Date Saturday, September 23, 2017
Time 09:00 AM-03:00 PM
Location VCS at Columbia College, Vancouver
Time control G/30
Format For all ages
Сancellation time 24 hours
Organizer Maxim Doroshenko

     Column Builder Trophies  Sport Rimz Medals

2017 Vancouver Monthly Active  温哥华每月活跃赛 

What is Monthly Active?  

It is a monthly event open to all levels. If you have participated in Friday Quads for a while and would like some new challenges. It might be time for you to try out this next level. Instead of 3 rounds, we play 5-6 rounds in one day depending on which section you are in (open or junior). This event is CMA rated but not CFC. The Champion of the Open Section will be invited to join our annual Active Grand Prix to compete for the grand prize of $500.


Location: Vancouver Chess School  温哥华国际象棋学 

Columbia College 438 Terminal Avenue, Vancouver  

*Door opens at 8:50 am only. Tournament hall is located on the 4th floor, room 411 

*Street parking and underground parking ($2 per hour) 

*Note no "U-turn" is allowed on Terminal Avenue 


Please show up at least 5 minutes before round starts. We will start the clock according to the schedule shown below.   


Open Section

Junior Section

Qualification  参赛条件

All adults are welcome with no rating restriction.

All juniors K-12 must have currently or previously attained

a minimum rating of CFC 1200 / CMA 1300. No exception

All Juniors K-12

from 0 to CMA 1299

Time Control  赛时限制

Game in 25 minutes with 5 seconds increment

Ratings  等级分

CMA rated

Chess Notation  象棋记录

Optional - Please bring your own scorebook 请自备象棋记录本

Format  赛制

5-round Swiss format

5-round Swiss format

Schedule  时间表

1st round – 9:00am

1st round – 9:00am

2nd round – 10:00am

2nd round – 10:00am

3rd round – 11:00am

3rd round – 11:00am

Lunch after round 3

Lunch after round 3

4th round – 12:30pm

4th round – 12:00pm

5th round – 1:30pm

5th round – 1:00pm

Awards – estimated at 2:30pm

Awards – estimated at 2:00pm

Prizes  奖品

80% of entry fees returned as prizes

2 place prizes and 2 prizes per class

Classes to be determined by entries

Champion Trophies to the winners of

best under:  0-599/600-999/1000-1299

Medals if scored 3 points or more

For pairing purposes


CFC ratings will be used for pairing and prize eligibility or

FIDE/USCF/CMA (any other international rating)

if a player does not have a CFC rating

CMA ratings will be used

All juniors who have both CFC & CMA ratings,

your highest rating will be used

Grand Prix qualifiers


Champion of the Open Section will be invited to join our Active Grand Prix and

competes for a Grand Prize of $500. Invitation will be extended to the next winner if

you have been a previous Champion. Perpetual trophy to the Champion.


Chess sets and clocks are provided  提供象棋和棋钟       


Individual Tie Breaker (applies to Junior Section only)  个人决胜局 

1. Direct Encounter (Head to Head) 

2. Cumulative Score 

3. Opposition Cumulative Score  


Bye request  轮空要求 

If you cannot attend some of the rounds, maximum of 2 half point byes is allowed (except last round). Please email with your request or inform TD at least ½ hour before round starts  

如果你不能参加某几赛前半小时请或电邮 通知。最多只能申2轮空(除最后一)轮空得半分 


Registration fees:  $35      

$10 off for IM/GM or with CFC rating over 2300. $5 off for NM/FM. Sibling discount $5 off for 2nd member or higher in the family  

No onsite registration is allowed. Must pay online for advanced preparation.  不接受现场报名。为赛前作好准,必网上注册付


Refund policy  退款条件 

No refund within 24hours. If you have 24 hours or more: Log into student's account and click cancel under "My tournament"

24退款24办理退款: 前往学生我的比取消即可



Chess Federation Canada (CFC)

Chess n' Math (CMA)


Vancouver Chess School Photo album 影集

Contact: Voice mail: (604)568-3283


SwissSys Standings. September Active: Open

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot Prize
1 Sohal, Tanraj 2369 W7 W10 D2 W3 W6 4.5 1st-$150.00
2 Morozov, Grigorii 2344 W11 W9 D1 D6 W8 4.0 =2nd-$50.00
3 Nyamdorj, Davaa-Ochir 2223 W8 W13 W14 L1 W7 4.0 =2nd-$50.00
4 Igharas, Gilberto 1928 H--- L6 D11 W13 W12 3.0  
5 Lehingrat, Callum 1823 L12 L8 W16 W11 W9 3.0  
6 Leong, Ryan 1819 D14 W4 W10 D2 L1 3.0  
7 Ingram, Richard 1698 L1 W16 W12 W14 L3 3.0 =1st/2nd U1700-$82.50
8 Bremner, William 1521 L3 W5 W15 W9 L2 3.0 =1st/2nd U1700-$82.50
9 Talosig, Jaylord 1844 W15 L2 W13 L8 L5 2.0  
10 Kim, George 1714 W16 L1 L6 L12 W14 2.0  
11 Talyspayeva, Adel 1631 L2 D15 D4 L5 W16 2.0  
12 Yang, Henry 1345 W5 L14 L7 W10 L4 2.0  
13 Yang, Brian 1434 B--- L3 L9 L4 D15 1.5  
14 Spasojevic, Luka 1313 D6 W12 L3 L7 L10 1.5  
15 Singh, Gurbaz 1429 L9 D11 L8 L16 D13 1.0  
16 Ambut, David unr. L10 L7 L5 W15 L11 1.0  

SwissSys Standings. September Active: Junior

# Name Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Tot TBrk[C] TBrk[O] Prize
1 Misic, Mihailo 854 W13 W2 W9 W5 L3 4.0 14 44 U1000-Trophy
2 Mok, Gillian 1063 W11 L1 W6 W8 W5 4.0 11 47 U1300-Trophy
3 Jin, Justin 1089 W7 L8 W10 W9 W1 4.0 11 43 Medal
4 Luo, Zhiheng 538 L8 D7 W14 W12 W11 3.5 8 26 U600-Trophy
5 Wessels, Rohan 1113 W12 W10 W8 L1 L2 3.0 12 43 Medal
6 Jin, Alexander 953 L9 W11 L2 W7 W8 3.0 7 40 Medal
7 Feng, Steven 743 L3 D4 W12 L6 W13 2.5 6 31  
8 Liang, Jeremy 813 W4 W3 L5 L2 L6 2.0 9 49  
9 Wei, Sarah 664 W6 W14 L1 L3 L10 2.0 9 39  
10 Zou, Alex 893 B--- L5 L3 L11 W9 2.0 5 37  
11 Pompas, Codrin 701 L2 L6 W13 W10 L4 2.0 5 32  
12 Wu, Nicholas 764 L5 W13 L7 L4 B--- 2.0 4 27  
13 Xue, Andrew 585 L1 L12 L11 B--- L7 1.0 1 29  
14 Huang, Winston 662 H--- L9 L4 U--- U--- 0.5 2 17  

Swiss Group 1

Junior (below 1300 CMA), Open

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]
1Justin Jin13104441016Grade 6 W7 L8 W12 W11 W241001144
2Mihailo Misic13212111052Grade 7 W13 W3 W11 W5 L14991445
3Gillian Mok12533951710Grade 4 W9 L2 W6 W8 W54991147
4Zhiheng Luo1360945538Grade 3 L8 D7 W14 W10 W93.5100827.5
5Rohan Wessels12664231259Grade 8 W10 W12 W8 L2 L331001245
6Alexander Jin13104551411Grade 3 L11 W9 L3 W7 W83100740
7Steven Feng1314009770Grade 5 L1 D4 W10 L6 W132.5100633
8Jeremy Liang1169155798Grade 7 W4 W1 L5 L3 L62100949
9Codrin Pompas1252326830Grade 2 L3 L6 W13 W12 L42100534
10Nicholas Wu13100381459Grade K L5 W13 L7 L4BYE (1.0)2100528
11Sarah Wei1329489702Grade 9 W6 W14 L2 L1 L12299940.5
12Alex Zou13085651776Grade 3BYE (1.0) L5 L1 L9 W11299639.5
13Andrew Xue1329546817Grade 2 L2 L10 L9 W14 L71100232.5
14Winston Huang13142571166Grade 3BYE (0.5) L11 L4 L13BYE (0.0)0.51002.525

Swiss Group 2


#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]
1Tanraj Sohal6041462565Adult W5 W12 D3 W2 W44.510013.551
2DavaaOchir Nyamdorj11513922321Adult W6 W14 W13 L1 W541001343.5
3Grigorii Morozov12599432493Adult W11 W9 D1 D4 W6410012.545.5
4Ryan Leong10209032055Grade 10 D13 W7 W12 D3 L1310010.545.5
5Richard Ingram11546321494Adult L1 W15 W10 W13 L23100942
6William Bremner13220981955Grade 11 L2 W8 W16 W9 L33100942
7Gilberto Igharas12528771893Grade KBYE (0.5) L4 D11 W14 W10399733
8Callum Lehingrat11480951985Grade 10 L10 L6 W15 W11 W9399630.5
9Jaylord Talosig13102971844Adult W16 L3 W14 L6 L82100835.5
10Henry Yang12498171654Grade 7 W8 L13 L5 W12 L72100734.5
11Adel Talyspayeva13125581667Grade 11 L3 D16 D7 L8 W1521004.530
12George Kim11510981812Adult W15 L1 L4 L10 W13299639.5
13Luka Spasojevic12663661475Grade 6 D4 W10 L2 L5 L121.51006.545.5
14Brian Yang12539571948Grade 9BYE (1.0) L2 L9 L7 D161.51005.537.5
15David Ambut1361485400Adult L12 L5 L8 W16 L111100228
16Gurbaz Singh13085431061Grade 9 L9 D11 L6 L15 D141992.529
# Player Grade School Section Rating CFC Rating CMA CFC Expiry
1 Grigorii Morozov Adult Unknown school Open 2344 2493 Jul 12, 2025
2 Tanraj Sohal Adult Open 2342 2565 Jul 14, 2024
3 DavaaOchir Nyamdorj Adult Unknown school Open 2223 2321 Sep 24, 2025
4 Ryan Leong Grade 10 Open 2151 2055 Jul 1, 2123
5 Henry Yang Grade 7 Marlborough E.S. Open 2008 1654 May 19, 2025
6 Callum Lehingrat Grade 10 Cariboo Hill Open 1992 1985 Jun 11, 2024
7 Brian Yang Grade 9 J.N. Burnett S.S. Open 1957 1948 May 9, 2025
8 Gillian Mok Grade 4 Crofton House Junior (below 1300 CMA) 1955 1710 May 17, 2025
9 Alex Zou Grade 3 Graham D. Bruce E.S. Junior (below 1300 CMA) 1873 1776 May 17, 2025
10 Nicholas Wu Grade K R.C. Talmey E.S. Junior (below 1300 CMA) 1865 1459 Oct 11, 2025
11 George Kim Adult Unknown school Open 1714 1812 Mar 1, 2021
12 Richard Ingram Adult Open 1698 1494 Feb 28, 2026
13 Gurbaz Singh Grade 9 Tamanawis S.S. Open 1429 1061 Oct 1, 2018
14 Luka Spasojevic Grade 6 Kitsilano Secondary Open 1329 1475 Nov 1, 2021
15 Codrin Pompas Grade 2 Lord Tennyson E.S. Junior (below 1300 CMA) 967 830 Apr 1, 2021
16 Jeremy Liang Grade 7 Marlborough E.S. Junior (below 1300 CMA) 646 798 Jul 1, 2021
17 Zhiheng Luo Grade 3 Chantrell Creek E.S. Junior (below 1300 CMA) 400 538
18 Jaylord Talosig Adult Unknown school Open 400 1844
19 David Ambut Adult Open 400 400
20 Justin Jin Grade 6 Mulgrave Junior (below 1300 CMA) 0 1016
21 Gilberto Igharas Grade K None Open 0 1893
22 Mihailo Misic Grade 7 Moscrop S.S. Junior (below 1300 CMA) 0 1052
23 Andrew Xue Grade 2 Norma Rose Point E.S. Junior (below 1300 CMA) 0 817
24 Alexander Jin Grade 3 Mulgrave Junior (below 1300 CMA) 0 1411
25 Rohan Wessels Grade 8 Southpointe Academy Junior (below 1300 CMA) 0 1259
26 Adel Talyspayeva Grade 11 BCIT Open 0 1667
27 Sarah Wei Grade 9 Point Grey S.S. Open 0 702
28 Steven Feng Grade 5 Irwin Park E.S. Junior (below 1300 CMA) 0 770
29 William Bremner Grade 11 Mountainside Secondary Open 0 1955
30 Winston Huang Grade 3 St. George's Jr. Junior (below 1300 CMA) 0 1166