Date Sunday, April 14, 2013
Time 10:00 AM-04:30 PM
Location 252-4255, Arbutus str, Vancouver, BC, V6J1Z1
Rounds 3-5
Entry Fee $25
Сancellation time 12 hours
Pre-registration Due to seating limitation, registration is based on first come, first serve basis. All participants must pre-register online.
On site registration Check in time: 9:15 to 9:35am. All participants must pre-register online. First round of play starts at 10:00am
Organizer Maxim Doroshenko
Tournament Director Vivien Lai
Chief Arbiter Butch Villavieja & Gyan Awatramani

You can choose to participate in shorter games with your scholastic groups, or longer games with stronger challengers. For Scholastic section, you can inquire to play up a section with the older age groups. We welcome players who are rated 1200 (NWRS) or 900 (CFC) and above to join in regular CFC rated section. It is a great opportunity to polish your skills before the upcoming regional and provincial tournaments.




# Player Grade School Section Rating CMA
1 Kevin Low Grade 2 Dr. George M. Weir E.S. CFC Section: Players with ratings 1200 (NWSRS) / 900 (CFC) and above. 2095
2 Victor Zheng Grade 3 Vancouver Technical S.S. CFC Section: Players with ratings 1200 (NWSRS) / 900 (CFC) and above. 1776
3 Maven Zheng Grade 6 Eric Hamber S.S. CFC Section: Players with ratings 1200 (NWSRS) / 900 (CFC) and above. 1751
4 Andrew Xu Grade K Mulgrave K-2nd Grade (Scholastic Section) 1728
5 Ethan Low Grade 4 Moscrop S.S. CFC Section: Players with ratings 1200 (NWSRS) / 900 (CFC) and above. 1714
6 Alec Chung Grade 4 St. George's Jr. CFC Section: Players with ratings 1200 (NWSRS) / 900 (CFC) and above. 1712
7 Daniel Du Grade 3 Vancouver College CFC Section: Players with ratings 1200 (NWSRS) / 900 (CFC) and above. 1708
8 Dylan Fox Grade 5 Mulgrave 6th-12th Grade (Scholastic Section) 1654
9 Lucian Wu Grade 1 Sir Matthew Begbie E.S. K-2nd Grade (Scholastic Section) 1543
10 Jim Guo Grade 3 West Bay E.S. 3rd-5th Grade (Scholastic Section) 1528
11 Joseph Dobrzanski Grade 9 John Oliver S.S. CFC Section: Players with ratings 1200 (NWSRS) / 900 (CFC) and above. 1474
12 Brian Butchart Grade 5 Prince of Wales S.S. CFC Section: Players with ratings 1200 (NWSRS) / 900 (CFC) and above. 1410
13 Brian Zhang Grade 4 Capitol Hill E.S. 3rd-5th Grade (Scholastic Section) 1410
14 Kevin Butchart Grade 2 Tecumseh E.S. CFC Section: Players with ratings 1200 (NWSRS) / 900 (CFC) and above. 1375
15 NeoSiNeng Wu Grade 4 Riverdale E.S. 3rd-5th Grade (Scholastic Section) 1354
16 Jason Shao Grade 8 Vancouver Coll. 6th-12th Grade (Scholastic Section) 1275
17 KevinM Liu Grade 1 University Hill E.S. K-2nd Grade (Scholastic Section) 1224
18 AngelinaBoWen Yang Grade 3 Mulgrave 3rd-5th Grade (Scholastic Section) 1202
19 JerryNaRui Zhang Grade 2 Collingwood K-2nd Grade (Scholastic Section) 1133
20 John Smith Grade K St. John's K-2nd Grade (Scholastic Section) 1078
21 Nicholas Pan Grade 3 St. John's 3rd-5th Grade (Scholastic Section) 1010
22 Lyndon Ho Grade 2 Lord Kitchener K-2nd Grade (Scholastic Section) 967
23 Aaron Chiu Grade 1 Taylor Park E.S. K-2nd Grade (Scholastic Section) 888
24 Will Wu Grade 1 St.George Jr. K-2nd Grade (Scholastic Section) 668
25 KevinJiaDong Wang Grade 2 Sir Wilfrid Laurier E.S. K-2nd Grade (Scholastic Section) 660
26 Colin Wang Grade K Sir Wilfrid Laurier E.S. K-2nd Grade (Scholastic Section) 600
27 Brenden Wu Grade 6 Stratford Hall CFC Section: Players with ratings 1200 (NWSRS) / 900 (CFC) and above. 0
28 Alex Smith Grade 4 St. John's Elementary School 3rd-5th Grade (Scholastic Section) 0
29 Taylor Goldblatt Grade 7 Stratford Hall 6th-12th Grade (Scholastic Section) 0
30 Sarah Murray Grade 3 3rd-5th Grade (Scholastic Section) 0
31 Alfred Chung Grade 3 Corpus Christi 3rd-5th Grade (Scholastic Section) 0
32 Brandon Chan Grade 3 3rd-5th Grade (Scholastic Section) 0
33 Aaron Sun Grade 5 3rd-5th Grade (Scholastic Section) 0
34 Hernayan Virk Grade 1 K-2nd Grade (Scholastic Section) 0
35 David Chen Grade 2 K-2nd Grade (Scholastic Section) 0
36 KevinN Zhou Grade 11 6th-12th Grade (Scholastic Section) 0
37 David Jiang Grade 1 west point grey academy 3rd-5th Grade (Scholastic Section) 0
38 Guilliano Lozano Grade 3 3rd-5th Grade (Scholastic Section) 0
39 Harrison Chen Grade 7 Scott Creek Middle School 6th-12th Grade (Scholastic Section) 0
40 Julian Lozano Grade 6 6th-12th Grade (Scholastic Section) 0
41 Zhengxian Cao Grade 2 K-2nd Grade (Scholastic Section) 0