Date Saturday, March 29, 2025
Time 12:00 PM-01:30 PM
Location Online
Rounds 3
Format VCS students only
Entry Fee $15
Сancellation time 24 hours
Organizer Maxim Doroshenko


Saturday Quads (U450)


One of our most popular events, the Quads, are now offered exclusively for beginners rated under CMA 450. This will allow students to be gently introduced

to tournament play with competitors of a similar level. This will also give them a unique chance to play other students of a similar level and increase their CMA rating to reach the next


Players above CMA450 may participate in this event, however, will not be eligible for medals unless there are sufficient players to form  CMA450+ Quads.


Vancouver Chess School Quads  温哥华国际象棋学校环赛 

Qualification 条件

Open to all VCS students

Date & Time

Every Saturday, 12:00-1:30pm. 

Time Control 赛时限

Game in 15 minutes; approximately 30 minutes each round

Location 赛地


Schedule 时间

1st round – 12:00pm

2nd round – 12:30pm

3rd round – 1:00pm

Bye request 轮空要求

Unable to offer “bye” restricted by quad format. Must attend to all assigned games

Registration fees 注册

$15. Online only. 

Cut off time 截止时间

Registration closes 24 hrs before the start of the event

Refund policy 退款条件

Receive a full refund if cancelled 24 hrs before the event. Log into student's account and click cancel under "My tournament" 


3-round Quad format. What is Quads?


CMA rated. What is CMA?


Medals to perfect score (3/3) winners. In addition, “Diamond” will be added to your “Wall of fame” account if you are VCS students

Notice to parents



What to bring 必备用品


Questions & Answers




Mandatory prerequisites 

VCS students only. Regular login. No guest registration

Webcam (mandatory) needs to be on during the entire tournament

Computers only (no iPads, or tablets)

Chrome browser is highly preferable 

Registration Rules

Waiting lounge on zoom will be open 30 minutes prior to the start of the tournament.

Zoom meeting and the online tournament arena will be locked once the tournament starts. No late arrivals.

Online Tournament Rules

Please do not "X" out your game. Checkmate, Resign or Draw only.

No draw offers prior to move #30

Anti cheating software in place. No computer support. Any foul play will result in a permanent ban from VCS tournaments.

The player should be alone in the room. Please be mindful of the background noise

No talking during the game.

Please make sure you take washroom breaks in between rounds. Washroom breaks or any reason to leave, during the tournament will result in a forfeit. 

Arbiters decision final


Chess n' Math (CMA)

Vancouver Chess School Photo album 影集

Contact: Voice mail: (604)568-3283

Round Group 1

Online Quads

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[SB]Prize
1Nathan Chang1518107648Grade 3 W2 Game L4 Game W3 Game21003
2Sebastian Lam1643545750Grade 3 L1 Game W3 Game W4 Game2992
3Aathitja Ahilan1640992754Grade 5 W4 Game L2 Game L1 Game11001
4Eddie Lai1488699714Grade 6 L3 Game W1 Game L2 Game1992

Swiss Group 1

Online Quads

#NameCMA IDCMA RatingGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3TotalTBrk[H]TBrk[C]TBrk[O]Prize
1Luca Mitchell1621293615Grade 4 W4 Game W5 Game W3 Game310069
2Ethan Wang1640867567Grade 4 L3 GameBYE (1.0) Game W5 Game29938
3Kinjal Kaur1657506400Grade 9 W2 Game W4 Game L1 Game2100510
4Benson Wang1640856499Grade 4 L1 Game L3 GameBYE (1.0) Game1100111
5Mateo Olaeriu1647066395Grade 5BYE (1.0) Game L1 Game L2 Game110039
6JACK XU1584584619Grade 4BYE (0.0) GameBYE (0.0) GameBYE (0.0) Game010007
# Team Players CMA ID CMA Rating Grade Score Total
1 Dr AR Lord Elementary Mateo Olaeriu 1647066 395 Grade 5 1 0
2 Southpointe Ac. Nathan Chang 1518107 648 Grade 3 2 0
3 Larson E.S. Sebastian Lam 1643545 750 Grade 3 2 0
4 Urban Academy Kinjal Kaur 1657506 400 Grade 9 2 0
5 Trafalgar E.S. Ethan Wang 1640867 567 Grade 4 2 0
Benson Wang 1640856 499 Grade 4 1
6 St Francis Xavier Eddie Lai 1488699 714 Grade 6 1 0
7 Sunset Elementary Luca Mitchell 1621293 615 Grade 4 3 0
8 Nicomekl Elementary Aathitja Ahilan 1640992 754 Grade 5 1 0
9 Norma Rose Point E.S. JACK XU 1584584 619 Grade 4 0 0
# Player Grade School Section Rating CMA
1 Aathitja Ahilan Grade 5 Nicomekl Elementary Online Quads 754
2 Sebastian Lam Grade 3 Larson E.S. Online Quads 750
3 Eddie Lai Grade 6 St Francis Xavier Online Quads 714
4 Nathan Chang Grade 3 Southpointe Ac. Online Quads 648
5 JACK XU Grade 4 Norma Rose Point E.S. Online Quads 619
6 Luca Mitchell Grade 4 Sunset Elementary Online Quads 615
7 Ethan Wang Grade 4 Trafalgar E.S. Online Quads 567
8 Benson Wang Grade 4 Trafalgar E.S. Online Quads 499
9 Kinjal Kaur Grade 9 Urban Academy Online Quads 400
10 Mateo Olaeriu Grade 5 Dr AR Lord Elementary Online Quads 395