Date Sunday, March 5, 2017
Time 10:30 AM-03:30 PM
Location VCS at Columbia College, Vancouver
Format Qualifier 预选赛 - For B.C. students P-12
Entry Fee $35. Sibling discount: $10 off for 2nd member or higher in the family
Сancellation time 24 hours
Registration No registration after 8pm night before tournament
Organizer Maxim Doroshenko


2016-2017 Regional Qualifier to B.C. Chess Challenge 卑詩省国际象棋挑战赛区域预选赛

All B.C. students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 are invited to participate in this annual marquee event, marking the beginning of the annual Chess Challenge series which culminates in the Canadian Chess Challenge. Players can qualify to the B.C. Chess Challenge, itself a qualifier to the national event, by scoring 2.5 points or higher in a regional event.  

Players of all skill levels are highly encouraged to participate in this event. Not only is it a chance to compete against the top players in their grade, it is a chance for all players to continue to improve their general tournament skills. Players are encouraged to enter more than one qualifier to accumulate even more tournament experience but can only claim one trophy or medal in all their participated qualifier events.


For a full report, please see the article in our 2016 Team B.C. at the Canadian Chess Challenge Regina

Click here to find out more about all the Regional, Provincial, National or the World Chess Tournament. 


Provincial Organizers  

Vancouver Chess School (VCS) will be organizing the Regional qualifiers and the Provincial Chess Challenge. Victoria Junior Chess Society will be hosting the Victoria Regional. 



Any donation and sponsorship are welcome. This year, the goal of our donation funds is to financially support Team B.C. members and coaches to attend the Canadian Chess Challenge in Toronto. 


School Team Registration  

* We require at least 2 school teams from each elementary & high school to compete. Elementary school (Grade K-7) & High school (Grade 8-12)  

* A team must have at least 4 or more players from the same school. Their school & rating information will be verified 

* The points from the best 4 performing team members will contribute to the school’s total score 

* Players’ performances are tabulated towards both individual and school prizes 

* Trophies to the top 3 winning teams 

2 -step registration 

Step 1:  Parents to register players as individual players online 

Step 2:  Please assign a “team leader” (school teacher; parents or player) who will provide us a list of your team members. Email us at at least 1 week prior to tournament


Please note:  

This historical tournament is originally designed to be a competition to determine provincial chess champions by their grade. School team competition is an additional prize to encourage team efforts. Please note that all players will be paired according to their individual performances. Their school association will not be considered in the pairing process to ensure fairness for individual results. 


Location: Vancouver Chess School  温哥华国际象棋学 

Columbia College 438 Terminal Avenue, Vancouver  

*Door opens at 10:00 am only. Tournament hall is located on the 3rd floor, room 320-330 

*Street parking and underground parking ($2 per hour) 

*Note no "U-turn" is allowed on Terminal Avenue  


        Please show up at least 5 minutes before round starts. We will start the clock according to the schedule shown below.   

Regional Qualifier - Vancouver

Qualification  条件

B.C. students only Grade P - 12

Time Control  赛时限

Game in 25 minutes with 5 seconds delay


5-round Swiss format


CMA rated

Schedule  时间

1st round – 10:30am

2nd round – 11:30am

 Lunch after round 2

3rd round – 12:30pm

4th round – 1:30pm

5th round – 2:30pm

Awards – estimated at 3:30pm


Grade K-12: Trophies to top 3

School teams: Trophies to top 3 elementary and high schools

Award certificates to all participants 所有参赛者获得奖证书

Notice to parents


We do not provide child care services and cannot be held liable to the safety of your children. You must take full responsibilities for the well-being of your child. They would require some forms of support from you between rounds, such as some encouraging words; supervising games play; making sure they attend the next round on time; using the public washroom etc. Both parents and players must stay inside the waiting room/lounge before and after rounds.

Wi-Fi service (limit for 45 mins only): CC guest. No password is required. May reconnect after 2 hours.

Q & A  问题解


In order to perform well and stay focus for the entire tournament, please reframe your child from using the computer for other games except chess. Playing or running around will result in burning their energy faster especially for the last 2 rounds. Bring a chess set for post game analysis. Have their mind set for the tournament at least 5 minutes before the game. Avoid having a full meal or junk food or anything high in sugar.

Notice to players 


o   Playing up is not allowed  不容

o   May combine if sections are small   人数太少,有些组别可能合并

o   Chess notation is optional. Please bring your own scorebook 请自备象棋记录本

o   No food or drinks inside tournament room

What to bring

Scorebook; Drinking water and healthy snacks. 


Individual Tie Breaker  个人决

Swiss format

1)      Direct Encounter (Head to Head)

2)      Cumulative score

3)      Opposition cumulative score

Round Robin format

1)      Direct Encounter (Head to Head)

2)      SonneBorne-Berger

For School Team only

Where two or more school teams are tied, the team with the highest number of won games will be declared the winner. If scores are still tied, the team with the highest number of first place finishers will be declared the winner. If neither team has a first place finisher, then the highest number of second place finishers, and so on. 

Chess sets and clocks are provided  提供象棋和棋

Bye request  轮空要求 

If you cannot attend some of the rounds, maximum of 2 zero point byes is allowed (except last round). Please email with your request or inform TD at least ½ hour before round starts  

如果你不能参加某几赛前半小时请或电邮 通知。最多只能申2轮空(除最后一)轮空得0分 


If a player forfeits a game (i.e., does not show up within 25 minutes of the start of a round), it will be assumed the player has withdrawn from the tournament. That player will not be paired in subsequent rounds unless the tournament director is notified. If a player cannot be present for all the games, please notify us so the player may receive a bye and not be penalized.


Registration fees:  $35      

Sibling discount $10 off for 2nd member or higher in the family   

No registration after 8:00pm night before tournament. Drop in or onsite registration is not allowed. Must pay online for advanced preparation. 



Refund policy  退款条件 

No refund within 24hours. If you have 24 hours or more: Log into student's account and click cancel under "My tournament"

24退款24办理退款: 前往学生我的比取消即可



Chess Federation Canada (CFC)

Chess n' Math (CMA) 


Vancouver Chess School Photo album 影集

Contact: Voice mail: (604)568-3283

Swiss Group 1

Grade 1

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]
1Codrin Pompas1252326830Grade 1BYE (1.0) W4 W3 W2 W551001540
2DANIEL ZHU1329715400Grade 1 W11 D7 W4 L1 W33.51001145
3AryaCyrus Boroomand13296711255Grade 1 W8 W5 L1 W6 L231001151
4Matthew Kofmansky1329873400Grade 1 W10 L1 L2 W9 W83100842
5Teddy Xu1252855357Grade 1 W6 L3 W7 W8 L13991050
6Eliot Matisz1329669515Grade 1 L5 W9 W11 L3 W7398836
7Owen Zheng13162261050Grade 1 W9 D2 L5 W10 L62.5100938
8Micah Trotter1329906400Grade 1 L3BYE (1.0) W10 L5 L42100734
9Harry An1329917400Grade 1 L7 L6BYE (1.0) L4 W112100427
10Andrew McVicar1329939400Grade 1 L4 W11 L8 L7BYE (1.0)299526
11Wesley Russell1329928400Grade 1 L2 L10 L6BYE (1.0) L91100228

Swiss Group 2

Grade 2

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]
1Ethan Lam13076541043Grade 2 W14 L10 W11 W6 W241001141.5
2Drake Chen1287145483Grade 2 W9 W8 W5 W3 L14991448
3Osborn Song1276997644Grade 2 W4 W6 W10 L2 W54991353
4Leonardo Zhou1329693400Grade 2 L3 W16 W8 W11 W104991034
5Joey Xu13295351537Grade 2 W11 W7 L2 W10 L331001147
6Andrew Xue1329546817Grade 2 W16 L3 W9 L1 W133100936
7Franco Agapito1330154431Grade 2 D13 L5 D15 D14 W122.5100630
8Andy Huang1329759400Grade 2 W12 L2 L4 D9 W142.599.5739.5
9Melinda Wei1329849400Grade 2 L2 W12 L6 D8 W152.599.5638.5
10James Zhang1322122984Grade 2 W15 W1 L3 L5 L42100948.5
11Felix Zhou1314088525Grade 2 L5 W13 L1 L4 W162100538
12Oliver Kim1329647379Grade 2 L8 L9 W16 W15 L72100522.5
13Sebastian Stepnoski1329761400Grade 2 D7 L11 D14 W16 L6299624.5
14Jerry Xu1329783400Grade 2 L1 D15 D13 D7 L81.51004.533.5
15Minnie Huang1329748400Grade 2 L10 D14 D7 L12 L911003.530.5
16Mirabelle Woo1329772400Grade 2 L6 L4 L12 L13 L110100035

Swiss Group 3

Grade 3

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]
1Jason Chen1146767903Grade 3 W12 W8 D2 W7 W64.599.513.552
2Vincent Guo12049861053Grade 3 W15 W11 D1 W9 W34.599.513.548.5
3Eric Jiang12552061542Grade 3 W18 W4 W9 W6 L241001448
4Simon Wang1321075961Grade 3 W20 L3 W13 W12 W84991140.5
5Leon Chen1255127777Grade 3 D7 W18 L6 W17 W103.51009.537.5
6Austin Chen1298711919Grade 3 W21 W10 W5 L3 L131001247.5
7Lang Dai1329952400Grade 3 D5 W15 W11 L1 D931001044
8Aiden Leong13295022131Grade 3 W13 L1 W19 W14 L431001043.5
9Andrew Chen1287191811Grade 3 W16 W19 L3 L2 D72.51009.547
10Andy Yang1250504696Grade 3 W17 L6 D12 W19 L52.599.58.538.5
11Gabriel Prisecariu1308958626Grade 3 W14 L2 L7 W20 D132.599.57.540.5
12KYLE SHANG1329614400Grade 3 L1 W20 D10 L4 W142.599.56.543.5
13VenkataVikhyath Kodali1215685768Grade 3 L8BYE (1.0) L4 W15 D112.599.56.532.5
14Marvin Xi1329658404Grade 3 L11 W21 W16 L8 L122100730
15Cindy Yang1329974400Grade 3 L2 L7 W18 L13 W172100437
16Laurus Wang1329941400Grade 3 L9 D17 L14 D18 W21299425.5
17Terry Deng1329895400Grade 3 L10 D16 W21 L5 L151.5100528
18Bowen Wong13294781401Grade 3 L3 L5 L15 D16BYE (1.0)1.5100231.5
19Visisht Kodali1215674712Grade 3BYE (1.0) L9 L8 L10 D201.599.55.531.5
20Ricky Yin1329682361Grade 3 L4 L12BYE (1.0) L11 D191.599.53.530.5
21Kian Afshar1329794400Grade 3 L6 L14 L17BYE (1.0) L161100228

Swiss Group 4

Grade 4

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]
1Eugene Liang12577041256Grade 4 W3 W4 W8 D2 W74.599.51454
2Stanley Wu1203917984Grade 4 W14 W5 W6 D1 W44.599.51449
3Jerry Zheng1270181679Grade 4 L1 W13 W9 W12 W541001041.5
4Evan Friesen1308148590Grade 4 W12 L1 W13 W11 L231001047
5David Hooftman1329816400Grade 4 W9 L2 W12 W6 L331001045.5
6Enoch Liang12576691081Grade 4 W16 W7 L2 L5 W113991044.5
7Rohan Chadha1272148520Grade 4 W15 L6 W17 W8 L13991041.5
8Matthew Ji1252697690Grade 4 W18 W11 L1 L7 W143991037
9Gavin Ng1165577670Grade 4 L5 W15 L3 W17 D102.599.56.534
10Jack Edwards1165599707Grade 4 L13 W18 L11 W16 D92.599.56.523
11Ryan Huang13212091054Grade 4 W17 L8 W10 L4 L62100840.5
12Michael Bayato1329513508Grade 4 L4 W14 L5 L3 W172100539
13Tyson Murray1330323514Grade 4 W10 L3 L4 L14 W15299635
14Alexis Chow1329805400Grade 4 L2 L12 W18 W13 L8299535
15Steve Kim1329636484Grade 4 L7 L9 D16 W18 L131.599.53.525
16Jeremiah Lam1266704466Grade 4 L6 L17 D15 L10 W181.599.52.524
17Veronica Jin1305145319Grade 4 L11 W16 L7 L9 L121100432
18Daniel Ward1329827400Grade 4 L8 L10 L14 L15 L160100027.5

Swiss Group 5

Grade 5

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]
1Aiden Zhou10945232273Grade 5 W6 W3 W5 D2 W84.599.51453
2Chuyang Gu11479831708Grade 5 W9 W10 W7 D1 W54.599.51449
3Aaron Lo1165667865Grade 5 W14 L1 W9 D8 W63.51001043
4Garrison Wu1237432371Grade 5 W16 L7 W11 D9 W103.51001034
5Elaine Fan10945341100Grade 5 W17 W8 L1 W7 L231001149
6Peter Khrissanov1298777635Grade 5 L1 W11 W13 W10 L33100945
7KevinZhengYi Wang1247049811Grade 5 W12 W4 L2 L5 W113991048
8Rafael Wang13162151111Grade 5 W15 L5 W14 D3 L12.5100944
9Justin Liu1272137561Grade 5 L2 W15 L3 D4 W122.5100644
10Jessica Qian13140221236Grade 5BYE (1.0) L2 W12 L6 L42100839
11Maya Abraham1146835548Grade 5 W13 L6 L4 W16 L72100738
12Jerry Ma1329985597Grade 5 L7 W16 L10 W15 L9299631
13Shuma Fujiwara1329625605Grade 5 L11 W17 L6 W14BYE (0.0)299623
14Nina An1329838400Grade 5 L3BYE (1.0) L8 L13 W17299527
15Louri Fichou1329963400Grade 5 L8 L9 W17 L12 W16299426
16Joshua Warrington1329851400Grade 5 L4 L12BYE (1.0) L11 L151100327
17Arcadi Konoval1329524482Grade 5 L5 L13 L15BYE (1.0) L141100226

Swiss Group 6

Grade 6

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]
1Henry Yang12498171654Grade 6 W9 W6 W2 W3 W851001541.5
2Kaixin Wang13058191195Grade 6 W7 W3 L1 W6 W941001243
3Benjamin Zhu1165757874Grade 6 W10 L2 W7 L1 W63100941
4Adam Long1287382765Grade 6 D8 L7 W5 L9 W102.51006.524.5
5Sebastian Fok1221524580Grade 6 L6 W10 L4 D8 W72.599628
6Bruce Chen1255138963Grade 6 W5 L1 W8 L2 L32100849.5
7Adrian Kan1319894548Grade 6 L2 W4 L3 W10 L52100633.5
8David Li1254802931Grade 6 D4 W9 L6 D5 L12997.540.5
9Max Zhang1220578800Grade 6 L1 L8 W10 W4 L2299541
10SolMin Lim1329592509Grade 6 L3 L5 L9 L7 L40100032.5

Swiss Group 7

Grade 7

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]
1LeoM Qu10946242138Grade 7 W7 W6 W4 W2 W351001542
2Victor Zheng10206881776Grade 7 W5 W4 W3 L1 W1041001343
3Bill Wang12039061198Grade 7 W10 W7 L2 W8 L131001139
4Daniel Du10208131708Grade 7 W9 L2 L1 W6 W53100845
5Katya Shaporenko13223811138Grade 7 L2 W10 W6 W7 L4399931
6Jerry Chen10946461273Grade 7 W8 L1 L5 L4 W92100641
7AnNing Zhang1247027836Grade 7 L1 L3 W9 L5 W82100444
8Cory Kwan1314292484Grade 7 L6 W9 W10 L3 L7298723
9Pravnoor Mundra1221568589Grade 7 L4 L8 L7 W10 L61100225
10SeHa Kwon1329603571Grade 7 L3 L5 L8 L9 L20100042

Swiss Group 8

Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]
1Brian Yang12539571948Grade 8 W6 W4 W2 L3 W84991335.5
2Maven Zheng10210041751Grade 10 W3 W5 L1 W6 W74991240
3Jason Sunardi1168716765Grade 9 L2 W8 W4 W1 W64991038.5
4Ben Zeng12129281119Grade 10 W7 L1 L3 W8 W53100834.5
5Milo Eirew1094872950Grade 9 W8 L2 D6 W7 L42.51008.528.5
6HyunWoo Lim1329581759Grade 8 L1 W7 D5 L2 L31.51005.546.5
7Sarah Wei1329489702Grade 8 L4 L6 W8 L5 L21100334
8Serena Chen1329737400Grade 8 L5 L3 L7 L4 L10100042.5

Round Group 1

Grade 11, Grade 12

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[SB]
1Brandon Zhu12541262205Grade 11 W5 W6 W4 W2 W3510010
2Devin Lu1329884400Grade 11 W4 W5 W3 L1 W641006
3Jack Telio1329862400Grade 11 W6 W4 L2 W5 L131003
4Deahyun Lee1329557876Grade 11 L2 L3 L1 W6 D51.599.50.75
5JangWoong Park1329579876Grade 11 L1 L2 W6 L3 D41.599.50.75
6ChanHwi Kim1329568692Grade 12 L3 L1 L5 L4 L201000

Round Group 2

Grade K

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5Rd 6TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[SB]
1Nicholas Wu13100381459PreschoolBYE (1.0) W3 W2 W3BYE (1.0) L2510014
2Justin Gao13294911834Grade K W3BYE (1.0) L1BYE (1.0)BYE (1.0) W1510014
3Walter Zhang1329704400Grade K L2 L1BYE (1.0) L1BYE (0.0)BYE (1.0)21000
4Anthony ZongYueLi13087341190Grade KBYE (0.0)BYE (0.0)BYE (0.0)BYE (0.0)BYE (0.0)BYE (0.0)01000
# Team Players CMA ID CMA Rating Grade Score Total
1 St. George's Jr. Aiden Zhou 1094523 2273 Grade 5 4.5 18
Vincent Guo 1204986 1053 Grade 3 4.5
Stanley Wu 1203917 984 Grade 4 4.5
Jason Chen 1146767 903 Grade 3 4.5
Eric Jiang 1255206 1542 Grade 3 4
Simon Wang 1321075 961 Grade 3 4
Osborn Song 1276997 644 Grade 2 4
2 St. John's Aaron Lo 1165667 865 Grade 5 3.5 12.5
Ben Zeng 1212928 1119 Grade 10 3
Rohan Chadha 1272148 520 Grade 4 3
Jack Telio 1329862 400 Grade 11 3
David Hooftman 1329816 400 Grade 4 3
Jack Edwards 1165599 707 Grade 4 2.5
Gavin Ng 1165577 670 Grade 4 2.5
Sebastian Fok 1221524 580 Grade 6 2.5
Justin Liu 1272137 561 Grade 5 2.5
Andy Huang 1329759 400 Grade 2 2.5
Andrew McVicar 1329939 400 Grade 1 2
Sebastian Stepnoski 1329761 400 Grade 2 2
Harry An 1329917 400 Grade 1 2
Alexis Chow 1329805 400 Grade 4 2
Nina An 1329838 400 Grade 5 2
Jerry Xu 1329783 400 Grade 2 1.5
Pravnoor Mundra 1221568 589 Grade 7 1
Wesley Russell 1329928 400 Grade 1 1
Minnie Huang 1329748 400 Grade 2 1
Kian Afshar 1329794 400 Grade 3 1
Daniel Ward 1329827 400 Grade 4 0
Mirabelle Woo 1329772 400 Grade 2 0
3 Norma Rose Point E.S. DANIEL ZHU 1329715 400 Grade 1 3.5 11
Andrew Xue 1329546 817 Grade 2 3
Franco Agapito 1330154 431 Grade 2 2.5
Laurus Wang 1329941 400 Grade 3 2
4 University Hill E.S. Lang Dai 1329952 400 Grade 3 3 8.5
Marvin Xi 1329658 404 Grade 3 2
Oliver Kim 1329647 379 Grade 2 2
Steve Kim 1329636 484 Grade 4 1.5
Ricky Yin 1329682 361 Grade 3 1.5
5 Kerrisdale E.S. Jerry Ma 1329985 597 Grade 5 2 7.5
Tyson Murray 1330323 514 Grade 4 2
Cindy Yang 1329974 400 Grade 3 2
Terry Deng 1329895 400 Grade 3 1.5
6 Marlborough E.S. Henry Yang 1249817 1654 Grade 6 5 0
Leonardo Zhou 1329693 400 Grade 2 4
Walter Zhang 1329704 400 Grade K 2
7 J.N. Burnett S.S. Brian Yang 1253957 1948 Grade 8 4 0
Serena Chen 1329737 400 Grade 8 0
8 Capitol Hill E.S. Eugene Liang 1257704 1256 Grade 4 4.5 0
Enoch Liang 1257669 1081 Grade 4 3
9 Simon Fraser University Brandon Zhu 1254126 2205 Grade 11 5 0
10 West Coast C.S. Deahyun Lee 1329557 876 Grade 11 1.5 0
HyunWoo Lim 1329581 759 Grade 8 1.5
SolMin Lim 1329592 509 Grade 6 0
11 Pinetree Secondary School LeoM Qu 1094624 2138 Grade 7 5 0
12 DT Aiden Leong 1329502 2131 Grade 3 3 0
13 Citadel M.S. Bruce Chen 1255138 963 Grade 6 2 0
David Li 1254802 931 Grade 6 2
14 Sir William Osler E.S. Justin Gao 1329491 1834 Grade K 5 0
15 Vancouver Technical S.S. Victor Zheng 1020688 1776 Grade 7 4 0
16 Eric Hamber S.S. Maven Zheng 1021004 1751 Grade 10 4 0
17 Herbert Spencer E.S. Chuyang Gu 1147983 1708 Grade 5 4.5 0
18 Vancouver College Daniel Du 1020813 1708 Grade 7 3 0
19 Alpha Secondary School Joey Xu 1329535 1537 Grade 2 3 0
20 Sail Academy VenkataVikhyath Kodali 1215685 768 Grade 3 2.5 0
Visisht Kodali 1215674 712 Grade 3 1.5
21 Erma Stephenson E.S. Jerry Zheng 1270181 679 Grade 4 4 0
Max Zhang 1220578 800 Grade 6 2
22 R.C. Talmey E.S. Nicholas Wu 1310038 1459 Preschool 5 0
23 University Hill S.S. Bowen Wong 1329478 1401 Grade 3 1.5 0
24 Fraser Wood E.S. Jerry Chen 1094646 1273 Grade 7 2 0
25 University Hill Secondary AryaCyrus Boroomand 1329671 1255 Grade 1 3 0
26 Alfred B. Dixon E.S. Jessica Qian 1314022 1236 Grade 5 2 0
27 West Point Grey Ac. Bill Wang 1203906 1198 Grade 7 3 0
28 Maple Grove Kaixin Wang 1305819 1195 Grade 6 4 0
29 St.John’s Anthony ZongYueLi 1308734 1190 Grade K 0 0
30 Scott Creek Middle School Katya Shaporenko 1322381 1138 Grade 7 3 0
31 Queen Elizabeth Annex E.S. Rafael Wang 1316215 1111 Grade 5 2.5 0
32 Crescent Park E.S. Elaine Fan 1094534 1100 Grade 5 3 0
33 Queen Mary E.S. Andy Yang 1250504 696 Grade 3 2.5 0
Melinda Wei 1329849 400 Grade 2 2.5
34 Sperling E.S. Evan Friesen 1308148 590 Grade 4 3 0
Cory Kwan 1314292 484 Grade 7 2
35 J.N. Burnett Secondary Ryan Huang 1321209 1054 Grade 4 2 0
36 Kwayhquitlum middle school Owen Zheng 1316226 1050 Grade 1 2.5 0
37 Cleveland Elementary Ethan Lam 1307654 1043 Grade 2 4 0
38 Heritage Mountain E.S. James Zhang 1322122 984 Grade 2 2 0
39 St John's Milo Eirew 1094872 950 Grade 9 2.5 0
40 Bramblewood E.S. Coquitlam Austin Chen 1298711 919 Grade 3 3 0
41 Burnaby North S.S. JangWoong Park 1329579 876 Grade 11 1.5 0
42 John Knox C.S. Benjamin Zhu 1165757 874 Grade 6 3 0
43 Kwayhquitlum M.S. AnNing Zhang 1247027 836 Grade 7 2 0
44 Lord Tennyson E.S. Codrin Pompas 1252326 830 Grade 1 5 0
45 St.Georges jr Andrew Chen 1287191 811 Grade 3 2.5 0
46 Meadowridge KevinZhengYi Wang 1247049 811 Grade 5 3 0
47 Walton E.S. Leon Chen 1255127 777 Grade 3 3.5 0
48 Vancouver College Jason Sunardi 1168716 765 Grade 9 4 0
49 Scott Creek M.S. Adam Long 1287382 765 Grade 6 2.5 0
50 Point Grey S.S. Sarah Wei 1329489 702 Grade 8 1 0
51 New Westminster S.S. ChanHwi Kim 1329568 692 Grade 12 0 0
52 James McKinney E.S. Matthew Ji 1252697 690 Grade 4 3 0
53 Maple Creek M.S. Peter Khrissanov 1298777 635 Grade 5 3 0
54 Mulgrave Gabriel Prisecariu 1308958 626 Grade 3 2.5 0
55 Queen Elizabeth Elementary School Shuma Fujiwara 1329625 605 Grade 5 2 0
56 British Columbia Ac. SeHa Kwon 1329603 571 Grade 7 0 0
57 General Gordon E.S. Maya Abraham 1146835 548 Grade 5 2 0
58 St. Francis Xavier Adrian Kan 1319894 548 Grade 6 2 0
59 Queen Elizabeth E.S. Felix Zhou 1314088 525 Grade 2 2 0
60 Trafalgar Eliot Matisz 1329669 515 Grade 1 3 0
61 St. Mary's Michael Bayato 1329513 508 Grade 4 2 0
62 Parkland E.S. Drake Chen 1287145 483 Grade 2 4 0
63 Norma Rose Point Arcadi Konoval 1329524 482 Grade 5 1 0
64 St. Anthony of Padua Jeremiah Lam 1266704 466 Grade 4 1.5 0
65 Dr. H.N. MacCorkindale KYLE SHANG 1329614 400 Grade 3 2.5 0
66 Heritage C.S. Micah Trotter 1329906 400 Grade 1 2 0
67 Vancouver Talmud Torah Matthew Kofmansky 1329873 400 Grade 1 3 0
68 Fraser Heights S.S. Devin Lu 1329884 400 Grade 11 4 0
69 Lord Kitchener E.S. Joshua Warrington 1329851 400 Grade 5 1 0
70 General Wolfe E.S. Louri Fichou 1329963 400 Grade 5 2 0
71 James Whiteside E.S. Garrison Wu 1237432 371 Grade 5 3.5 0
72 Pythagoras Academy Teddy Xu 1252855 357 Grade 1 3 0
73 Howard DeBeck E.S. Veronica Jin 1305145 319 Grade 4 1 0
# Player Grade School Section Rating CMA
1 Aiden Zhou Grade 5 St. George's Jr. Grade 5 2273
2 Brandon Zhu Grade 11 Simon Fraser University Grade 11 2205
3 LeoM Qu Grade 7 Pinetree Secondary School Grade 7 2138
4 Aiden Leong Grade 3 DT Grade 3 2131
5 Brian Yang Grade 8 J.N. Burnett S.S. Grade 8 1948
6 Justin Gao Grade K Sir William Osler E.S. Grade K 1834
7 Victor Zheng Grade 7 Vancouver Technical S.S. Grade 7 1776
8 Maven Zheng Grade 10 Eric Hamber S.S. Grade 10 1751
9 Chuyang Gu Grade 5 Herbert Spencer E.S. Grade 5 1708
10 Daniel Du Grade 7 Vancouver College Grade 7 1708
11 Henry Yang Grade 6 Marlborough E.S. Grade 6 1654
12 Eric Jiang Grade 3 St. George's Jr. Grade 3 1542
13 Joey Xu Grade 2 Alpha Secondary School Grade 2 1537
14 Nicholas Wu Preschool R.C. Talmey E.S. Grade K 1459
15 Bowen Wong Grade 3 University Hill S.S. Grade 3 1401
16 Jerry Chen Grade 7 Fraser Wood E.S. Grade 7 1273
17 Eugene Liang Grade 4 Capitol Hill E.S. Grade 4 1256
18 AryaCyrus Boroomand Grade 1 University Hill Secondary Grade 1 1255
19 Jessica Qian Grade 5 Alfred B. Dixon E.S. Grade 5 1236
20 Bill Wang Grade 7 West Point Grey Ac. Grade 7 1198
21 Kaixin Wang Grade 6 Maple Grove Grade 6 1195
22 Anthony ZongYueLi Grade K St.John’s Grade K 1190
23 Katya Shaporenko Grade 7 Scott Creek Middle School Grade 7 1138
24 Ben Zeng Grade 10 St. John's Grade 10 1119
25 Rafael Wang Grade 5 Queen Elizabeth Annex E.S. Grade 5 1111
26 Elaine Fan Grade 5 Crescent Park E.S. Grade 5 1100
27 Enoch Liang Grade 4 Capitol Hill E.S. Grade 4 1081
28 Ryan Huang Grade 4 J.N. Burnett Secondary Grade 4 1054
29 Vincent Guo Grade 3 St. George's Jr. Grade 3 1053
30 Owen Zheng Grade 1 Kwayhquitlum middle school Grade 1 1050
31 Ethan Lam Grade 2 Cleveland Elementary Grade 2 1043
32 James Zhang Grade 2 Heritage Mountain E.S. Grade 2 984
33 Stanley Wu Grade 4 St. George's Jr. Grade 4 984
34 Bruce Chen Grade 6 Citadel M.S. Grade 6 963
35 Simon Wang Grade 3 St. George's Jr. Grade 3 961
36 Milo Eirew Grade 9 St John's Grade 9 950
37 David Li Grade 6 Citadel M.S. Grade 6 931
38 Austin Chen Grade 3 Bramblewood E.S. Coquitlam Grade 3 919
39 Jason Chen Grade 3 St. George's Jr. Grade 3 903
40 Deahyun Lee Grade 11 West Coast C.S. Grade 11 876
41 JangWoong Park Grade 11 Burnaby North S.S. Grade 11 876
42 Benjamin Zhu Grade 6 John Knox C.S. Grade 6 874
43 Aaron Lo Grade 5 St. John's Grade 5 865
44 AnNing Zhang Grade 7 Kwayhquitlum M.S. Grade 7 836
45 Codrin Pompas Grade 1 Lord Tennyson E.S. Grade 1 830
46 Andrew Xue Grade 2 Norma Rose Point E.S. Grade 2 817
47 Andrew Chen Grade 3 St.Georges jr Grade 3 811
48 KevinZhengYi Wang Grade 5 Meadowridge Grade 5 811
49 Max Zhang Grade 6 Erma Stephenson E.S. Grade 6 800
50 Leon Chen Grade 3 Walton E.S. Grade 3 777
51 VenkataVikhyath Kodali Grade 3 Sail Academy Grade 3 768
52 Adam Long Grade 6 Scott Creek M.S. Grade 6 765
53 Jason Sunardi Grade 9 Vancouver College Grade 9 765
54 HyunWoo Lim Grade 8 West Coast C.S. Grade 8 759
55 Visisht Kodali Grade 3 Sail Academy Grade 3 712
56 Jack Edwards Grade 4 St. John's Grade 4 707
57 Sarah Wei Grade 8 Point Grey S.S. Grade 8 702
58 Andy Yang Grade 3 Queen Mary E.S. Grade 3 696
59 ChanHwi Kim Grade 12 New Westminster S.S. Grade 12 692
60 Matthew Ji Grade 4 James McKinney E.S. Grade 4 690
61 Jerry Zheng Grade 4 Erma Stephenson E.S. Grade 4 679
62 Gavin Ng Grade 4 St. John's Grade 4 670
63 Osborn Song Grade 2 St. George's Jr. Grade 2 644
64 Peter Khrissanov Grade 5 Maple Creek M.S. Grade 5 635
65 Gabriel Prisecariu Grade 3 Mulgrave Grade 3 626
66 Shuma Fujiwara Grade 5 Queen Elizabeth Elementary School Grade 5 605
67 Jerry Ma Grade 5 Kerrisdale E.S. Grade 5 597
68 Evan Friesen Grade 4 Sperling E.S. Grade 4 590
69 Pravnoor Mundra Grade 7 St. John's Grade 7 589
70 Sebastian Fok Grade 6 St. John's Grade 6 580
71 SeHa Kwon Grade 7 British Columbia Ac. Grade 7 571
72 Justin Liu Grade 5 St. John's Grade 5 561
73 Maya Abraham Grade 5 General Gordon E.S. Grade 5 548
74 Adrian Kan Grade 6 St. Francis Xavier Grade 6 548
75 Felix Zhou Grade 2 Queen Elizabeth E.S. Grade 2 525
76 Rohan Chadha Grade 4 St. John's Grade 4 520
77 Eliot Matisz Grade 1 Trafalgar Grade 1 515
78 Tyson Murray Grade 4 Kerrisdale E.S. Grade 4 514
79 SolMin Lim Grade 6 West Coast C.S. Grade 6 509
80 Michael Bayato Grade 4 St. Mary's Grade 4 508
81 Steve Kim Grade 4 University Hill E.S. Grade 4 484
82 Cory Kwan Grade 7 Sperling E.S. Grade 7 484
83 Drake Chen Grade 2 Parkland E.S. Grade 2 483
84 Arcadi Konoval Grade 5 Norma Rose Point Grade 5 482
85 Jeremiah Lam Grade 4 St. Anthony of Padua Grade 4 466
86 Franco Agapito Grade 2 Norma Rose Point E.S. Grade 2 431
87 Marvin Xi Grade 3 University Hill E.S. Grade 3 404
88 Wesley Russell Grade 1 St. John's Grade 1 400
89 KYLE SHANG Grade 3 Dr. H.N. MacCorkindale Grade 3 400
90 Harry An Grade 1 St. John's Grade 1 400
91 Serena Chen Grade 8 J.N. Burnett S.S. Grade 8 400
92 Micah Trotter Grade 1 Heritage C.S. Grade 1 400
93 DANIEL ZHU Grade 1 Norma Rose Point E.S. Grade 1 400
94 Walter Zhang Grade K Marlborough E.S. Grade K 400
95 Leonardo Zhou Grade 2 Marlborough E.S. Grade 2 400
96 Andrew McVicar Grade 1 St. John's Grade 1 400
97 Mirabelle Woo Grade 2 St. John's Grade 2 400
98 Minnie Huang Grade 2 St. John's Grade 2 400
99 Laurus Wang Grade 3 Norma Rose Point E.S. Grade 3 400
100 Devin Lu Grade 11 Fraser Heights S.S. Grade 11 400
101 Matthew Kofmansky Grade 1 Vancouver Talmud Torah Grade 1 400
102 Jack Telio Grade 11 St. John's Grade 11 400
103 Cindy Yang Grade 3 Kerrisdale E.S. Grade 3 400
104 Joshua Warrington Grade 5 Lord Kitchener E.S. Grade 5 400
105 Louri Fichou Grade 5 General Wolfe E.S. Grade 5 400
106 Lang Dai Grade 3 University Hill E.S. Grade 3 400
107 Andy Huang Grade 2 St. John's Grade 2 400
108 Melinda Wei Grade 2 Queen Mary E.S. Grade 2 400
109 Nina An Grade 5 St. John's Grade 5 400
110 Daniel Ward Grade 4 St. John's Grade 4 400
111 David Hooftman Grade 4 St. John's Grade 4 400
112 Alexis Chow Grade 4 St. John's Grade 4 400
113 Kian Afshar Grade 3 St. John's Grade 3 400
114 Jerry Xu Grade 2 St. John's Grade 2 400
115 Sebastian Stepnoski Grade 2 St. John's Grade 2 400
116 Terry Deng Grade 3 Kerrisdale E.S. Grade 3 400
117 Oliver Kim Grade 2 University Hill E.S. Grade 2 379
118 Garrison Wu Grade 5 James Whiteside E.S. Grade 5 371
119 Ricky Yin Grade 3 University Hill E.S. Grade 3 361
120 Teddy Xu Grade 1 Pythagoras Academy Grade 1 357
121 Veronica Jin Grade 4 Howard DeBeck E.S. Grade 4 319