Date Sunday, February 16, 2014
Time 09:30 AM-05:00 PM
Location The Executive Airport Plaza Hotel & Conference Centre Richmond
Rounds 5
Time control G/25 Minutes plus 5 seconds delay
Round Times see below
Format 5-round Regular Swiss
Players Open to all K - 12 players
Entry Fee $25 on or before Feb 6; $30 before Feb 15 by 5pm. Sibling discount: $5 off for 2nd or higher member of the family
Сancellation time 48 hours
Prizes Individual and School Team - please see notes below
Rating CMA & NWSRS rated
Registration Online registration only
Pre-registration Required
On site registration Not allowed - see notes below
Organizer Maxim Doroshenko, BCCF Junior Coordinator


Please scroll down to the "result" page for final standings.

CMA ratings:

NWSRS ratings:

Event photos:

Congratulations to those who scored 2.5 points or more!

Please sign up for the B.C. Chess Challenge here




Chess n Math (CMA) Chess Challenge Qualifiers 


Calling all grades K-12 chess players   所有K12年级象棋手请注意

What is Canadian Chess Challenge?

The Canadian Chess Challenge, organized by Chess’n Math Association, is a national chess tournament for players from grades 1 to 12.  Each of the 10 provinces selects 12 representatives, one per grade, to participate in an intensive 9-round event over two days. Players not only compete to be the national champion, but also participate as team members to play for their provinces’ honor. The first championship was held in 1989, and this year will be the 26th tournament. It will be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba during the Victoria long weekend (May 18-19, 2014). Team B.C. have put in strong performance over the years, we have come in second place 5 times and third 15 times.

Please visit Chess’n Math Association’s website for more information about the organization:


Who will be selected as Team B.C. members?

To determine who will represent B.C. in this historical event, we are organizing two levels of qualifying tournaments: regional and provincial.  A series of regional qualifying events in different parts of B.C. are listed as below. Players must score 2.5 points or higher in one of the qualifier events in order to qualify for B.C. Provincial Chess Challenge on Mar 9, 2014. Players can enter as many qualifiers as possible but they can only claim one trophy or medal if they are the winners of the section. The section champion (Grade 1 to 12) of the provincial event will be invited to join Team B.C. to compete in the Canadian Chess Challenge 2014.


British Columbia vs. Washington International Match

This is the 23rd year of the international match between B.C. and Washington. Two players from grade K to 12 will be selected to participate in this event.  The Champions of grades K -12 of B.C. Provincial Chess Challenge will be representing B.C. to play against Washington on Board 1. Board 2 players will be the player with the highest CFC or NWSRS ratings as of Feb 28, 2014.

Provincial Organizers

This year, Vancouver Chess School (VCS) will be organizing the Vancouver Regional, Fraser Valley Regional event, and the Provincial Chess Challenge.  Victoria Junior Chess Society will be hosting the Victoria Regional. Revenue will be used to cover expenses, and support youth chess players in terms of travel subsidies and free 3-day training sessions for Team B.C. members to prepare for their competition.


Individual Registration  

The Chess Challenge Qualifiers are open to any student in grades K to 12.


To register & pay online 网上注册及付费:

Victoria Regional, Feb 16  - Please check Victoria Junior Chess’s website for registration details:

Vancouver Regional, Feb 16- $25 on or before Feb 6 (early bird fee);  $30 before Feb 15 by 5pm.

Fraser Valley Regional, Feb 22- $25 on or before Feb 12 (early bird fee);  $30 before Feb 21 by 5pm.

*Sibling discount: $5 off

$40 onsite registration (cash only) – In order to start the tournaments on time, we do not encourage onsite registration.


School Team Registration

A team must have at least 4 players from the same school. Top 3 winning teams for both elementary school (Grade K-7) & High school (Grade 8-12) will receive a trophy.

All registration and payment must be submitted by the school no later than Feb 11 (Vancouver Regional) & Feb 17 (Fraser Valley Regional) respectively. Please do not register online. Fees – 4 or less students in the school team - $25 per player.  5 or more students in the school team - $20 per player.Early bird or sibling discount – not applicable.

You can pay by cash, cheque or credit card at VCS on or before the deadline stated above.

Please make cheques payable to Max Chess Academy Ltd and mail it to the address here together with the players list and their school grades: Vancouver Chess School  Unit 252-4255 Arbutus Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6J 4R1.

All cheques must be received by the due dates.


Format 赛制K-12th Grades, 13 Sections. K-12年级,三组别。

5 rounds Regular Swiss. CMA* & NWSRS* rated. 5局瑞士赛制。CMA* & NWSRS*计分 

Please note that some groups may be combined if sections are small.    请注意如果每组人数太少,有些组别可能合并。

To check your ratings:   *CMA   *NWSRS         


Time control 时间限制Game in 25 Minutes with 5 seconds delay. 每场25分钟加5秒延迟。

Bye Request:  Maximum two 0 point bye are allowed. Chess sets and clocks are provided. 提供象棋和棋钟。


Time 时间Check in time: Sunday 9:20am to 9:45am.  First round of play starts at 10:00am. 日早上9:209:45报到。第一场比赛于上午10:00开始。


Round Time

1st round – 10:00am

2nd round – 11:05am

Lunch (12:05 – 12:25pm)

3rd round – 12:30pm

4th round – 1:30pm

5th round – 2:30pm

Awards – estimated at 3:30pm


Prizes 奖品Trophies are awarded to the top 3 finishers in each section. Medals to the 4th & 5th place in each section.

每组别的前3名将奖杯。第4th & 5th名将得到参赛奖牌。

School Team: Trophies are awarded to the top 3 finishers for both elementary and high schools.



Qualifier 1: Victoria Regional

Date 日期Feb 16, 2014 (Sunday) 

Location 地点University of Victoria, Victoria

Please check Victoria Junior Chess’s website for registration details:


Qualifier 2: Vancouver Regional

Date 日期Feb 16, 2014 (Sunday) 

Location 地点The Executive Airport Plaza Hotel & Conference Centre  

7311 Westminster Highway, Richmond, BC V6X 1A3    Tel :(604)207-7162    


Qualifier 3: Fraser Valley Regional

Date 日期Feb 22, 2014 (Saturday)  

Location 地点Comfort Inn & Suites Surrey  

8255, 166 Street, Surrey, BC V4N 5R8     Tel :(604)576- 8888


Those who score 2.5 points or higher in any of the regional above will be qualified to participate in the B.C. Chess Challenge on Mar 9, 2014. Please check on VCS event calendar here for details of the provincial event:


Special Note:

VCS will run the chess tournament, but we do not have resources to provide child care services, and cannot be held liable to the safety of the children.  Parents must take full responsibilities for the well-being of their children. 

From our experience, all children would require some forms of support from their parents between rounds, such as some encouraging words, arranging snack and lunch, supervising games play, making sure they attend the next round on time etc.  Please make sensible arrangement according to your children’s maturity level.


Organizer: Maxim Doroshenko, BCCF Junior Coordinator    


Email: or or voicemail:  (604)568-3283 (leave message only)



Q & A:

1. Who can join? What is the minimum age? My son has learned chess only for a few months. Is he ready?

All students Grades K – 12 who have basic knowledge of chess are welcome to join. Any students aged 5 or younger will be grouped into Grade K category. It is a great learning opportunity for beginners to experience professionally run tournaments. For grades 1-12, playing up is not allowed.


2. Is chess notation required?

Chess notation is not mandatory but the players are encouraged to do so.   Score-sheets are provided.  Please bring your own pens or pencils.   


3.  I don’t have a chess rating.

We will pair you up as an unrated player.  Unrated player will receive a new ID that can be used for future tournaments.   All players will receive their ratings within a week after the tournament is completed, and can be accessed online. We use CMA and NWSRS for all the qualifiers and provincial events. 


4. Do I have to pay any membership fees?

No membership fee is required. 


5. I do not have a credit card, can I pay when I arrive?

We encourage all players to register and pay online in advance.  So we can plan ahead and organize the tournament according to schedule. You can pay cash at Vancouver Chess School before the tournament date or we will have to charge $40 onsite registration. We do not accept cheques except for school team registration.    


6. Will I get a refund if my child is sick?  Any refund if my child withdraws during the tournament?

Full refund is available if you cancel the registration at least 48hours prior to the tournament date. For those who have VCS online account, you can get a full refund by cancelling the tournament online within the timeline stated as above.  For those who log in as “guests”, please email us to request a refund within the same timeline.  No refund is allowed under any other circumstances after the 48 hour time line.  NO refund will be granted to any withdrawal during the tournament. 


7. When is the first round start? What if I am late?

We schedule to start the first round at 10:00am and we will strive to start the tournament punctually.   If you are late, we will give you a 0 point bye for the round that you have missed and put you on the next round (this rule applies to all rounds). 


8. Are the parents allowed inside the tournament hall?

No parents are allowed inside the tournament hall except 5-mins picture time before the round starts.  


9. Can I bring food or eat inside the tournament hall?

No food and other beverages are allowed inside the tournament hall. Water will be provided by the hotel. You can bring your own water bottle but we are not responsible for your belongings. Please keep the hotel clean should you wish to eat anywhere else inside the hotel premises. 


10. Where can I get parking? Is it free?

*The Executive Airport Plaza Hotel & Conference Centre Richmond has ample on-site pay parking, including an indoor 7 -level parkade.  Please note that the Executive Airport Plaza offers a special discounted parking rate of $4.00 inclusive of taxes to the Vancouver Chess School for the duration of the event. Please purchase your parking ticket from the hotel at check in desk.

*The parking at Comfort Inn & Suites Surrey is free. 


11. Do the hotels offer special rate if I like to book a room?

*The Executive Airport Plaza Hotel & Conference Centre Richmond offers a special reduced rate for the tournament. Please call (604)278-5555 or 1800-663-2878 and quote "Youth Chess Tournament" - Single or double room rate at $109 per night.

*Comfort Inn & Suites Surrey – not available 


12. Are there any restaurants nearby the tournament venues?

All tournament venues are located in convenient locations with eateries and restaurants close by.   


13. Will there be a skittle room available? Are chess sets provided? Any Wi-Fi service?

There is no designated skittle room but there are many waiting areas around the hotels. We would suggest you to bring your own chess set or other games (board games; playing cards etc) as we do not provide extra chess sets outside the tournament hall. Please note that there are no free WI-Fi services at the hotels.   


14. When will the tournament finish? When is the award ceremony?

As soon as all the games are finished in all sections.  We estimate the tournament will finish at around 3:30pm.  Award ceremony will be held right afterwards. 


15. How do I know if I am qualified for the B.C. Chess Challenge?

We will notify you by email ASAP after the tournament is completed.  Therefore you must include your current email address or phone number that we can reach you at. The last day to register for the provincial event is March 8 by 5pm. Early bird discount is on or before March 3.    


Congratulations to all the winners!

SwissSys Standings. Vancouver Regional - 16Feb2014: Grade K

# Name ID Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Daniel Wang ESPAX984 844 K W4 W2 W3 W5 W6 5.0 100 15 36 1st
2 Toro Hannah-lee UCEAX169 785 K W6 L1 W7 W3 W5 4.0 100 11 38 2nd
3 Jason Chen BCXAX073 921 K W5 W7 L1 L2 B--- 3.0 100 9 36 3rd
4 Freddy Chen FEWA unr. K L1 W6 L5 B--- W7 3.0 100 6 29 4th
5 Jacky Tang BCXAX253 633 K L3 B--- W4 L1 L2 2.0 100 6 41 5th
6 Ethan Su UHLA unr. K L2 L4 B--- W7 L1 2.0 100 4 36  
7 Max Tan SHYAX901 440 K B--- L3 L2 L6 L4 1.0 100 4 30  


SwissSys Standings. Vancouver Regional - 16Feb2014: Grade 1


# Name ID Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Andrew Xu MGRBX324 895 1 W11 W9 W2 W6 W7 5.0 100 15 37.5 1st
2 Jason Qian JOHBX418 788 1 W5 W8 L1 W3 W6 4.0 100 12 48.5 2nd
3 Benjamin Cooknagy VACBX309 400 1 W7 L6 W5 L2 B--- 3.0 100 8 37 3rd
4 Colin Wang LURBX953 536 1 L6 L7 B--- W10 W11 3.0 100 5 25 4th
5 Gavin Ng JOHB unr. 1 L2 W11 L3 W9 W8 3.0 99 7 35.5 5th
6 Eric Fan GWFB unr. 1 W4 W3 D10 L1 L2 2.5 100 10.5 44.5  
7 Jack Edwards JOHB unr. 1 L3 W4 D11 W8 L1 2.5 100 7.5 38.5  
8 Bruce Zhang LKIB unr. 1 W10 L2 W9 L7 L5 2.0 100 8 36  
9 Uros Jeremic MYWBX975 400 1 B--- L1 L8 L5 W10 2.0 99 5 34.5  
10 Veronica Guo YORBX182 472 1 L8 B--- D6 L4 L9 1.5 100 4.5 28.5  
11 Gary Chen MPEB unr. 1 L1 L5 D7 B--- L4 1.5 100 2.5 34.5  

SwissSys Standings. Vancouver Regional - 16Feb2014: Grade 2


# Name ID Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Aiden Zhou SGVCX356 1390 2 W14 W8 W7 W2 W5 5.0 100 15 52 1st
2 David Jiang WPGCX463 1240 2 W20 W16 W3 L1 W6 4.0 100 13 47.5 2nd
3 Chuyang Gu HSRCX058 1152 2 W15 W4 L2 W14 W8 4.0 99 12 48 3rd
4 Joshua Imoo BHSCX856 681 2 W24 L3 W10 W9 W11 4.0 99 11 37.5 4th
5 Lucian Wu SIRCX365 1278 2 W12 D11 W6 W7 L1 3.5 100 12 52.5 5th
6 Kevin Liu UHLCX949 1005 2 W13 W10 L5 W12 L2 3.0 100 11 46  
7 Noah Chen ASTCJ697 1165 2 W21 W17 L1 L5 W15 3.0 100 10 44  
8 Arthur Zhang CLCCX564 895 2 W23 L1 W11 W15 L3 3.0 100 10 43.5  
9 Nethru Kachchakaduge MOWC unr. 2 L16 W20 W19 L4 W18 3.0 100 8 31  
10 Hyson Cai BBWC unr. 2 W18 L6 L4 W17 W14 3.0 99 8 41  
11 Bobby Chen SLUCX483 958 2 W22 D5 L8 W16 L4 2.5 100 9 42  
12 Aaron Lo JOHCX380 539 2 L5 W22 W16 L6 D13 2.5 100 7.5 37.5  
13 Billy Peng MGRCX902 440 2 L6 L18 W23 W20 D12 2.5 100 5.5 28.5  
14 David Eirew JOHCX609 580 2 L1 W23 W18 L3 L10 2.0 100 7 41.5  
15 George Deng JOHCX763 470 2 L3 W24 W17 L8 L7 2.0 100 7 38.5  
16 Ben Pulfer SUDCX327 802 2 W9 L2 L12 L11 W21 2.0 100 6 41.5  
17 Maya Abraham GEGCX498 683 2 W19 L7 L15 L10 W22 2.0 99 6 32.5  
18 Will Wu SHYCX504 876 2 L10 W13 L14 W22 L9 2.0 99 6 31.5  
19 Finnian Tracy ECECX966 632 2 L17 D21 L9 W24 D20 2.0 99 4.5 22  
20 Justin Zhao HYBCX291 528 2 L2 L9 W21 L13 D19 1.5 100 3.5 35  
21 Tudor Jinga LTSCX566 521 2 L7 D19 L20 W23 L16 1.5 99 4 24.5  
22 PhilipFeiYang Wu FRSC unr. 2 L11 L12 W24 L18 L17 1.0 100 3 29  
23 Daphne Dube MLHC unr. 2 L8 L14 L13 L21 D24 0.5 100 0.5 27  
24 Kingston Pickett MLHC unr. 2 L4 L15 L22 L19 D23 0.5 100 0.5 26  

SwissSys Standings. Vancouver Regional - 16Feb2014: Grade 3


# Name ID Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Kevin Low DRGDX741 1625 3 W18 W10 W5 W2 W4 5.0 100 15 48.5 1st
2 Leo Chung JOHDX649 1113 3 W17 W14 W4 L1 W5 4.0 100 13 49 2nd
3 Ethan Yang SIWDX971 962 3 L13 D12 W15 W11 W6 3.5 100 8 33.5 3rd
4 Kevin Lei DLGDX512 974 3 W15 W6 L2 W8 L1 3.0 100 11 50 4th
5 Edward Wang JOHDX788 902 3 W21 W13 L1 W7 L2 3.0 100 11 46 5th
6 Norman Wu STFDX931 808 3 W12 L4 W17 W9 L3 3.0 99 10 38  
7 Lyndon Ho MGEDX798 879 3 W16 W8 L9 L5 W14 3.0 98 10 38  
8 Andy Zhang UHLD unr. 3 W9 L7 W14 L4 W13 3.0 98 9 44  
9 Kaitlyn Tio LBFDX342 947 3 L8 W15 W7 L6 W10 3.0 98 8 40.5  
10 Joyce Tang YORDX942 864 3 W20 L1 D11 W13 L9 2.5 100 8.5 37.5  
11 Anna Van KAYDX560 702 3 U--- W16 D10 L3 W17 2.5 100 6.5 24.5  
12 Benjamin Zhu MPCD unr. 3 L6 D3 W16 L14 W18 2.5 100 6 33  
13 Sebastian Calderon MGRDX411 400 3 W3 L5 W18 L10 L8 2.0 100 8 41.5  
14 Samuel Taplin TFGDX269 859 3 W19 L2 L8 W12 L7 2.0 100 7 41  
15 Frank Yeh JOHDX803 423 3 L4 L9 L3 W19 W20 2.0 100 3 30  
16 Aaron Wu PKLD unr. 3 L7 L11 L12 W20 W19 2.0 100 3 25.5  
17 Kevin Wang LURDX398 601 3 L2 W19 L6 D18 L11 1.5 100 5 37.5  
18 Colby Liu OLPDX280 714 3 L1 W20 L13 D17 L12 1.5 100 5 34  
19 Ryan Mah JOHD unr. 3 L14 L17 W20 L15 L16 1.0 100 3 18  
20 Keoni Redekop MLHD unr. 3 L10 L18 L19 L16 L15 0.0 100 0 22.5  
21 Maya Bhalla JOHD unr. 3 L5 U--- U--- U--- U--- 0.0 100 0 11  

SwissSys Standings. Vancouver Regional - 16Feb2014: Grade 4


# Name ID Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Leo Qu BBWEX290 1304 4 W24 W4 W8 D6 W7 4.5 100 14 49.5 1st
2 Jim Guo WBYEX257 1241 4 W19 W9 D7 W10 W6 4.5 100 13.5 49.5 2nd
3 Oscar Chan MGREX685 787 4 W29 W10 W20 L7 W14 4.0 100 13 36 3rd
4 Jerry Chen FEWEX715 1028 4 W13 L1 W21 W11 W8 4.0 100 11 46 4th
5 Angelina Yang MGREX801 1014 4 L17 W14 W27 W15 W9 4.0 100 10 37 5th
6 Daniel Du SHYEX944 1244 4 W26 W21 W17 D1 L2 3.5 100 13 45.5  
7 Victor Zheng ELREX792 1363 4 W18 W11 D2 W3 L1 3.5 100 12.5 55.5  
8 Raymond Tian GECEX958 1005 4 W16 W25 L1 W17 L4 3.0 100 11 46  
9 Ryan Tan MYEEX439 899 4 W27 L2 W16 W12 L5 3.0 100 10 42  
10 Jesse Tam DIEEX362 1299 4 W15 L3 W18 L2 W17 3.0 100 9 49  
11 James Wu SHYEX444 992 4 W23 L7 W13 L4 W22 3.0 100 9 38.5  
12 Nicholas Pan JOHEX497 1142 4 W22 L17 W26 L9 W19 3.0 99 9 33  
13 James Hu MPEE unr. 4 L4 W28 L11 W27 W18 3.0 99 7 31  
14 Albert Liang SHYEX752 1192 4 D20 L5 W24 W25 L3 2.5 100 7.5 37.5  
15 Jena Yue CGWEX900 680 4 L10 W23 W25 L5 D16 2.5 100 7.5 34  
16 YingKai Xu MGEE unr. 4 L8 W19 L9 W26 D15 2.5 100 6.5 37.5  
17 Louie Bradley BKGE unr. 4 W5 W12 L6 L8 L10 2.0 100 9 52  
18 Eric Jin UHLEX353 751 4 L7 W22 L10 W20 L13 2.0 100 6 40.5  
19 Ryan Fan GWFE unr. 4 L2 L16 W23 W21 L12 2.0 100 5 37  
20 Jalen Huang LOCE unr. 4 D14 W24 L3 L18 D25 2.0 99 7 34  
21 Ryan Dunkerley GWFE unr. 4 B--- L6 L4 L19 W29 2.0 99 5 29  
22 Peter Du SHYE unr. 4 L12 L18 W29 W28 L11 2.0 99 5 26  
23 Edward Lalonde JMSE unr. 4 L11 L15 L19 W29 W26 2.0 99 3 25.5  
24 Anthony Zang MSSEX165 694 4 L1 L20 L14 B--- W27 2.0 99 2 31.5  
25 Nathan Chen ASTEA205 1262 4 W28 L8 L15 L14 D20 1.5 100 5.5 35  
26 Victor Tan SHYEX513 597 4 L6 W29 L12 L16 L23 1.0 100 4 31.5  
27 Kyros Tang SHYEX891 516 4 L9 B--- L5 L13 L24 1.0 100 3 29  
28 TerryZhiren Xu GEGEX818 612 4 L25 L13 B--- L22 U--- 1.0 100 2 17.5  
29 Wayne Klassen CTPE unr. 4 L3 L26 L22 L23 L21 0.0 100 0 30  

SwissSys Standings. Vancouver Regional - 16Feb2014: Grade 5


# Name ID Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Luke Pulfer SUDFX893 1586 5 W12 W4 W3 W2 W5 5.0 100 15 50 1st
2 Ethan Low DRGFX432 1481 5 W16 W5 W7 L1 D4 3.5 100 12.5 48.5 2nd
3 Alec Chung JOHFX486 1501 5 W13 W6 L1 D9 W11 3.5 100 11 46 3rd
4 Neo Sineng Wu RDAFX784 1240 5 W14 L1 W10 W6 D2 3.5 100 10.5 47 4th
5 Agata Seyfi VWFFX537 1061 5 W18 L2 W17 W7 L1 3.0 100 10 42.5 5th
6 Brian Zhang TYPFX964 1307 5 W8 L3 W12 L4 W9 3.0 100 9 43.5  
7 Clark Zhang UHLFX654 1313 5 W17 W9 L2 L5 W12 3.0 99 10 41.5  
8 Brandon Chen SLUFX403 772 5 L6 W18 L9 W16 W13 3.0 99 7 27  
9 Jerry Jiang JOHFX926 1157 5 W11 L7 W8 D3 L6 2.5 100 9 45  
10 Henry Nguyen UHLFX188 1030 5 W15 L12 L4 D11 W17 2.5 100 7 32  
11 Connor Chai BHSFX266 643 5 L9 W13 W16 D10 L3 2.5 99 8 35  
12 Louie Tang ELRFX080 903 5 L1 W10 L6 W15 L7 2.0 100 6 44.5  
13 Rachel Pulfer SUDFX727 932 5 L3 L11 W14 W17 L8 2.0 100 5 33.5  
14 Eason Tan JOHFX581 764 5 L4 D16 L13 D18 D15 1.5 100 3.5 23  
15 Jared Nivins AFCF unr. 5 L10 L17 W18 L12 D14 1.5 100 3.5 21.5  
16 Alex Smith JOHFX468 875 5 L2 D14 L11 L8 W18 1.5 100 3 32  
17 Leon Peng MGRFX046 835 5 L7 W15 L5 L13 L10 1.0 100 4 35.5  
18 Skye Botham JOHF unr. 5 L5 L8 L15 D14 L16 0.5 100 1 27  

SwissSys Standings. Vancouver Regional - 16Feb2014: Grade 6


# Name ID Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Michael Su UHLGX351 1547 6 W12 W8 W6 W5 D2 4.5 100 14.5 50 1st
2 Aidan Madokoro GEGGX493 1401 6 W17 W7 D5 W6 D1 4.0 100 13 49.5 2nd
3 Ryan Leong SPAGX688 1254 6 L7 W19 W4 W8 D5 3.5 100 9.5 43 3rd
4 Dylan Fox JOHGX932 1203 6 W9 W18 L3 D10 W11 3.5 99 11 38.5 4th
5 Annika Zhou YORGX532 1500 6 W13 W10 D2 L1 D3 3.0 100 11 50.5 5th
6 Brian Butchart LKIGX742 1263 6 W14 W11 L1 L2 W12 3.0 100 10 47  
7 Zexi Jessi Li SWFGX426 797 6 W3 L2 D11 W13 D10 3.0 100 9 44.5  
8 Aaron Anandji DIAGX223 1062 6 W16 L1 W13 L3 W14 3.0 100 9 34  
9 Brandon Lee WPGGX323 698 6 L4 B--- L12 W15 W17 3.0 100 6 27  
10 An Yu WCOGX619 1081 6 W15 L5 W17 D4 D7 3.0 99 9.5 40  
11 Ping Yu WCOGX203 1043 6 W19 L6 D7 W12 L4 2.5 100 8.5 40  
12 Matthew Yang SIWGX256 1002 6 L1 W14 W9 L11 L6 2.0 100 7 43  
13 Ryne Zhu GEGGX249 970 6 L5 W15 L8 L7 B--- 2.0 100 4 33  
14 Milo Eirew JOHGX616 924 6 L6 L12 B--- W19 L8 2.0 99 4 29  
15 Joshua Chow MGRG unr. 6 L10 L13 W16 L9 W19 2.0 99 4 24.5  
16 Matthew Dunkerley GWFG unr. 6 L8 L17 L15 B--- W18 2.0 99 2 23  
17 Tim Wang WPGGX401 969 6 L2 W16 L10 D18 L9 1.5 100 5 35.5  
18 Manav Juthani CMEGX873 562 6 B--- L4 L19 D17 L16 1.5 100 5 21  
19 Akash Adhikary GFWG unr. 6 L11 L3 W18 L14 L15 1.0 100 3 31  

SwissSys Standings. Vancouver Regional - 16Feb2014: Grade 7


# Name ID Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Maven Zheng ELRHX868 1335 7 W10 W4 W6 W2 L3 4.0 100 14 42 1st
2 Brenden Wu STFHX933 1372 7 D3 W7 W8 L1 W4 3.5 100 10.5 43.5 2nd
3 Paul Zeng WTDHX178 1091 7 D2 W10 L4 W5 W1 3.5 100 9.5 43.5 3rd
4 Yekta Saremi WTSHX378 1249 7 W9 L1 W3 W6 L2 3.0 100 10 46 4th
5 Pepi Eirew YORHX466 1038 7 L8 D9 W7 L3 W10 2.5 100 6 25.5 5th
6 William Ng GWFH unr. 7 W7 W8 L1 L4 L9 2.0 100 9 37  
7 Hewitt Wong SWVHX192 1121 7 L6 L2 L5 W9 W8 2.0 99 3 35.5  
8 Kevin Li VHOHX547 1282 7 W5 L6 L2 W10 L7 2.0 98 7 31.5  
9 Frederic Ma SGVHX391 950 7 L4 D5 L10 L7 W6 1.5 100 3 31  
10 Jonathan Hao GEGHX341 1038 7 L1 L3 W9 L8 L5 1.0 100 3 39.5  

SwissSys Standings. Vancouver Regional - 16Feb2014: Grade 8


# Name ID Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 James Li MOMIX935 1465 8 W7 W2 W4 W5 W3 5.0 100 15 42 1st
2 Aditya Goshalia MAMIX518 942 8 W3 L1 W9 W6 W7 4.0 100 11 37 2nd
3 Chunting Song SOOI unr. 8 L2 W9 W8 W4 L1 3.0 100 9 41 3rd
4 Alex Y Lin SRGIX071 1436 8 W8 W5 L1 L3 W6 3.0 99 10 44 4th
5 Taylor Goldblatt STFIX118 1076 8 W9 L4 W6 L1 B--- 3.0 99 8 34 5th
6 Jeffery Guo KQTIX864 535 8 B--- W7 L5 L2 L4 2.0 100 8 33  
7 Charles Van JNBIX808 917 8 L1 L6 B--- W8 L2 2.0 99 4 38  
8 Sunny Xie GEGIX339 765 8 L4 B--- L3 L7 W9 2.0 99 4 24  
9 Thomas Hu SVTI unr. 8 L5 L3 L2 B--- L8 1.0 100 1 32  

SwissSys Standings. Vancouver Regional - 16Feb2014: Grade 9


# Name ID Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Uranchimeg Nyamdorj VTSJX998 1745 9 W5 W6 W2 W4 W7 5.0 100 15 33 1st
2 Tony Cheng SNLJX470 1314 9 W4 W7 L1 W3 D6 3.5 100 11.5 39 2nd
3 David Nguyen UHLJX197 1229 9 L6 W5 W7 L2 B--- 3.0 100 7 26.5 3rd
4 Dennis Wang SVTJX239 1123 9 L2 B--- W6 L1 D5 2.5 100 6.5 37.5 4th
5 Jason Shao VACJX950 1246 9 L1 L3 B--- W7 D4 2.5 100 4.5 32.5 5th
6 Yutong Zhang JMSJX646 1505 9 W3 L1 L4 B--- D2 2.5 99 6.5 40  
7 Arpan Grover WJMJX237 843 9 B--- L2 L3 L5 L1 1.0 100 4 38  

SwissSys Standings. Vancouver Regional - 16Feb2014: Grade 10


# Name ID Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Nima Sedighi UHLKX276 1325 10 W3 L4 W2 2.0 100 4 8 2nd
2 Joseph Dobrzanski JOLKX389 1343 10 W4 W3 L1 2.0 99 5 7 1st
3 Yannay Kaplan KDHK unr. 10 L1 L2 W4 1.0 100 1 11 3rd
4 Griffins Keyes HLEK unr. 10 L2 W1 L3 1.0 99 2 10 4th

Note: Tied score standings are resolved by the TD at the event. Results here might not be in tiebreak order.

Attention Grade 10 players: Congratulations! You are all qualified for the B.C. Chess Challenge on Mar 9.

SwissSys Standings. Vancouver Regional - 16Feb2014: Grade 11


# Name ID Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Ryan Lo MCNLX487 1717 11 W11 W5 W4 W2 D3 4.5 100 14.5 44.5 1st
2 Alex Sabaratnam PTGLX914 1615 11 W10 W6 W5 L1 W4 4.0 100 13 46.5 2nd
3 Andrew Toi ACRLX559 1409 11 W8 L4 W9 W10 D1 3.5 100 10.5 39.5 3rd
4 Andrew Quinton Lee MGRLX555 1646 11 W7 W3 L1 W6 L2 3.0 100 11 50 4th
5 Rick Yang PMDLX970 1583 11 W9 L1 L2 W11 W8 3.0 100 8 38.5 5th
6 Tron Zhou UHLLX597 890 11 B--- L2 W7 L4 W10 3.0 99 8 33  
7 Mike Green TFXL unr. 11 L4 D10 L6 B--- W11 2.5 100 4 26  
8 Brooke Wheeler TFXL unr. 11 L3 B--- L10 W9 L5 2.0 100 5 27.5  
9 Luke Anderson TFXL unr. 11 L5 W11 L3 L8 B--- 2.0 99 4 25.5  
10 Rowan MacDonald TFXL unr. 11 L2 D7 W8 L3 L6 1.5 100 5 40.5  
11 Andrew Mercado TFXL unr. 11 L1 L9 B--- L5 L7 1.0 100 2 30.5  

SwissSys Standings. Vancouver Regional - 16Feb2014: Grade 12


# Name ID Rtng Grd Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[H] TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Davaa-ochir Nyamdorj VTSMX999 2038 12 W8 W5 W2 W4 W3 5.0 100 15 42 1st
2 Joanne Foote RCDMX011 1640 12 W9 W3 L1 W5 W4 4.0 100 12 44 2nd
3 Adam Pruner TFXM unr. 12 W6 L2 W7 W8 L1 3.0 100 10 41 3rd
4 Janek Kaznowski TFXM unr. 12 W7 W8 D5 L1 L2 2.5 100 10.5 42 4th
5 Tristan Trolland TFXM unr. 12 B--- L1 D4 L2 W9 2.5 100 6.5 39.5 5th
6 Becky Schwenneker TFXM unr. 12 L3 W9 L8 B--- D7 2.5 100 5.5 20.5  
7 Vassko Ivanov TFXM unr. 12 L4 B--- L3 W9 D6 2.5 99 5.5 28  
8 Benjamin Lung TFXM unr. 12 L1 L4 W6 L3 B--- 2.0 100 3 41  
9 Noah Dettling TFXM unr. 12 L2 L6 B--- L7 L5 1.0 100 2 29.5  


Congratulations to all the School Team winners!

Elementary School Team Results:

1st - Mulgrave School

2nd: St. John's School

3rd: U-Hill Elementary

Secondary School Team Results:

1st - Terry Fox Secondary School

# Player Grade School Section Rating CMA
1 NM DavaaOchir Nyamdorj Grade 12 Grade 12 2368
2 Kevin Low Grade 3 Dr. George M. Weir E.S. Grade 3 2095
3 James Li Grade 8 Port Moody S.S. 4.2.0 Grade 8 2079
4 Ryan Leong Grade 6 Grade 6 2055
5 Luke Pulfer Grade 5 South Meridian E.S. Grade 5 1900
6 Uranchimeg Nyamdorj Grade 9 Vancouver Technical S.S. Grade 9 1896
7 Ethan Su Grade K Sir William Osler Elementary School Grade K 1830
8 Michael Su Grade 6 Eric Hamber S. S. Grade 6 1828
9 Veronica Guo Grade 1 York House Grade 1 1796
10 Daniel Wang Grade K Manoah Steves Elementary Grade K 1780
11 Victor Zheng Grade 4 Vancouver Technical S.S. Grade 4 1776
12 Kevin Li Grade 7 Prince of Wales S.S. Grade 7 1763
13 Maven Zheng Grade 7 Eric Hamber S.S. Grade 7 1751
14 Andrew Xu Grade 1 Mulgrave Grade 1 1728
15 Ethan Low Grade 5 Moscrop S.S. Grade 5 1714
16 Alec Chung Grade 5 St. George's Jr. Grade 5 1712
17 Daniel Du Grade 4 Vancouver College Grade 4 1708
18 Dylan Fox Grade 6 Mulgrave Grade 6 1654
19 Lucian Wu Grade 2 Sir Matthew Begbie E.S. Grade 2 1543
20 Jim Guo Grade 4 West Bay E.S. Grade 4 1528
21 An Yu Grade 6 Richmond Secondary Grade 6 1506
22 Ping Yu Grade 6 Richmond Secondary Grade 6 1494
23 Joseph Dobrzanski Grade 10 John Oliver S.S. Grade 10 1474
24 AndrewM Toi Grade 11 Archbishop Carney S.S. Grade 11 1474
25 Yutong Zhang Grade 9 St. George's Sr. Grade 9 1466
26 Tony Cheng Grade 9 Sentinel S.S. Grade 9 1440
27 Connor Chai Grade 5 Home schooled Grade 5 1431
28 Brian Zhang Grade 5 Capitol Hill E.S. Grade 5 1410
29 Brian Butchart Grade 6 Prince of Wales S.S. Grade 6 1410
30 Leo Chung Grade 3 St. John's Grade 3 1374
31 NeoSiNeng Wu Grade 5 Riverdale E.S. Grade 5 1354
32 Anna Van Grade 3 St. Joseph the Worker Grade 3 1291
33 Jason Shao Grade 9 Vancouver Coll. Grade 9 1275
34 Agata Seyfi Grade 5 West Vancouver Secondary Grade 5 1270
35 Yekta Saremi Grade 7 Home schooled Grade 7 1260
36 Jerry Chen Grade 4 Berkshire Park E.S. Grade 4 1251
37 Ryne Zhu Grade 6 General Gordon Elementary School Grade 6 1240
38 MatthewN Yang Grade 6 Summit M.S. Grade 6 1227
39 KevinM Liu Grade 2 University Hill E.S. Grade 2 1224
40 Samuel Taplin Grade 3 St John's School Grade 3 1209
41 AngelinaBoWen Yang Grade 4 Mulgrave Grade 4 1202
42 Bill Wang Grade 2 West Point Grey Ac. Grade 2 1198
43 Pepi Eirew Grade 7 York House Grade 7 1191
44 Louie Tang Grade 5 Elsie Roy Elementary Grade 5 1111
45 James Wu Grade 4 Shaughnessy Grade 4 1098
46 Rachel Pulfer Grade 5 South Meridian E.S. Grade 5 1082
47 John Smith Grade 1 St. John's Grade 1 1078
48 Jerry Jiang Grade 5 St. George's Jr. Grade 5 1062
49 Benjamin CookNagy Grade 1 Vancouver Coll. Grade 1 1046
50 Oscar Chan Grade 4 Mulgrave (Vancouver BC) Grade 4 1045
51 Charles Van Grade 8 Burnett Secondary School Grade 8 1018
52 Nicholas Pan Grade 4 St. John's Grade 4 1010
53 Kaitlyn Tio Grade 3 Lord Beaconsfield E.S. Grade 3 999
54 Freddy Chen Grade K Fraser Wood E.S. Grade K 986
55 Johnny Li Grade 5 Dr. Annie B. Jamieson Grade 5 984
56 YiWang Wang Grade 4 West Point Grey Ac. Grade 4 956
57 Milo Eirew Grade 6 St John's Grade 6 950
58 BrandonKaiYan Lee Grade 5 St. Georges Grade 5 939
59 Edward Wang Grade 3 West Point Grey Ac. Grade 3 937
60 Anthony Zang Grade 4 Burnaby ELS Grade 4 933
61 Ryan Wang Grade 4 Maple Grove E.S. Grade 4 925
62 Jason Chen Grade K St. George's Jr. Grade K 903
63 Joshua Wong Grade 6 St. John's Grade 6 888
64 Bruce Zhang Grade 1 Lord Kitchener E.S. Grade 1 884
65 Aaron Lo Grade 2 St. John's Grade 2 865
66 Joyce Tang Grade 3 York House Grade 3 864
67 Colby Liu Grade 3 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Grade 3 848
68 Ethan Yang Grade 3 Pinetree Way E.S. Grade 3 812
69 TerryZhiRen Xu Grade 4 West Point Grey Ac. Grade 4 748
70 Jacky Tang Grade K Shaughnessy E.S. Grade K 735
71 Ben Pulfer Grade 2 South Meridian E.S. Grade 2 732
72 Uros Jeremic Grade 1 Maywood C.E.S. Grade 1 724
73 Jack Edwards Grade 1 St. John's Grade 1 707
74 Brandon Chen Grade 5 Spul'u'Kwuks Grade 5 687
75 Will Wu Grade 2 St.George Jr. Grade 2 668
76 KevinJiaDong Wang Grade 3 Sir Wilfrid Laurier E.S. Grade 3 660
77 Justin Zhao Grade 2 Hollyburn E.S. Grade 2 648
78 George Deng Grade 2 St. John's Grade 2 626
79 Colin Wang Grade 1 Sir Wilfrid Laurier E.S. Grade 1 600
80 Victor Tan Grade 4 St. John's Grade 4 538
81 Maya Abraham Grade 2 General Gordon E.S. Grade 2 527
82 Tudor Jinga Grade 2 Lord Tennyson E.S. Grade 2 494
83 Rick Yang Grade 11 Port Moody Secondary Grade 11 400
84 Max Tan Grade K St. John's Grade K 400
85 Joshua Chow Grade 6 Mulgrave Elementary School Grade 6 400
86 Yingkai Xu Grade 4 Marlborough Grade 4 400
87 Ryan Tan Grade 4 Montroyal Elementary Grade 4 400
88 Chunting Song Grade 8 Semiahmoo Secondary Grade 8 400
89 Arpan Grover Grade 9 W J Mouat Grade 9 400
90 Tron Zhou Grade 11 University Hill secondary Grade 11 400
91 Sebastian Calderon Grade 3 Mulgrave Elementary School Grade 3 400
92 Paul Zeng Grade 7 Westwind Elementary Grade 7 400
93 Manav Juthani Grade 6 Cameron Elementary School Grade 6 400
94 Aditya Goshalia Grade 8 Maple Grade 8 400
95 AndrewQuinton Lee Grade 11 Mulgrave School Grade 11 400
96 Tracy Finnian Grade 2 Emily Carr Elementary Grade 2 400
97 Bradley Louie Grade 4 Buckingham Grade 4 400
98 Benjamin Zhu Grade 3 Miller Park Grade 3 400
99 Joshua Imoo Grade 2 Heritage Christian Grade 2 400
100 Daphne Dube Grade 2 Mt. Lehman Elementary Grade 2 400
101 Matthew Dunkerley Grade 6 Wolfe Grade 6 400
102 Andy Zhang Grade 3 U-Hill Grade 3 400
103 Hewitt Wong Grade 7 Sir William Van Horne Elementary School Grade 7 400
104 Lyndon Ho Grade 3 Marlborough Grade 3 400
105 PhilipFeiYang Wu Grade 2 Ferris SCHOOL Grade 2 400
106 Jeffrey Guo Grade 8 Kwayhquitlum Grade 8 400
107 Akash Adhikary Grade 6 General Wolfe Grade 6 400
108 Raymond Tian Grade 4 General Currie Elementary School Grade 4 400
109 William Ng Grade 7 General Wolfe Elementary School Grade 7 400
110 Yannay Kaplan Grade 10 Kind David High School Grade 10 400
112 Aaron Anandji Grade 6 Diamond Grade 6 400
113 Kingston Pickett Grade 2 Mount Lehman Elem Grade 2 400
114 Keoni Redekop Grade 3 Mount Lehman Elem Grade 3 400
115 Eric Fan Grade 1 General Wolfe Grade 1 400
116 Dennis Wang Grade 9 Steveston-London Grade 9 400
117 Ryan Fan Grade 4 General Wolfe Grade 4 400
119 Tim Wang Grade 6 West Point Grey Academy Grade 6 400
120 Joanne Foote Grade 12 Richmond Secondary Grade 12 400
121 Ryan Dunkerley Grade 4 Wolfe Grade 4 400
122 Matthew Dunkerley Grade 6 Wolfe Grade 6 400
123 Aaron Wu Grade 3 Parkland Elementary Grade 3 400
124 Hyson Cai Grade 2 BRAMBLEWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Grade 2 400
125 Griffin Keyes Grade 10 Hope Lutheran Christian School Grade 10 400
126 Thomas Hu Grade 8 Steveston-London Secondary school Grade 8 400
127 Alex Lin Grade 8 Southridge Secondary School Grade 8 400
128 Alex Sabaratnam Grade 11 Point Grey Secondary School Grade 11 400
129 Kevin Lei Grade 3 David Lloyd George Elementary Grade 3 400
130 Jalen Huang Grade 4 Lochdale Elementary School Grade 4 400
131 Wayne Klassen Grade 4 Centenial Elementary Grade 4 400
132 Ryan Lo Grade 11 McNair Grade 11 400
133 Leo Qu Grade 4 Bramblewood Elementary Grade 4 400
134 Garry Chen Grade 1 Maple Lane Grade 1 400
135 Nathan Chen Grade 4 Assumption Catholic School Grade 4 400
136 Ddddddd Test Grade 2 Grade 2 400
137 Toro HannahLee Grade K Suncrest Grade K 400
138 Noah Chen Grade 2 Assumption Catholic School AST Grade 2 400
139 Aiden Zhou Grade 2 St. George's School Grade 2 400
140 Annika Zhou Grade 6 York House school Grade 6 400
141 James Hu Grade 4 Maple Lane Grade 4 400
142 Peter Du Grade 4 Shaughnessy Elementary School Grade 4 0
143 St Jhnn Grade 3 St. John's Elementary School Grade 3 0
144 Norman Wu Grade 3 Strateford Hall Grade 3 0
145 XingHua Zhang Grade 5 Grade 5 0
146 Rowan MacDonald Grade 11 Terry Fox Secondary School Grade 11 0
147 Vassko Ivanov Grade 12 Terry Fox Secondary School Grade 12 0
148 Stafford Willson Grade 12 Terry Fox Secondary School Grade 12 0
149 Ryan Mah Grade 3 St. John's Elementary School Grade 3 0
150 Tristan Trolland Grade 12 Terry Fox Secondary School Grade 12 0
151 Test Testing Grade 10 J Grade 10 0
152 Taylor Goldblatt Grade 8 Stratford Hall Grade 8 0
153 Skye Botham Grade 5 St. John's Elementary School Grade 5 0
154 Sunny Xie Grade 8 General Gordon Grade 8 0
155 Talia Padidar Grade 3 St. John's Grade 3 0
156 David Nguyen Grade 9 U-Hill Secondary School Grade 9 0
157 Noah Dettling Grade 12 Terry Fox Secondary School Grade 12 0
158 Becky Schwenneker Grade 12 Terry Fox Secondary School Grade 12 0
159 David Jiang Grade 2 west point grey academy Grade 2 0
160 Brooke Wheeler Grade 11 Terry Fox Secondary School Grade 11 0
161 Brenden Wu Grade 7 Stratford Hall Grade 7 0
162 Bobby Chen Grade 2 Spul'u'Kwuks Grade 2 0
163 Billy Peng Grade 2 Mulgrave Elementary School Grade 2 0
164 Benjamin Lung Grade 12 Terry Fox Secondary School Grade 12 0
165 Andrew Mercado Grade 11 Terry Fox Secondary School Grade 11 0
166 Edward Lalonde Grade 4 Jamieson Elementary Grade 4 0
167 AmyAiQun Chen Grade 4 Grade 4 0
168 Alex Smith Grade 5 St. John's Elementary School Grade 5 0
169 Albert Liang Grade 4 Shaughnessy Grade 4 0
170 Aidan Madokoro Grade 6 General Gordon Elementary School Grade 6 0
171 Adam Pruner Grade 12 Terry Fox Secondary School Grade 12 0
172 Aaron Gi Grade 10 Terry Fox Secondary School Grade 10 0
173 Eason Tan Grade 5 St. John's Elementary School Grade 5 0
174 Eric Hong Grade 4 Ridgeview Elementary School Grade 4 0
175 Nima Sedighi Grade 10 U hill Grade 10 0
176 Kaylan Pawar Grade 12 Terry Fox Secondary School Grade 12 0
177 Nathan Collins Grade 11 Terry Fox Secondary School Grade 11 0
178 Mike Green Grade 11 Terry Fox Secondary School Grade 11 0
179 Maya Bhalla Grade 3 St. John's Elementary School Grade 3 0
180 Luke Anderson Grade 11 Terry Fox Secondary School Grade 11 0
181 Leon Peng Grade 5 Mulgrave Elementary School Grade 5 0
182 Kyros Tang Grade 4 Shaughnessy Grade 4 0
183 Jonathan Hao Grade 7 U-Hill Secondary School Grade 7 0
184 Eric Jin Grade 4 U-Hill Elementary School Grade 4 0
185 Jena Yue Grade 4 Collingwood School Grade 4 0
186 Jared Nivins Grade 5 Abbotsford Christian Elementary Grade 5 0
187 Janek Kaznowski Grade 12 Terry Fox Secondary School Grade 12 0
188 Henry Nguyen Grade 5 U-Hill Elementary School Grade 5 0
189 Gavin Ng Grade 1 St. John's Elementary School Grade 1 0
190 Frederic Ma Grade 7 St Georges' school Grade 7 0
191 ZexiJesse Li Grade 6 Sir Wilfred Laurier Grade 6 0