Date Sunday, January 15, 2017
Time 10:30 AM-03:30 PM
Location VCS at Columbia College, Vancouver
Format Qualifier 预选赛 - For B.C. students P-12
Entry Fee $35. Sibling discount: $10 off for 2nd member or higher in the family
Сancellation time 24 hours
Registration No registration after 8pm night before tournament
Organizer Maxim Doroshenko


2016-2017 Regional Qualifier to B.C. Chess Challenge 卑詩省国际象棋挑战赛区域预选赛

All B.C. students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 are invited to participate in this annual marquee event, marking the beginning of the annual Chess Challenge series which culminates in the Canadian Chess Challenge. Players can qualify to the B.C. Chess Challenge, itself a qualifier to the national event, by scoring 2.5 points or higher in a regional event.  

Players of all skill levels are highly encouraged to participate in this event. Not only is it a chance to compete against the top players in their grade, it is a chance for all players to continue to improve their general tournament skills. Players are encouraged to enter more than one qualifier to accumulate even more tournament experience but can only claim one trophy or medal in all their participated qualifier events.


For a full report, please see the article in our 2016 Team B.C. at the Canadian Chess Challenge Regina

Click here to find out more about all the Regional, Provincial, National or the World Chess Tournament. 


Provincial Organizers  

Vancouver Chess School (VCS) will be organizing the Regional qualifiers and the Provincial Chess Challenge. Victoria Junior Chess Society will be hosting the Victoria Regional. 



Any donation and sponsorship are welcome. This year, the goal of our donation funds is to financially support Team B.C. members and coaches to attend the Canadian Chess Challenge in Toronto. 


School Team Tournament Changes! 

School Team Tournament will only be available at the last Regional only. Please refer to Regional #3 for more details


Location: Vancouver Chess School  温哥华国际象棋学 

Columbia College 438 Terminal Avenue, Vancouver  

*Door opens at 10:00 am only. Tournament hall is located on the 3rd floor, room 320-330 

*Street parking and underground parking ($2 per hour) 

*Note no "U-turn" is allowed on Terminal Avenue  


        Please show up at least 5 minutes before round starts. We will start the clock according to the schedule shown below.   

Regional Qualifier - Vancouver

Qualification  条件

B.C. students only Grade P - 12

Time Control  赛时限

Game in 25 minutes with 5 seconds increment


5-round Swiss format


CMA rated

Schedule  时间

1st round – 10:30am

2nd round – 11:30am

 Lunch after round 2

3rd round – 12:30pm

4th round – 1:30pm

5th round – 2:30pm

Awards – estimated at 3:30pm


Grade K-12: Trophies to top 3 

Award certificates to all participants 所有参赛者获得奖证书

Notice to parents


We do not provide child care services and cannot be held liable to the safety of your children. You must take full responsibilities for the well-being of your child. They would require some forms of support from you between rounds, such as some encouraging words; supervising games play; making sure they attend the next round on time; using the public washroom etc. Both parents and players must stay inside the waiting room/lounge before and after rounds.

Wi-Fi service (limit for 45 mins only): CC guest. No password is required. May reconnect after 2 hours.

Q & A  问题解


In order to perform well and stay focus for the entire tournament, please reframe your child from using the computer for other games except chess. Playing or running around will result in burning their energy faster especially for the last 2 rounds. Bring a chess set for post game analysis. Have their mind set for the tournament at least 5 minutes before the game. Avoid having a full meal or junk food or anything high in sugar.

Notice to players 


o   Playing up is not allowed  不容

o   May combine if sections are small   人数太少,有些组别可能合并

o   Chess notation is optional. Please bring your own scorebook 请自备象棋记录本

o   No food or drinks inside tournament room

What to bring

Scorebook; Drinking water and healthy snacks. 


                                                                                         Individual Tie Breaker  个人决

Swiss format

1)      Direct Encounter (Head to Head)

2)      Cumulative score

3)      Opposition cumulative score

Round Robin format

1)      Direct Encounter (Head to Head)

2)      SonneBorne-Berger

Chess sets and clocks are provided  提供象棋和棋

Bye request  轮空要求 

If you cannot attend some of the rounds, maximum of 2 half point byes is allowed (except last round). Please email with your request or inform TD at least ½ hour before round starts  

如果你不能参加某几赛前半小时请或电邮 通知。最多只能申2轮空(除最后一)轮空得半分 


Registration fees:  $35      

Sibling discount $10 off for 2nd member or higher in the family   

No registration after 8:00pm night before tournament. Drop in or onsite registration is not allowed. Must pay online for advanced preparation. 



Refund policy  退款条件 

No refund within 24hours. If you have 24 hours or more: Log into student's account and click cancel under "My tournament"

24退款24办理退款: 前往学生我的比取消即可



Chess Federation Canada (CFC)

Chess n' Math (CMA) 


Vancouver Chess School Photo album 影集

Contact: Voice mail: (604)568-3283

Round Group 1

Grade 1, Grade K

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5Rd 6TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[SB]
1Codrin Pompas1252326830Grade 1 W4 W2 W3 W2 W4 W3610012
2Nicholas Wu13100381459Preschool L3 L1 W4 L1 W3 W431002
3William Jiang13141891231Grade K W2 L4 L1 W4 L2 L121000
4Aaron Vickers1308554579Grade K L1 W3 L2 L3 L1 L211000

Round Group 2

Grade 2

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[SB]
1Ethan Song12273282396Grade 2 W6 D3 W2 W4 W54.51008.75
2Alexander Jin13104551411Grade 2 W4 W5 L1 W3 W641006.5
3Alex Zou13085651776Grade 2 W5 D1 W6 L2 W43.51005.25
4Tim Yang1308857939Grade 2 L2 W6 W5 L1 L321001
5James Wang1309634610Grade 2 L3 L2 L4 W6 L111000
6Hailey Wong1321198327Grade 2 L1 L4 L3 L5 L201000

Swiss Group 1

Grade 3

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]
1Sophia Yu12124341263Grade 3 W8 W6 W2 D4 W114.51001443
2Vincent Guo12049861053Grade 3 W9 W3 L1 W7 W441001250.5
3Nathan Wu12541042146Grade 3 W11 L2 W7 W6 W144991134.5
4Kirill Zubo1306697726Grade 3 W14 D11 W5 D1 L231001141.5
5Roy Zhou12987221152Grade 3 W12 D7 L4 W11 D63999.535.5
6Jason Chen1146767903Grade 3 W13 L1 W8 L3 D52.51008.544
7Gillian Mok12533951710Grade 3 W10 D5 L3 L2 W122.5100841.5
8Austin Chen1298711919Grade 3 L1 W13 L6 W9 D102.598.56.538
9Andy Yang1250504696Grade 3 L2 W14 D10 L8 W132.598.56.528.5
10Leon Chen1255127777Grade 3 L7 D12 D9 W13 D82.598627
11Andrew Chen1287191595Grade 3 L3 D4 W12 L5 L11.5100548.5
12VenkataVikhyath Kodali1215685768Grade 3 L5 D10 L11 D14 L71100329.5
13VINCENT GUAN1321806400Grade 3 L6 L8 W14 L10 L91100328.5
14Visisht Kodali1215674712Grade 3 L4 L9 L13 D12 L30.5100134.5

Swiss Group 2

Grade 4

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]
1Andrew Xu11466881728Grade 4 W5 W4 W6 D2 W34.599.51450
2Benjamin Wu13105671131Grade 4 W7 W6 W3 D1 W44.599.51447
3Alvin Li1238275962Grade 4 W9 W8 L2 W5 L131001142
4Matthew He12544311878Grade 4 W10 L1 W7 W8 L231001037
5Tiger Xu1247005996Grade 4 L1 W10 W9 L3 W6399834
6Veronica Guo11609541796Grade 4 W8 L2 L1 W7 L52100745
7Kate Jiang13140771996Grade 4 L2 W9 L4 L6 W10299533
8Matthew Ji1252697690Grade 4 L6 L3 W10 L4 W9299430
9Ryan Huang13212091054Grade 4 L3 L7 L5 W10 L81100228
10Jeremiah Lam1266704466Grade 4 L4 L5 L8 L9 L70100029

Swiss Group 3

Grade 5

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]
1Lucian Wu11364411543Grade 5 W3 D5 W2 W6 W74.51001343
2Joshua Imoo11525491492Grade 5 W8 W6 L1 W3 W541001245
3Binary Xiao1247016989Grade 5 L1 W4 W7 L2 W103100839
4Borna Amjadi12104541174Grade 5 W10 L3 L8 W9 W6399827
5Elvin Sun11973031353Grade 5 W7 D1 L6 W8 L22.5100946
6Luka Spasojevic12663661475Grade 5 W9 L2 W5 L1 L42100846
7Justin Jin13104441016Grade 5 L5 W9 L3 W10 L12100634
8Nethru Kachchakaduge1165645829Grade 5 L2 W10 W4 L5 L9299733
9Ryan Yu1202365811Grade 5 L6 L7 W10 L4 W8298429
10Erin Wong1321187490Grade 5 L4 L8 L9 L7 L30100033

Swiss Group 4

Grade 6

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]
1Kevin Low10206552095Grade 6 W4 W3 W6 W2 W751001536
2Mihailo Misic13212111052Grade 6 L6 W7 W4 L1 W33100843
3Leo Chung10945561374Grade 6 W8 L1 W5 W6 L23991040
4Samuel Taplin11517411209Grade 6 L1 W8 L2 W7 W5399735
5Andy Zhang11657351371Grade 6 W7 D6 L3 W8 L42.599.5928
6Kevin Butchart10206991375Grade 6 W2 D5 L1 L3 W82.599.5842
7Bruce Chen1255138963Grade 6 L5 L2 W8 L4 L11100339
8Lyvia Shan1298709568Grade 6 L3 L4 L7 L5 L60100037

Swiss Group 5

Grade 7

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]
1Bilguun Purevjav13085761145Grade 7 W7 L4 W6 W2 W841001141
2Bill Wang12039061198Grade 7 W3 W9 D4 L1 W73.599.511.543.5
3Jalen Huang1165904857Grade 7 L2 W5 W7 D6 W43.599945
4Praneet Arora11684461069Grade 7 W6 W1 D2 W5 L33.598.512.546.5
5Mingda Shen1300972840Grade 7 W8 L3 W9 L4BYE (1.0)3100931.5
6Rohan Wessels12664231259Grade 7 L4BYE (1.0) L1 D3 W92.5100637.5
7James Hu1165847825Grade 7 L1 W8 L3BYE (1.0) L22100636.5
8David Liu1213209933Grade 7 L5 L7BYE (1.0) W9 L1299531
9Sandiv Pauluarachchi1321817400Grade 7BYE (1.0) L2 L5 L8 L61100531.5

Round Group 3

Grade 8

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[SB]
1Ethan Low10207911714Grade 8 D2 W4 W3 W4 D241006.5
2Alec Chung11465431712Grade 8 D1 W3 W4 L3 D131004.5
3Alex Yu12901591446Grade 8 W4 L2 L1 W2 D42.51000.5
4Villiam Zhang12561281003Grade 8 L3 L1 L2 L1 D30.51000

Round Group 4

Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 12

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[SB]
1Tony Cheng10416931440Grade 12 W6 D3 W4 W5 W24.51009.25
2Ben Zeng12129281119Grade 10 W3 W4 D5 W6 L13.51006
3Nima Nasibi13170691311Grade 10 L2 D1 W6 D4 D52.599.54.5
4Jason Shao11465541275Grade 12 W5 L2 L1 D3 W62.599.53.25
5Stephanie Gu12548571418Grade 9 L4 W6 D2 L1 D321003
6Erfan Hakim1319916682Grade 10 L1 L5 L3 L2 L401000
# Team Players CMA ID CMA Rating Grade Score Total
1 Mulgrave Andrew Xu 1146688 1728 Grade 4 4.5 10.5
Alexander Jin 1310455 1411 Grade 2 4
Justin Jin 1310444 1016 Grade 5 2
2 St. George's Jr. Vincent Guo 1204986 1053 Grade 3 4 9.5
Alec Chung 1146543 1712 Grade 8 3
Jason Chen 1146767 903 Grade 3 2.5
3 Lord Byng S.S. Ethan Song 1227328 2396 Grade 2 4.5 0
Stephanie Gu 1254857 1418 Grade 9 2
4 R.C. Talmey E.S. Nathan Wu 1254104 2146 Grade 3 4 0
Nicholas Wu 1310038 1459 Preschool 3
5 Moscrop S.S. Ethan Low 1020791 1714 Grade 8 4 0
Mihailo Misic 1321211 1052 Grade 6 3
6 St. John's Ben Zeng 1212928 1119 Grade 10 3.5 0
Leo Chung 1094556 1374 Grade 6 3
7 Dr. George M. Weir E.S. Kevin Low 1020655 2095 Grade 6 5 0
8 Steveston London SS Kate Jiang 1314077 1996 Grade 4 2 0
9 Johnston Heights S.S. Matthew He 1254431 1878 Grade 4 3 0
10 York House Veronica Guo 1160954 1796 Grade 4 2 0
11 Graham D. Bruce E.S. Alex Zou 1308565 1776 Grade 2 3.5 0
12 Crofton House Gillian Mok 1253395 1710 Grade 3 2.5 0
13 Lord Kitchener E.S. Alvin Li 1238275 962 Grade 4 3 0
James Wang 1309634 610 Grade 2 1
14 Sir Matthew Begbie E.S. Lucian Wu 1136441 1543 Grade 5 4.5 0
15 Heritage Christian Online School Joshua Imoo 1152549 1492 Grade 5 4 0
16 Sail Academy VenkataVikhyath Kodali 1215685 768 Grade 3 1 0
Visisht Kodali 1215674 712 Grade 3 0.5
17 Kitsilano Secondary Luka Spasojevic 1266366 1475 Grade 5 2 0
18 Sentinel S.S. Tony Cheng 1041693 1440 Grade 12 4.5 0
19 Tecumseh E.S. Kevin Butchart 1020699 1375 Grade 6 2.5 0
20 Norma Rose Point S. Andy Zhang 1165735 1371 Grade 6 2.5 0
21 . Elvin Sun 1197303 1353 Grade 5 2.5 0
22 West Vancouver Secondary School Nima Nasibi 1317069 1311 Grade 10 2.5 0
23 Vancouver Coll. Jason Shao 1146554 1275 Grade 12 2.5 0
24 John T. Errington E.S. Sophia Yu 1212434 1263 Grade 3 4.5 0
25 Southpointe Academy Rohan Wessels 1266423 1259 Grade 7 2.5 0
26 Whiteside ES William Jiang 1314189 1231 Grade K 2 0
27 St John's School Samuel Taplin 1151741 1209 Grade 6 3 0
28 West Point Grey Ac. Bill Wang 1203906 1198 Grade 7 3.5 0
29 West Vancouver Secondary School Borna Amjadi 1210454 1174 Grade 5 3 0
30 Kwayhquitlum middle school Roy Zhou 1298722 1152 Grade 3 3 0
31 Graham Bruce E.S. Bilguun Purevjav 1308576 1145 Grade 7 4 0
32 Dr. Annie B. Jamieson Benjamin Wu 1310567 1131 Grade 4 4.5 0
33 Tamanawis S.S. Praneet Arora 1168446 1069 Grade 7 3.5 0
34 J.N. Burnett Secondary Ryan Huang 1321209 1054 Grade 4 1 0
35 Pinetree S.S. Villiam Zhang 1256128 1003 Grade 8 0.5 0
36 Martha Currie E.S. Tiger Xu 1247005 996 Grade 4 3 0
37 Heritage Mountain E.S Binary Xiao 1247016 989 Grade 5 3 0
38 Citadel M.S. Bruce Chen 1255138 963 Grade 6 1 0
39 Immaculate Conception Tim Yang 1308857 939 Grade 2 2 0
40 Walnut Road E.S. David Liu 1213209 933 Grade 7 2 0
41 Bramblewood E.S. Coquitlam Austin Chen 1298711 919 Grade 3 2.5 0
42 Lochdale C.E.S. Jalen Huang 1165904 857 Grade 7 3.5 0
43 Ray Shepherd E.S. Mingda Shen 1300972 840 Grade 7 3 0
44 Lord Tennyson E.S. Codrin Pompas 1252326 830 Grade 1 6 0
45 Mountain Meadows E.S. Nethru Kachchakaduge 1165645 829 Grade 5 2 0
46 Maple Lane E.S. James Hu 1165847 825 Grade 7 2 0
47 York House School Erin Wong 1321187 490 Grade 5 0 0
Hailey Wong 1321198 327 Grade 2 0
48 Pacafic Academy Ryan Yu 1202365 811 Grade 5 2 0
49 Walton E.S. Leon Chen 1255127 777 Grade 3 2.5 0
50 Buckingham E.S. Kirill Zubo 1306697 726 Grade 3 3 0
51 Queen Mary E.S. Andy Yang 1250504 696 Grade 3 2.5 0
52 James McKinney E.S. Matthew Ji 1252697 690 Grade 4 2 0
53 West Vancouver S.S. Erfan Hakim 1319916 682 Grade 10 0 0
54 Jessie Wowk E.S. Andrew Chen 1287191 595 Grade 3 1.5 0
55 Sardis E.S. Aaron Vickers 1308554 579 Grade K 1 0
56 Our Lady of Fatima Lyvia Shan 1298709 568 Grade 6 0 0
57 St. Anthony of Padua Jeremiah Lam 1266704 466 Grade 4 0 0
# Player Grade School Section Rating CMA
1 FM Ethan Song Grade 2 Lord Byng S.S. Grade 2 2396
2 Nathan Wu Grade 3 R.C. Talmey E.S. Grade 3 2146
3 Kevin Low Grade 6 Dr. George M. Weir E.S. Grade 6 2095
4 Kate Jiang Grade 4 Steveston London SS Grade 4 1996
5 Matthew He Grade 4 Johnston Heights S.S. Grade 4 1878
6 Veronica Guo Grade 4 York House Grade 4 1796
7 Alex Zou Grade 2 Graham D. Bruce E.S. Grade 2 1776
8 Andrew Xu Grade 4 Mulgrave Grade 4 1728
9 Ethan Low Grade 8 Moscrop S.S. Grade 8 1714
10 Alec Chung Grade 8 St. George's Jr. Grade 8 1712
11 Gillian Mok Grade 3 Crofton House Grade 3 1710
12 Lucian Wu Grade 5 Sir Matthew Begbie E.S. Grade 5 1543
13 Joshua Imoo Grade 5 Heritage Christian Online School Grade 5 1492
14 Luka Spasojevic Grade 5 Kitsilano Secondary Grade 5 1475
15 Nicholas Wu Preschool R.C. Talmey E.S. Grade K 1459
16 Alex Yu Grade 8 Grade 8 1446
17 Tony Cheng Grade 12 Sentinel S.S. Grade 12 1440
18 Stephanie Gu Grade 9 Lord Byng S.S. Grade 9 1418
19 Alexander Jin Grade 2 Mulgrave Grade 2 1411
20 Kevin Butchart Grade 6 Tecumseh E.S. Grade 6 1375
21 Leo Chung Grade 6 St. John's Grade 6 1374
22 Andy Zhang Grade 6 Norma Rose Point S. Grade 6 1371
23 Elvin Sun Grade 5 . Grade 5 1353
24 Nima Nasibi Grade 10 West Vancouver Secondary School Grade 10 1311
25 Jason Shao Grade 12 Vancouver Coll. Grade 12 1275
26 Sophia Yu Grade 3 John T. Errington E.S. Grade 3 1263
27 Rohan Wessels Grade 7 Southpointe Academy Grade 7 1259
28 William Jiang Grade K Whiteside ES Grade K 1231
29 Samuel Taplin Grade 6 St John's School Grade 6 1209
30 Bill Wang Grade 7 West Point Grey Ac. Grade 7 1198
31 Borna Amjadi Grade 5 West Vancouver Secondary School Grade 5 1174
32 Roy Zhou Grade 3 Kwayhquitlum middle school Grade 3 1152
33 Bilguun Purevjav Grade 7 Graham Bruce E.S. Grade 7 1145
34 Benjamin Wu Grade 4 Dr. Annie B. Jamieson Grade 4 1131
35 Ben Zeng Grade 10 St. John's Grade 10 1119
36 Praneet Arora Grade 7 Tamanawis S.S. Grade 7 1069
37 Ryan Huang Grade 4 J.N. Burnett Secondary Grade 4 1054
38 Vincent Guo Grade 3 St. George's Jr. Grade 3 1053
39 Mihailo Misic Grade 6 Moscrop S.S. Grade 6 1052
40 Justin Jin Grade 5 Mulgrave Grade 5 1016
41 Villiam Zhang Grade 8 Pinetree S.S. Grade 8 1003
42 Tiger Xu Grade 4 Martha Currie E.S. Grade 4 996
43 Binary Xiao Grade 5 Heritage Mountain E.S Grade 5 989
44 Bruce Chen Grade 6 Citadel M.S. Grade 6 963
45 Alvin Li Grade 4 Lord Kitchener E.S. Grade 4 962
46 Tim Yang Grade 2 Immaculate Conception Grade 2 939
47 David Liu Grade 7 Walnut Road E.S. Grade 7 933
48 Austin Chen Grade 3 Bramblewood E.S. Coquitlam Grade 3 919
49 Jason Chen Grade 3 St. George's Jr. Grade 3 903
50 Jalen Huang Grade 7 Lochdale C.E.S. Grade 7 857
51 Mingda Shen Grade 7 Ray Shepherd E.S. Grade 7 840
52 Codrin Pompas Grade 1 Lord Tennyson E.S. Grade 1 830
53 Nethru Kachchakaduge Grade 5 Mountain Meadows E.S. Grade 5 829
54 James Hu Grade 7 Maple Lane E.S. Grade 7 825
55 Ryan Yu Grade 5 Pacafic Academy Grade 5 811
56 Leon Chen Grade 3 Walton E.S. Grade 3 777
57 VenkataVikhyath Kodali Grade 3 Sail Academy Grade 3 768
58 Kirill Zubo Grade 3 Buckingham E.S. Grade 3 726
59 Visisht Kodali Grade 3 Sail Academy Grade 3 712
60 Andy Yang Grade 3 Queen Mary E.S. Grade 3 696
61 Matthew Ji Grade 4 James McKinney E.S. Grade 4 690
62 Erfan Hakim Grade 10 West Vancouver S.S. Grade 10 682
63 James Wang Grade 2 Lord Kitchener E.S. Grade 2 610
64 Andrew Chen Grade 3 Jessie Wowk E.S. Grade 3 595
65 Aaron Vickers Grade K Sardis E.S. Grade K 579
66 Lyvia Shan Grade 6 Our Lady of Fatima Grade 6 568
67 Erin Wong Grade 5 York House School Grade 5 490
68 Jeremiah Lam Grade 4 St. Anthony of Padua Grade 4 466
69 Sandiv Pauluarachchi Grade 7 Grade 7 400
70 VINCENT GUAN Grade 3 Grade 3 400
71 Hailey Wong Grade 2 York House School Grade 2 327