0 8  
10 Chau, Princeton 462 L6 W14 W11 L4 L7 2.0 7  
11 Trotter, Micah 373 B--- L5 L10 W15 L3 2.0 6  
12 Jiang, Aaron 452 L1 B--- L9 L7 W14 2.0 4  
13 Wong, Andrew 405 L9 W15 L2 L8 B--- 2.0 4  
14 Xie, Ethan 549 L2 L10 D8 B--- L12 1.5 2.5  
15 Matisz, Eliot 466 L5 L13 B--- L11 L8 1.0 2  

SwissSys Standings. 2018 Chess Challenge: Grade 3

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[C] Prize
1 Song, Ethan 1479 W12 W5 W9 W4 L2 4.0 14 1st (after playoff)
2 Yang, Ryan 1511 W8 D13 W10 D3 W1 4.0 12 2nd
3 Jin, Alexander 1032 D4 W11 W6 D2 W9 4.0 11.5 3rd
4 Xue, Andrew 661 D3 W8 W13 L1 W10 3.5 10.5  
5 Gao, Joshua 794 W15 L1 W14 D9 W11 3.5 10  
6 Zou, Alex 1048 W17 D10 L3 D13 W12 3.0 9  
7 Luo, Zhiheng 815 W14 L9 L12 W15 W13 3.0 8  
8 Huang, Winston 734 L2 L4 W20 W14 W17 3.0 6  
9 Su, Derrick 741 W19 W7 L1 D5 L3 2.5 10  
10 Zhou, Leonardo 785 W16 D6 L2 W17 L4 2.5 9  
11 Yang, Simba 760 W20 L3 W19 D12 L5 2.5 9  
12 Xu, Joey 708 L1 W20 W7 D11 L6 2.5 8  
13 Chen, Drake 800 W18 D2 L4 D6 L7 2.0 8  
14 Brown, Peter 646 L7 W16 L5 L8 W19 2.0 5  
15 Guliyev, Nadir 626 L5 L19 W18 L7 W20 2.0 4  
16 Wei, Melinda 592 L10 L14 L17 W20 W18 2.0 3  
17 Elizur, Benjamin 438 L6 D18 W16 L10 L8 1.5 5  
18 Zhang, James 632 L13 D17 L15 W19 L16 1.5 4  
19 Mundra, Tanvir 449 L9 W15 L11 L18 L14 1.0 4  
20 Huang, Andy 461 L11 L12 L8 L16 L15 0.0 0  

SwissSys Standings. 2018 Chess Challenge: Grade 4

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[C] Prize
1 Jiang, Eric 1382 W6 W10 W7 W3 W2 5.0 15 1st
2 Mok, Gillian 1162 W14 W11 D3 W8 L1 3.5 12.5 2nd
3 Wu, Nathan 1549 W5 W4 D2 L1 W7 3.5 11.5 3rd
4 Wang, Simon 897 W12 L3 W15 D7 W5 3.5 10  
5 Leong, Aiden 715 L3 W13 W12 W10 L4 3.0 9  
6 Mou, Willard 651 L1 W9 L8 W11 W10 3.0 7  
7 Shan, Eric 730 W15 W8 L1 D4 L3 2.5 10  
8 Zhou, Roy 1010 W13 L7 W6 L2 D9 2.5 8.5  
9 Lum, Grady 536 L10 L6 B--- W12 D8 2.5 4.5  
10 Chen, Austin 923 W9 L1 W11 L5 L6 2.0 8  
11 Kodali, Venkata Vikhyath 447 B--- L2 L10 L6 W14 2.0 5  
12 Shi, Lucas 513 L4 W14 L5 L9 B--- 2.0 4  
13 Marchfelder, Julian 558 L8 L5 L14 B--- W15 2.0 2  
14 Zhang, David 567 L2 L12 W13 D15 L11 1.5 4  
15 Kodali, Visisht 506 L7 B--- L4 D14 L13 1.5 4  

SwissSys Standings. 2018 Chess Challenge: Grade 5

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] Prize
1 Liang, Eugene 1093 W15 W7 W8 W2 W4 5.0 100 1st
2 Xu, Andrew 1451 W10 W3 W4 L1 W7 4.0 100 2nd
3 Liang, Enoch 1049 W13 L2 W5 W9 W8 4.0 99 3rd
4 Jiang, Kate 1096 W12 W14 L2 W6 L1 3.0 100  
5 Hooftman, David 587 L8 W16 L3 W10 W12 3.0 100  
6 Zhou, David 1030 W16 D8 D7 L4 W9 3.0 99  
7 Eisenberg, Lucas 1203 W11 L1 D6 W14 L2 2.5 100  
8 Cooknagy, Benjamin 1095 W5 D6 L1 W15 L3 2.5 100  
9 Ward, Daniel 471 L14 W12 W10 L3 L6 2.0 100  
10 Li, Mengbai 746 L2 W13 L9 L5 W16 2.0 99  
11 Huang, Ryan 608 L7 L15 W16 L12 W14 2.0 99  
12 Lummack, Marcus 608 L4 L9 W13 W11 L5 2.0 99  
13 Deng, Harry 516 L3 L10 L12 W16 W15 2.0 98  
14 Peng, Evan 827 W9 L4 D15 L7 L11 1.5 100  
15 Chadha, Rohan 577 L1 W11 D14 L8 L13 1.5 100  
16 Chu, Tyler 475 L6 L5 L11 L13 L10 0.0 100  

SwissSys Standings. 2018 Chess Challenge: Grade 6

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[C] Prize
1 Spasojevic, Luka 1391 W4 W5 W8 W2 D3 4.5 14.5 1st
2 Huang, Ryan 1082 W10 W3 W9 L1 W5 4.0 13 2nd
3 Imoo, Joshua 1311 W11 L2 W6 W7 D1 3.5 10.5 3rd
4 Qian, Jessica 937 L1 W6 W12 D8 W9 3.5 9  
5 Wang, Fangxun [Rafael] 1020 W13 L1 W10 W11 L2 3.0 10  
6 Pan, Kane 824 W9 L4 L3 W12 W8 3.0 8  
7 Liu, George 863 L8 W11 W13 L3 B--- 3.0 7  
8 Amjadi, Borna 1189 W7 W12 L1 D4 L6 2.5 10  
9 Jin, Justin 1148 L6 W13 L2 W10 L4 2.0 6  
10 Lo, Aaron 699 L2 B--- L5 L9 W12 2.0 4  
11 Wu, Garrison 910 L3 L7 B--- L5 W13 2.0 3  
12 Nielsen, Kiran 462 B--- L8 L4 L6 L10 1.0 4  
13 Shumeyko, Denis 647 L5 L9 L7 B--- L11 1.0 1  

SwissSys Standings. 2018 Chess Challenge: Grade 7

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[C] Prize
1 Doknjas, Neil 1866 W11 W2 W8 W3 W6 5.0 15 1st
2 Low, Kevin 1873 W9 L1 W4 W5 W3 4.0 11 2nd
3 Tian, Sherry 1860 W12 W4 W9 L1 L2 3.0 12 3rd
4 Huang, Patrick 1944 W10 L3 L2 W11 W8 3.0 8  
5 Yang, Henry 1441 L8 W6 W10 L2 W9 3.0 8  
6 Butchart, Kevin 1391 D7 L5 W12 W8 L1 2.5 7.5  
7 Chan, Jeremy 566 D6 L8 L11 W12 W10 2.5 5.5  
8 Yang, Zi Xuan [Amanda] 676 W5 W7 L1 L6 L4 2.0 9  
9 Zhu, Mike 949 L2 W11 L3 W10 L5 2.0 6  
10 Misic, Mihailo 980 L4 W12 L5 L9 L7 1.0 4  
11 Zhu, Benjamin 876 L1 L9 W7 L4 L12 1.0 3  
12 Shan, Lyvia 691 L3 L10 L6 L7 W11 1.0 1  

SwissSys Standings. 2018 Chess Challenge: Grade 8

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[R] Prize
1 Du, Daniel 1637 W3 B--- W2 B--- L2 4.0 10 1st
2 Zheng, Victor 1780 B--- L3 L1 W3 W1 3.0 8.5 2nd
3 Wessels, Rohan 1187 L1 W2 B--- L2 B--- 3.0 6 3rd

SwissSys Standings. 2018 Chess Challenge: Grade 9

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Tot Prize
1 Yang, Brian 1725 W2 L2 W2 D2 2.5 1st
2 Low, Ethan 1775 L1 W1 L1 D1 1.5 2nd

SwissSys Standings. 2018 Chess Challenge: Grade 10

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot Prize
1 Doknjas, Joshua 2273 B--- W3 W2 B--- W2 5.0 1st
2 Leong, Ryan 1818 W3 B--- L1 W3 L1 3.0 2nd
3 Rabinovich, Inna 892 L2 L1 B--- L2 B--- 2.0 3rd

SwissSys Standings. 2018 Chess Challenge: Grade 11

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot Prize
1 Bremner, William 1373 W4 W3 W2 B--- W2 5.0 1st
2 Li, Kevin 1701 W3 W4 L1 W3 L1 3.0 2nd
3 Geng, Matthew 1754 L2 L1 B--- L2 B--- 2.0 3rd
4 Zeng, Ben 1123 L1 L2 U--- U--- U--- 0.0  

SwissSys Standings. 2018 Chess Challenge: Grade 12

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot Prize
1 Li, James 1960 W3 B--- L2 W3 W2 4.0 1st
2 Zhu, Brandon 2123 B--- D3 W1 B--- L1 3.5 2nd
3 Telio, Jack 1047 L1 D2 B--- L1 B--- 2.5 3rd
# Player Grade School Section Rating CMA
1 Joshua Doknjas Grade 10 Traditional Learning Ac. Grade 10 2492
2 FM Ethan Song Grade 3 Lord Byng S.S. Grade 3 2396
3 FM Ryan Yang Grade 3 Lord Byng Secondary School Grade 3 2357
4 Patrick Huang Grade 7 Frank Hobbs E.S. Grade 7 2262
5 Neil Doknjas Grade 7 Traditional Learning Ac. Grade 7 2243
6 Brandon Zhu Grade 12 Simon Fraser University Grade 12 2205
7 Nathan Wu Grade 4 R.C. Talmey E.S. Grade 4 2146
8 Aiden Leong Grade 4 DT Grade 4 2131
9 Sherry Tian Grade 7 Mc Robert SS Grade 7 2112
10 Kevin Low Grade 7 Dr. George M. Weir E.S. Grade 7 2095
11 James Li Grade 12 Port Moody S.S. 4.2.0 Grade 12 2079
12 Ryan Leong Grade 10 Grade 10 2055
13 Kate Jiang Grade 5 Steveston London SS Grade 5 1996
14 William Bremner Grade 11 Mountainside Secondary Grade 11 1955
15 Brian Yang Grade 9 J.N. Burnett S.S. Grade 9 1948
16 Erwin Mok Grade 1 St George’s School Grade 1 1860
17 Justin Gao Grade 1 Sir William Osler E.S. Grade 1 1834
18 Jack Telio Grade 12 St. John's Grade 12 1804
19 Alex Zou Grade 3 Graham D. Bruce E.S. Grade 3 1776
20 Victor Zheng Grade 8 Vancouver Technical S.S. Grade 8 1776
21 Kevin Li Grade 11 Prince of Wales S.S. Grade 11 1763
22 ZhiQiRyan Huang Grade 6 Suncrest Elementary Grade 6 1752
23 Andrew Xu Grade 5 Mulgrave Grade 5 1728
24 Ethan Low Grade 9 Moscrop S.S. Grade 9 1714
25 Gillian Mok Grade 4 Crofton House Grade 4 1710
26 Daniel Du Grade 8 Vancouver College Grade 8 1708
27 Matthew Geng Grade 11 Mount Douglas S.S.S. Grade 11 1694
28 Henry Yang Grade 7 Marlborough E.S. Grade 7 1654
29 Eric Jiang Grade 4 St. George's Jr. Grade 4 1542
30 Joey Xu Grade 3 Alpha Secondary School Grade 3 1537
31 Joshua Imoo Grade 6 Heritage Christian Online School Grade 6 1492
32 BiaobiaoBoyong Guo Grade 2 Mitchell E.S. Grade 2 1488
33 Luka Spasojevic Grade 6 Kitsilano Secondary Grade 6 1475
34 Nicholas Wu Grade K R.C. Talmey E.S. Grade K 1459
35 Alexander Jin Grade 3 Mulgrave Grade 3 1411
36 Nadir Guliyev Grade 3 University Hill E.S. Grade 3 1382
37 Kevin Butchart Grade 7 Tecumseh E.S. Grade 7 1375
38 Nathan Yang Grade K Vancouver Montessori School Grade K 1328
39 Rohan Wessels Grade 8 Southpointe Academy Grade 8 1259
40 Eugene Liang Grade 5 Capitol Hill E.S. Grade 5 1256
41 AidenHaoTing Lu Grade 1 Sir Winston Churchill H.S. Grade 1 1256
42 AryaCyrus Boroomand Grade 2 University Hill Secondary Grade 2 1255
43 Ryan Golchin Grade 1 Argyle Secondary School Grade 1 1240
44 Jessica Qian Grade 6 Unknown school Grade 6 1236
45 William Jiang Grade 1 Whiteside ES Grade 1 1231
46 Dennis Wang Grade 2 DT SS Grade 2 1221
47 Lucas Eisenberg Grade 5 Home schooled Grade 5 1209
48 Jeremy Chan Grade 7 vancouver college Grade 7 1201
49 Anthony ZongYueLi Grade 2 St.John’s Grade 2 1190
50 Jayden Qu Grade 1 Laronde E.S. Grade 1 1179
51 Borna Amjadi Grade 6 West Vancouver Secondary School Grade 6 1174
52 Winston Huang Grade 3 St. George's Jr. Grade 3 1166
53 Colette Eisenberg Grade 2 Home schooled Grade 2 1164
54 Roy Zhou Grade 4 Kwayhquitlum middle school Grade 4 1152
55 Mike Zhu Grade 7 pointgrey Grade 7 1143
56 Ben Zeng Grade 11 St. John's Grade 11 1119
57 Matthew Kofmansky Grade 2 Vancouver Talmud Torah Grade 2 1113
58 Rafael Wang Grade 6 Queen Elizabeth Annex E.S. Grade 6 1111
59 Walter Zhang Grade 1 Lord Byng Secondary School Grade 1 1086
60 Leonardo Zhou Grade 3 Suncrest E.S. Grade 3 1085
61 Enoch Liang Grade 5 Capitol Hill E.S. Grade 5 1081
62 Zhiheng Luo Grade 3 Chantrell Creek E.S. Grade 3 1077
63 DavidGuanXuan Zhou Grade 5 Lord Kitchener E.S. Grade 5 1063
64 Ryan Huang Grade 5 J.N. Burnett Secondary Grade 5 1054
65 Mihailo Misic Grade 7 Moscrop S.S. Grade 7 1052
66 Owen Zheng Grade 2 Kwayhquitlum middle school Grade 2 1050
67 Benjamin CookNagy Grade 5 Vancouver Coll. Grade 5 1046
68 Peter Brown Grade 3 St. George's Grade 3 1031
69 Eliza Tian Grade 1 William bridge E.S Grade 1 1020
70 Justin Jin Grade 6 Mulgrave Grade 6 1016
71 James Zhang Grade 3 Heritage Mountain E.S. Grade 3 984
72 Willard MOU Grade 4 Henry Anderson E.S. Grade 4 973
73 Garrison Wu Grade 6 James Whiteside E.S. Grade 6 972
74 Drake Chen Grade 3 Parkland E.S. Grade 3 972
75 Joshua Gao Grade 3 Fraser Wood E.S. Grade 3 968
76 Simon Wang Grade 4 St. George's Jr. Grade 4 961
77 George Liu Grade 6 Chantrell Creek E.S. Grade 6 950
78 Derrick Su Grade 3 Quilchena E.S. Grade 3 935
79 Eric Shan Grade 4 Our Lady of Fatima Grade 4 930
80 Austin Chen Grade 4 Bramblewood E.S. Coquitlam Grade 4 919
81 KANE PAN Grade 6 Burnaby North Secondary School Grade 6 902
82 Inna Rabinovich Grade 10 Parkland S.S. Grade 10 892
83 Aaron Lo Grade 6 St. John's Grade 6 865
84 Zixuan Yang Grade 7 Norma Rose Point E.S. Grade 7 847
85 Lyvia Shan Grade 7 Our Lady of Fatima Grade 7 840
86 Benjamin Zhu Grade 7 John Knox C.S. Grade 7 834
87 Codrin Pompas Grade 2 Lord Tennyson E.S. Grade 2 830
88 Andrew Xue Grade 3 Norma Rose Point E.S. Grade 3 817
89 Henry Li Grade 2 James McKinney E.S. Grade 2 810
90 Evan Peng Grade 5 Our Lady of Mercy Grade 5 796
91 Denis Shumeyko Grade 6 Unknown school Grade 6 794
92 Julian Marchfelder Grade 4 OLPH Grade 4 776
93 VenkataVikhyath Kodali Grade 4 Sail Academy Grade 4 768
94 Princeton Chau Grade 2 St. Georges's School Grade 2 751
95 Simba Yang Grade 3 maple lane Grade 3 745
96 Andy Huang Grade 3 St. John's Grade 3 738
97 GRADY LUM Grade 4 generl wolfe e.s. Grade 4 722
98 Visisht Kodali Grade 4 Sail Academy Grade 4 712
99 Mengbai Li Grade 5 Marlborough E.S. Grade 5 704
100 Aaron Jiang Grade 2 Shaughnessy school Grade 2 686
101 Kirill Martin Grade 1 Unknown school Grade 1 685
102 David Hooftman Grade 5 St. John's Grade 5 665
103 Melinda Wei Grade 3 Queen Mary E.S. Grade 3 664
104 Micah Trotter Grade 2 Heritage Christian Online School Grade 2 661
105 David Zhang Grade 4 Unknown school Grade 4 627
106 Daniel Ward Grade 5 St. John's Grade 5 622
107 Harry Deng Grade 5 David Lloyd George E.S. Grade 5 618
108 Rohan Chadha Grade 5 St. John's Grade 5 609
109 Ethan Xie Grade 2 Queen Mary E.S. Grade 2 605
110 Marcus Lummack Grade 5 St. John's Grade 5 545
111 Tyler Chu Grade 5 St. John's Grade 5 521
112 Lucas Shi Grade 4 Norma Rose Point E.S. Grade 4 514
113 Kiran Nielsen Grade 6 Jules Quesnel Grade 6 498
114 Tanvir Mundra Grade 3 St. John's Grade 3 457
115 Charles Liu Grade 1 Chantrell Creek E.S. Grade 1 422
116 Benjamin Elizur Grade 3 St Georges Grade 3 407
117 Eliot MAtisz Grade 2 Grade 2 400
118 Andrew Wong Grade 2 Dr.Annie Jamieson ELEMANTARY Grade 2 384